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Can’t anymore am about to kill my self

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Karim, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I can’t deal anymore with LPR am not gonna live the rest of my life like this I prefer to be dead
  2. linnyc87

    linnyc87 Peer Supporter

    I know exactly how you feel, Karim. Although I hate dealing with this, I've attempted suicide before and I'm truly glad that I didn't succeed. I deserve to experience healing and happiness before I die and I'm not leaving this earth until I do.

    You deserve it, too.
    Lainey and Karim like this.
  3. zeeman01

    zeeman01 Peer Supporter

    Karim, you can get through this. I was deeply depressed when I had my throat pain and I couldn't sleep. Please try and reach to the naturalpath that I messaged you about. I found here on rateMD from the rating below. She has helped many including me. I think she can help reduce your symptoms while you work on the TMS aspects. See story below

    Ratings for Shah

    I am really glad to have found Dr. Shah - by chance. I was going from one doctor to another, which was taking a long time and no results. I was dealing with food allergies, IBS, nightly choking and throat closing due to a horrible acid reflux, could not sleep worrying about choking to death and could not eat (worrying about what would kill me). Antiacids (pump inhibitors) and Fodmap diet were not working. Dr. Shah was suggested an anti-inflammatory diet, which may have been difficult to start with, but I would do anything to sleep a night. It has been two months and I don't even feel my stomach anymore, no reflux. I can sleep at night without fear. Allergy/intolerance testing may have been expensive, but essential to avoid triggers and helped tremendously. Dr. Shah has a wonderful bedside manner, and a lot of patience! She responds to emails and makes herself available. I appreciated her diet 'training' methods as well - normally, I am very undisciplined. If I was not asked by her to fill out the diet schedules for the first 6 weeks. I would not have learned all the right habits. I am still working on the remaining issues and hope to get out of them soon, but I feel that this Dr. has literally saved my sanity. I was contemplating suicide methods for some time in the future, because I could not imagine living the way I was living for the rest of my life. Now I feel like I am a normal, albeit somewhat sick human being, with some control over my life. Thank you, Dr. Shah.
  4. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I live in Puerto Rico and I have low income cause I am working by myself. I can’t afford a expensive naturopath
  5. thecomputer

    thecomputer Well known member

    Have you had tests done for LPR/silent reflux? Or is it just that you have pain in your throat? I thought I had LPR for years, thats what everyone said. It turns out I dont
  6. zeeman01

    zeeman01 Peer Supporter

    Karim, she is not that expensive but one thing she had me do that you can try is to have a warm glass of water with lemon and a pinch of baking soda half an hour before breakfast. It's very alkaline and soothing for the throat. Please don't forget that these is a lot of joy and fun things in your life you can do while still having a painful throat.
  7. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    The ENT did a laringoscopy, told me my irritation was due to a silent reflux
  8. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

  9. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    This is my sore painful throat, I posted a pic so have an idea of what I have. Lemon and water did nothing and baking soda. I have tried so many natural remedies and nothing
  10. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    With Covid I don’t think there are many options besides what am doing am doing weight lifting and cardio and painting canvases
  11. thecomputer

    thecomputer Well known member

    Hey, your throat doesn't look as bad as mine and I've seen 13 Ent doctors! The best ones in England, had 4 endoscopies and a gastroscopy. LPR is one of the most overdiagnosed things in the world now, if you have throat pain thats what they say.

    Your throat looks very healthy to me, I dont see any abnormal irritation, its pink and looks good. I did loads of acid reflux diets, nothing changed.

    What are your symptoms? I'm not a doctors, but I've spent over 4 years with my throat issues, seen so many specialists, done so much research, and you have a health looking throat! Do you have tonsils still? I think I can see a small one on the left. Have you suffered from anxiety much in your life? Emotional issues, stress, etc?
    Karim likes this.
  12. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    My throat suppose to be pink and it’s red. My symptoms are burning tongue, burning back of throat, yes I have tonsils, yes I have suffered from anxiety and emotional issues. I have overcome crps rsd, cpps chronic pelvic pain, but this started one day I had a lot of stomach pain went to the ER did lots of test and nothing appeared. Then went to the ent cause I thought I had throat infection and he told me I have silent reflux
  13. Miss Metta

    Miss Metta Peer Supporter

    LPR is TMS. I've had it. I don't at the moment because I have morning depression instead but it is TMS. I knew it was TMS because oneday after moving state my husband went away with friends for 4 days, leaving me in a new house, new state knowing no one or the area, surrounded by unpacked boxes. the silent reflux reared up very badly then. I was hoarse, I could barely speak. It settled down when he came home. It comes and goes. But you wanted to know if it's TMS, if a gastroscopy has ruled out any stomach issues and whatever tests they might need to do, and your diet isn't one full of cola, chocolate, wine and coffee, then it's TMS.

