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weird pelvic symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by kimaya, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    hi i have been having health anxiety since childhood ,when i was 17 i started having panick attacks which i though was due to heart condition as i had no idea what panic attacks are i took me long time to get convinced but after therapy and medication my breathing came back to normal and i stopped medication life was good for 3 years with some random panic here and there in 2017 i remember i had some problem with my eyes (floaters and weird feeling) went to doctor thrice and it went away
    in jan'18 i had a uti i was on a holiday so it wasn't treated properly came back test confirmed uti took antibiotics i was fine just seemed a bit off took more antibiotics it went away but that a bit odd feeling stayed i was uti free in Feb which freaked me out since i was still feeling off i thought there has to be something did the worst thing googled came to know about ic and thought my life was over i was getting suicidal went to more doctors had alot of cultures to rule out infection and ultrasounds and blood test all tests came back normal till then i developed weird pain in vagina that comes and goes then focus shifted to vulvodynia googled like crazy i used to google 5 hours day and those forums are a very dark place to be i used to cry everyday thinking why it's happening with me at such a young age then i got to know about tms and iam hopeful.
    my current symptoms include
    burning vulva pain on and off
    shooting pain down urethra sometimes
    pubic boon heaviness and pain
    pain at start of urination

    also the recent urologist i went to wanted to do cystoscopy with hydro which my mom refused as i have no bladder pain or urgency and i could make matter worse with a false diagnosis as she is aware of my health anxiety
    now my mind is stuck to what if i have inflammation , what if i have some virus , what if i never get my life back
    also i have started journal-ling and sep but the main issue is iam having semester off holidays and i mostly stay at home all day and i have no distractions iam constantly obsessing over pain about how much water i drank how much times i went to pee etc
    anyone who recovered from these symptoms would be a huge help.
    sorry for such a long post had to vent it out.
  2. Bodhigirl

    Bodhigirl Well known member

    Oh, welcome! I just signed on and saw your post... Looks like you were just here!
    I am so sorry for your suffering and so glad that you found us.
    We have a wonderful structured program most of us have done at least once... I urge you to begin. The fear of the fear, the fear of the suffering, definitelyl causes our suffering. Please never apologize for writing long posts or venting here. We are here to listen, give support and receive the same support whenever we need it.
    Keep reaching out. Read Sarno's book. Once you are convinced that fear/rage/grief/anxiety are the cause of physical symptoms, they have far less hold on you. Trust it. My favorite Sarno story is saying, "The unconscious mind gave us symtoms the way that a magician makes you think that a rabbit appeared in an empty hat. There is no magic. There is no rabbit." That is my mantra. No rabbit in the hat. There is nothing wrong with me but my thinking and feeling and my fear of my own existence.
    Giving you a virtual welcoming hug,
    westb and Lizzy like this.
  3. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    thank you for motivating me iam just scared of what if it goes worse and its consuming me
    Bodhigirl likes this.
  4. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    i have all these symptoms. they've thrown around the terms Interstitial Cystitis, Pelvic floor dysfunction, pudendal neuralgia, vulvodynia....
    It's all the same stuff though. Hypersensitivity in the pelvis and possibly abnormal muscle tension. This is all a result of TMS and an overactive nervous system. My symptoms wax and wane, so i know it's not true nerve damage. Also, antiinflammatories generally dont work for these conditions. It's more in the nerves than anything. using mind/body techniques can help this. i'm 30-50% better.
  5. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    btw, the biggest thing that has helped me, is to slowly do things that i used to fear caused me pain. Slowly getting your life back WILL train your brain that activities are safe. You might get a bit of flareups first, but dont worry about it. I keep having to tell myself "yes, flares suck, but they always calm down eventually". Keep telling yourself that. Fear feeds this condition. The pelvic floor is very linked to the autonomic nervous system, so being anxious, stressed, or constantly in a state of fight or flight will really affect the pelvis.
  6. yoyo12

    yoyo12 Peer Supporter

    I'm experiencing the exact same right now.

    This is how I keep thinking, I was able to conquer other tms symptoms but now that I got over them I'm obsessed with pelvic pain symptoms, panicking it's a prolapsed bladder or uterus or something. I want this to end so bad...
  7. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    I know that I report only my experience and that perhaps for others it was not so .. but only one thing I want to tell you .. before knowing this forum ... I arrived at the site of the magnificent Dr. Shubiner.
    I have done many medical and non-medical courses ... I have read many books on tms .. but only with the program of Dr. Shubiner I have seen results. It was hard not to think it's simple ... very hard! But it works ...
    I bought the Doctor's book and I started to follow the program (alone) ... it was hard and I thought nothing was happening ... instead after a few months ... a little miracle and day after day the symptoms are going away.

    At the moment my worst problem is anxiety .... but the burning, back pain, neck, cystitis, dizziness ... everything is going away ..symptoms I had for years!
    Mary is winning 10 to 1 and this 1 is anxiety ...
    HattieNC likes this.
  8. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    iam same my fear of it getting worse consumes me
    what are your symptoms ?
  9. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    thank you mary i had two good days and i was so happy but symptoms returned today and iam depressed again :(
  10. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    Do not worry, it's like a yo-yo. . today it grows tomorrow it drops. It will be like this for a while,so do not be downed if you have bad days, you have to stop the vicious circle of fear. . I'm still fighting with so many things. . and I hope one day to be able to say that I have completely recovered.
  11. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I have had symptoms of this since February I'm am finally seeing a urologist I'm supposed to be getting a ultrasound in a week and a cystoscopy in a few weeks (I'm a male) should I i don't have any urgency or frequency but I do have flow issues sometimes. I'm worried the procedure might make it worse.

