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Constant headache with neck pain- 2 weeks on TMS method

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Juno, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Juno

    Juno Peer Supporter

    I've had a inretractable headache and one sided neck pain for over 3 months, meaning nothing has helped it, not any medication, intervention, or therapy has even touched it. Christmas Day I found my first Dr. Sarno video on YouTube. The next day I quit all my medication, my appetite came back and I started taking back my life. (I had quit my job, stopped eating, and my relationship was suffering). I've already improved other mindbody problems like my frequent urination (I was getting up 3-4 times per night, now I don't get up at all) and gastrointestinal issues (you can imagine). It has been almost 2 weeks and every time I have a doubt or get anxious I journal, read some of Dr. Sarno's book, or tell myself I'm healthy and there is nothing wrong with me. I really want this pain to stop, I'm tired of being scared. I wanted to reach out with my current situation because I am all alone and I need more support.
    Mermaid and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Juno,
    Since you have improved so much, there is no need to worry that your neck and headache will not improve too.
    You are on the right track girl, really. Be proud of what you accomplished already and let that give you courage and patience to beat the remaining symptoms.
    Hang in there, just let time and moderate work on your TMS do the rest.
  3. Juno

    Juno Peer Supporter

    Thank you Gigalos for your encouraging words. It's really great to get support from others who have gone through/are going through this. It can feel very defeating at times.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Juno, welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your new path!

    You'll find tons of support here, and if you haven't already found it on our wiki, be sure to check out the SEP: the Structured Educational Program: http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Structured_Educational_Program (Structured Educational Program)

    The SEP is a free daily program designed by the founding volunteers of tmswiki.org. It introduces you to all kinds of different resources, exercises, and techniques, so you can learn what works for you, and it also encourages making posts here as you progress.

    There's also another great program, less structured, and donated by the wonderful Alan Gordon, LSCW (and friend of the forum): http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/TMS_Recovery_Program (TMS Recovery Program).

    Good luck, and keep us posted!

  5. Juno

    Juno Peer Supporter

    Thank you, Jan. I've started the SEP treatment plan based on your recommendation. Would you have a quick link to the TMS physicians? I'm having trouble finding it and would like to see if there would possibly be one near me. I haven't found one otherwise.
  6. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    [QUOTE=" I really want this pain to stop, I'm tired of being scared. [/QUOTE]

    This the TMS trap at work. Recovery happens the other way around, once you stop being scared of the pain will ease.

    I'm sorry you're in so much pain and feel alone. I get the same symptom intermittently, when I'm in bad shape emotionally.

    You need to cut it down to size and realize that it's not some monster, just the result of emtional tension.

    Hope you get some relief soon.
  7. hippiesabotage

    hippiesabotage New Member

    This the TMS trap at work. Recovery happens the other way around, once you stop being scared of the pain will ease.

    I'm sorry you're in so much pain and feel alone. I get the same symptom intermittently, when I'm in bad shape emotionally.

    You need to cut it down to size and realize that it's not some monster, just the result of emtional tension.

    Hope you get some relief soon.[/QUOTE]
    I double what Mermaid says: Do not be afraid and take a look at the concept of outcome independence.

    I am on week one and still have pain but I have found the above ideas to be beneficial and effective in spite of the pain. Best wishes and we will get through this!
    Mermaid and Juno like this.
  8. Ines

    Ines Well known member

    I'm sorry you are suffering. I wish there were magic words I could say that could make the pain go away. The sites and programs people suggested above will help you. It sounds like you might be doing them already.
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't judge yourself when you feel your headache. Or is it a migraine?
    Make more time to do nothing and take the time just for yourself. Don't criticize yourself. Have a lot of self compassion for yourself.
    The anxiety and fear is TMS too and just makes the headache worse. Just remind yourself that it's your unconscious manifesting this pain. Pay attention to when things make you tense and worry. Usually brought on by your personality.
    If it helps, I had constant headaches, migraines, anxiety,and neck pain for almost 6 years. About 3 full blown migraines a week.
    I've been doing the TMS strategy since May and i'm down to 1 migraine a month and can recover pretty quickly from it. It's an ongoing process but I have seen improvements. Stick to it.
    Saffron and Mermaid like this.
  9. Juno

    Juno Peer Supporter

    Thank you Ines for your comment. It helps me to hear from someone else who has suffered from a constant headache, and has made progress in recovery. Mine seem to be tension headaches that range in severity throughout the day. I'm doing the TMS recovery program, on week 3 now. My functionality has definitely improved, despite the pain. For the past 2 days I took my 9 year old son snow-sledding and actually had fun! I'm looking for more activities that I enjoy to redirect my attention. I've noticed for the past year or so, even before the headaches began, I haven't done much for myself. I slave through a routine of housework and mindless tv watching and doing things for other people. I haven't done anything truly enjoyable for myself in a very long time.
    Saffron, Mermaid and Ines like this.
  10. Ines

    Ines Well known member

    Hi Juno,
    I'm glad you found this program and it sounds like you have a big hint at some things that have your unconscious rage meter over flowing. I have a very similar story. Add in some things for you and little by little it helps. One day you'll look in the mirror and say "oh hi, I remember you." Sounds corny, but it's true.
    Also, notice how tense you are throughout the day. I notice that when I'm driving I stop breathing. I'm always thinking about things I need to get done and my mind wanders. You have to check yourself and keep pulling yourself into the present. Keep slowing down and don't pressure or worry yourself about being perfect.
    Remember it took a long time for your mind to manifest this pain and it will take some time for your nerves to behave differently. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
    Mermaid likes this.
  11. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm the wrong person to ask, because I self-diagnosed myself and didn't worry about getting an official diagnosis. I'd already had plenty of MDs and other practitioners tell me there wasn't anything wrong with me, so after Dr. Sarno explained (in The Divided Mind) everything I needed to know, I had no need to spend even more money for yet another MD to tell me that my primitive fearful brain was causing my symptoms!

    I knew that my next step was to get a handle on my anxiety, which is why my second favorite book after TDM, is Hope and Help For Your Nerves, by Dr. Claire Weekes.

    Somewhere on tmswiki.org, I recall that there is a list of TMS physicians by area. There are also TMS practitioners that will treat remotely.
  12. Juno

    Juno Peer Supporter

    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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