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Severe eye problem

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Ashutosh, Nov 11, 2018.

  1. Ashutosh

    Ashutosh Newcomer

    Am I going through tms pain.

    My condition is as follows:-

    After 5-10 Mon continuous glaring at screen eye pressure develops behind my head and I start too much yawning.If I continue staring at screen my back of the head becomes very stiff and a time comes when I am not able to focus on screen.Also if I do too much screening more than 10 mins I can't sleep and it is difficult to read text. Due to eye pressure sometimes it is difficult to close eyes and give rest to it.I have to lay on the bed for more than 10 hours to reduce the eye pressure

    I only start yawning after I see screen.When I see the screen for 5 mins and after that my eyes easily get very tired and I feel that my temporal muscles are very stretched and strained.If I stare at screen for more than 15-20 mins a time comes when my temporal muscles ,muscles just above my forehead, muscles just above my neckget very tired and stretched and I am not able to focus on anything(like reading a book) an I feel like I can't think anymore Now to get relieved from this state I have to rest on bed, and do continuous forced yawning till the muscles around around my eyes and muscles which I mentioned earlier get relaxed only then I could sleep and do other activities.My yawning is not natural and I can feel heat (hot air) coming from my mouth whenever I stare at screen to get back to normal.I can easily read books for 8-9 hours but whenever I see any screen beit of computer,TV or mobile phone I can't tolerate.In my case on looking at screen for long time my eyes not that much but my muscles which I mentioned get very hard and stiff and to sleep in night or read something like for 1 hour I can read only 1 page of book.Also I have seen that when I go outside for walk and when I do forced yawn my vision gets improved(I am myopic) and there is some stiffness over my forehead muscles which get relaxed and I can easily focus on anything .When I increase my time of screening for very long like 1 hour then my muscles get stiff ,I have to do forced yawn ,go outside and try to sleep and for 3-4 days I can't sleep ,my body doesn't get rest(very less) due to which I have very low energy level , such that even if I try to shout the person sitting next to me could only hear or sometiimes not.

    2 years ago I didn't had the problem of seeing any screen but at that time something suddenly occured( or my body changed) that I lost my sleep.How hard I tried to sleep but I was unable to.It was like in 1 week I can only sleep for 1 day ( that also rarely happened).For me everyday was a struggle cause my body got very tired easily.This happened with me for 1 year but the day I started studying in led lights (9W LED but LED over 9W also pained)and not in tube light my eye muscles didn't get tired or hard and stiff.But just after one year I found that whenever I saw screen my sleep at night becomes worse and sometimes I wasn't able to sleep when I used my mobile phone but that time I could stare at it for 1 hour or more. Due to study pressure I limited my phone use to 10-20 mins and gradually I found my situation getting even worser and now it is difficult for me to look at any screen.(but can manage in dim light for 10-15mins.

    My age is 16, I really need help coz I want to pursue engineering and I live in a country where good job opportunities are only given to only engineering or medical students.For me this year and next year are crucial years which will decide my future and if I am not able to find cure I wouldn't be able to do anything rest of my life.Also most of good jobs require working with computers.

    Please help me out!!!!!!!
  2. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    First of all: you seemed to be very stressed, not only because of the eye problems but also in general. You are very much concerned with your education and your chances later in life. That puts a lot of pressure on you. I understand your concern, but one also put too much pressure upon oneself. You seem to worry a lot, that fits also what you tell about your history of not being able to sleep.
    Secondly I want to say that we here on this site cannot diagnose your condition. It might be stress related, yes. Then your neck muscles get tense etc. It might also be something else. You should see a doctor to rule out any other condition.
    I doubt very much that a doctor will find something, but to be sure is always good.
    What you mostly need are emphatic people around you, people who support you and help you to not worry so much. Are your parents helpful? Do the know about your problem and how you feel?
    Try to have some relaxed time with friends or family. That helps often to calm down. If you have TMS there is help, for sure!
    Shakermaker likes this.
  3. Ashutosh

    Ashutosh Newcomer

    The sleeping problem remained for 1 year but the day I switched to LED lights of 9W which I still remember I had a complete 6-7 hour sleep in night and days onwards I got sleep though less intense (like 4hours) but everything became fine.I was too relaxed and destressed that problem of sleep had gone from my life but that year I was preparing for competitive exam and when I was in class 10 I tried to cover too much syllabus(class 8,9,10- maths ,science,social studies , English,Mental ability) in just 5 months- ( EXAM NAME:NTSE HELD ON 5TH NOVEMBER 2017)
    I was taking coaching for this thing.

    3 days coaching ,1 day test , rest 3 days i got to study and target was somewhat 12 chapter social science(history, geography,civics) and other chapters of maths, science.
    That year in the month of November I gave that exam.
    One one day I was so tired or stressed that whole day I would be studying (though I went 45 mins outside to do running or walk) that when I ended studying (at 10:00pm) I only listened to music to relax myself for 30-40 mins(if I stopped doing I would not be able to sleep and my body would be all tired and mind not working). I also reduced looking at screen.I watched TV for 20 mins.

    When I was in class 9th I was preparing another exam named JSTSE HELD ON 4TH FEBRUARY 2017. I started preparing for it seriously from September 2016.but a that time I used my phone for 1 hour every day either playing game or searching for something(looked at screen).

    I went check up my eye vision , everything was fine just what they found was my muscles were a bit weak. From June or July I started vision therapy program to strengthen my muscles I have just completed 2/3 of the program but the problem still persists
    I would say there was only a small improvement but things arent becoming better
    I am at age of 16 and as there only two good professions in my country all that is medical and engineering.I want to opt for engineering and for engineering and medical entrance exam (or any other exams like lawyer) I have to give computer based exam but my eye problem stops me from doing this
    I am from India,
    I went check up my eye vision , everything was fine just what they found was my muscles were a bit weak. From June or July I started vision therapy program to strengthen my muscles I have just completed 2/3 of the program but the problem still persists
    I would say there was only a small improvement but things arent becoming better
    I am at age of 16 and as there only two good professions in my country all that is medical and engineering.I want to opt for engineering and for engineering and medical entrance exam (or any other exams like lawyer) I have to give computer based exam but my eye problem stops me from doing this.
    till July,2018 I had my brother living with me who just 1year older than me.I used to talk him and de-stress myself.I also had friends to talk to so never felt that lonely. Though I was not that communicative to my parents coz they never understood me only my brother understood me.
  4. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    From what you tell me I think your problem is stress related. I don’t know the situation in India, if you have easy access to psychotherapy. And of course, your parents need to agree upon that. If this is possible you could try that.
    Anyway, you seemed to be a smart and intelligent young man. Otherwise you would not have found this forum. What does your intuition tell you? That you worry too much about the future and your school grades? Maybe you will learn better and with more fun if you don’t assume that you have no future with one of the jobs you mention. Maybe other jobs are in the future as good as engineering, medical doctor or lawyer? And do you know if you would be a happy enigeer, Doctor or lawyer? Look more at what you like and I think you will do much better!
  5. arghmakeitstop

    arghmakeitstop New Member

    I live in the U.K. and I’ve just started going to a public speaking club. There’s a guy from India who talks about his life there and how it is expected that you become an engineer or doctor. It all sounds quite high pressure.
    What’s your favourite music? I like folk music and sing a lot.
    I thought my headaches might relate to screen time as 8:30-9 i’m In front of a computer most days. I got my eyes checked to be on the safe side, but since doing Alan Gordon’s 21 day programme my head is fine-now I get tummy ache instead! Hopefully the 6 week programme will fix that too.
    Good luck!

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