    Any experiences with them ?
  12. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    the procedure will not make the symptoms worse. It will perhaps be a bit unpleasant or painful the moment you do it. you said to have flow problems, have you ever checked whether by chance the muscles of the area are contracted? here for muscle relaxation members recommend magnesium. I am trying it and I must say that I feel the difference, even if there have been no miracles.
  13. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I have not but I will look into it magnesuim glycerin correct? I only have a weak bad flow when I'm experiencing flare up (currently am at the moment) along with the burning urination. It typically only lasts a few days and only comes around every other week or soc. When I'm not flared up I have the back pain and a little bit of flow issues but it's pretty well normal just not at the end
  14. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    hi i read your post and our symptoms re very similar also us people with health anxiety are hypersensitive to symptoms its been 5 months and i can't get mt mind off them also a urologist offered me cystoscopy but my mom declined as she thought my symptoms are anxiety related .
    please keep me upated about your findings with the urologist
  15. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Dear Kimaya, so sorry that you are going through this. It is no fun. I know. What you describe sounds like TMS related to the urethra, genitals and the pelvic. You said your urologist wanted to do a cystoscopy with hydrodistension. I had this to rule out interstitial cystitis (not to confuse with bladder pain syndrome etc.). I don’t think you have interstitial cystitis, but I think it might be a good idea to have a simple in-office cystoscopy. It’s not hurtful, just uncomfortable. There they can see also the urethra. I expect that they will find nothing. And this is good news for you! You have a history of anxiety and health anxiety - I really sympathize with you. I also have the tendency to freak out because of e.g. some pain felt in the stomach, thinking that this must be cancer. What we are doing is catastrophizing. And this contributes to the anxiety and the pain. The nerve system is upregulated and the pain gets worse.
    In order to stop the vicious circle you need to do two things: 1. Rule out any infection, structural damage etc. You need to have an urologist you can trust. You could contact Dr. Schubiner or one of the other TMS doctors if they could recommend one. 2. You will get the result that they cannot find anything, I am pretty sure. Then you can fully concentrate on the TMS path. Maybe you should consider a psychotherapist to help you. Dr. Schubiner book is really good. I go back to it whenever I have a flare.
    And that is the next thing you need to know: it’s a bit a bumpy road with set backs. You feel better and then suddenly the pain comes again. You will learn to first analyze why the pain starts and secondly be then able to prevent having pain.
    All looks bleak now, I totally understand, but you can have hope! You will recover from this!
    All best!
  16. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    If your flow is not so good it could be the prostrate. But often it is dysfunctional way of peeing. This is something an urologist can test. The cystoscopy is more discomfortable for men than for women, but it should not be hurtful. And it won’t make things worse.
    All the best!
  17. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Yep the hardest part For me is accepting that u isn't have any structural damage in my back (I most likely don't) as I just took a fall on my tailbone 6 months ago it's healed most likely I had multiple doctors look at it said it was just soft tissue muscle I could also just have a weak back from top much sitting in the last year or so I doubt I have a herniated disc as I'm only 23
  18. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    this thing is literally driving me mad iam obsessed about it i google about it whole day and i worry about having ic all day its been happening from 5 months i have lost my ability to enjoy life no matter what i do or try it remains on my mind 24/7 even if iam watching tv to distract my self i think about the characters like how they don't have any discomfort like i do i wish i could be free bla bla for me the worst part is this its giving me headaches i sit at home whole day google and think about it it's been going on for around for 5 months then i think wheather accepting cystoscopy would have resolved it what should be my next step i seriously wish internet didm't exist i wish i didn't google my symptoms after uti test came back clear and just let it be maybe it would be better its destroying me not the physical body but the emotional i don't feel like myself anymore i cry whole day i worry about future
  19. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Dear Kimaya, yes, googling is counter productive. You feed your pain. Therefore it would be much better to have a doctor you can trust and who tells you that nothing is wrong with you. You should consider to contact a TMS doctor. There is a list on this TMS wiki homepage. There might be others in your area, you could ask here in the forum.

    Stop reading about IC! Not only because you are getting more anxious than you already are, but because there is so many wrong stuff about IC out there. To make long story short: real IC is a very, very rare disease where the bladder is filled with cracks and scars. Its severe tissue damage. It’s not just thin bladder lining or a defect in the bladder lining that is not visible. That is nonsense. They broadened the group of patients in order to put them under the label IC by just putting everyone with similar symptoms into this category. And then urologists started to hypothisize all sorts of ‘explanations’ for the pain. They just never thought of the psychological aspect. Urologists are now not so sure anymore about their diagnostic criteria and the whole classification of IC.
    So, IC is rare. What most women (and man) have is a proces where muscle tension and general sentitization produces the pain you describe.
    So, your pain is most likely TMS. So, you can calm down! But this is easier said than done, I know. Therefore, if you think you cannot manage alone, you should try to get help. I would contact one of the doctors who are experienced with TMS.
    I wish you calmness and hope!
  20. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    hi thank you for helping me out one thing which is really annoying me is the fact i had a uti in number which went away in 3 days i had second one during a trip i got to a doctor got some medicines as he gave me alot of it i only took for 1 day as symptoms vanished next day i drank alcohol while partying on the trip and the symptoms came back the next day i went back to doctor again and finished antibiotics came back went to my regular doctor she tested me and gave me antibiotics still come symtoms remained and i freaked out i googled and from there this whole situation started also i think if i would have taken the full course and not drank alcohol things would have been fine

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