    I should add one idiot doctor sent me for a lung xray because of the chronic cough - he went straight to the worst-case scenario, didn't even consider silent reflux!
    Karim likes this.
  14. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    My diet isn’t the best, how do I know for sure if it’s tms or no? I have burning pain on one side of my throat the other side is ok.
  15. Miss Metta

    Miss Metta Peer Supporter

    yep, my throat looked pretty bad, too.

    The way you know it's TMS is this: get it checked out by a doctor, and whatever tests they want to run.
    If they can't find anything wrong and diagnose "idiopathic reflux", or something like that, then you know it's TMS.
    You have to first rule out if anything serious is going on by a doctor.
    That's the start.
    You went to an ENT. I haven't read all your posts but has your doctor sent you to a gastroenterologist? They need to rule out anything going on in your stomach and digestive tract.
    You cannot know it's TMS until a medical cause is eliminated. We could sit her all day speculating, but never get to a conclusion.
    A big clue that it is TMS is that you've had it before.
    But you still need to get medical clearance.
    I have had some kind of TMS all my life, and earlier this year I ignored stomach pain, because I'd had it before, thinking it was just TMS again. It wasn't, it was appendicitis and I ignored it for 6 days. It could have been serious.
    So this is why we say get the medical tests done first.
    The ENT may have diagnosed silent reflux and he/she is probably correct; but there are also structural or organic causes for reflux, so these need to be ruled out.

    That's how you know.
    Look also at the 'creating evidence for ' post, I don't have the link on me but someone else may know exactly where it is.
    best of luck
    Karim likes this.
  16. thecomputer

    thecomputer Well known member

    Honestly I've asked to look in so many peoples throats over the past 4 years to see how they compare to mine, and yours looks as healthy as most of them! A bit of redness is not unusual, but in your photo it looks very normal. Maybe you are talking about the red patches on the side, I also have this. But even if your throat does go a bit red and burns or is painful in the same place, that could all be caused by your mind/emotions/nervous system.

    People get reflux when there are stressed too, or if they dont breathe correctly for a long period and the everything gets tense. I would try ad get a gastroscopy to see if you have a hiatal hernia, if you did have one it would mean reflux is much more likely. you can get tests for LPR like Bravo PH test, but its hard to find.

    Have you experimented with food? Try eating healthy non reflux food for a week, see if it makes a difference. Or do what I did and eat complete junk for a week, see if that makes a difference. I have found no correlation between what I eat and my pain. Of course you feel better when you eat better anyway :)

    I think the biggest proof here that its likely TMS is you have struggled with anxiety a lot in your life, and had other chronic issues which you say you've overcome. So you are a perfect candidate for pain issues, as I am! I know the pain can feel unbearable and I also felt like killing myself two years ago. That was when I believed I could not get better and had given up hope. Do not get hyperfocussed on the pain if possible, try and move your focus on to what you are doing...yes there is pain...yes its horrible, but does focussing on it make anything better? It's there whether you like it or not, so try and enjoy what you can, and you might just notice that the pain goes into the background a bit more. And once you have a few minutes or hours of some relief, it will give you the hope to continue, and to be patient.

    The mouth and throat is such an emotive area, and you cant forget about it so easily like you could your foot or hand. You breathe through it, we feel we live in the area around our heads, so of course its intense to have pain there. But its full of nerve endings and is sensitive, so like pain anywhere, your brain could just be sending danger signals (pain) for the wrong reasons. This can happen very suddenly as a manifestation of chronic anxiety, but it can take much longer to retrain your brain/mind/heart that its ok and can relax

    Definitely listen to the new podcast by Alan Gordon 'Tell me about your pain', as its a more modern look at John Sarnos ideas

    Good luck, hang in there :)
  17. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I went to the gastroenterologist I’d did ct scans bloodwork, what I haven’t done is endoscopy, but all the test are fine
  18. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    Yup I was on antibiotics cause of h pylori. My symptoms only appear during day, at night I can sleep in what ever position and it doesn’t bother. The only pain that I feel is on the lef side of my throat. I really don’t want surgery. Or drink pills for the rest of my life.
  19. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    So what you are telling me there is no way to cure or heal forever lpr ?
  20. Idearealist

    Idearealist Peer Supporter


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