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About RSI and numbness..

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Suisei, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    So I am still going through the Mind Body Prescription book as we speak but wanted to ask a few questions. I hope it's alright to make another forum post. I don't want to put multiple threads in by me.

    Well about the numbness and tingly in my arms , is it safe to continue working with my arms and hands like that? One thing about RSI/Tms is the risk of nerve damage. I do believe tms tp be real but what about the nerve damage part? Also should I stop wearing carpel tunnel braces and arm splints to prevent numbness at night?

    I have been using my hands frequently and have quit nerve glides and stretching so I feel a bit vulnerable and worried now. I think I may need to take more notes from the book as well to keep handy.

    Also I have noticed the pins and needle feelings in my hands have gotten worse without stretching
    cdub likes this.
  2. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think Dr. Sarno would say that nerves are not all that easy to injure if you haven't been involved in an accident with broken bones, etc. I know when people have accidents, the nerves are slow to heal, but I don't think a computer keyboard can injure your nerves and Sarno didn't either. It sounds to me like you are very tense about what to do…and that tension is creating TMS and keeping it going.

    I have to always remind myself of this, too. You're doing well.
  3. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    Thank you so much for the response. It seems that after finding out about Doctor Sarno I have a second chance of getting my arms back since I have been limiting their usage.

    Also about being tense I am really uncertain if I do things correctly or if I mess up. I really need to control that better :/
  4. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Don't worry about trying to control everything. What helped me a lot…still does…is to say out loud. "I am willing to accept that this is 100% psychological." You really can't mess up, except to worry more. Worry and anxiety create physical havoc. I know. Try to remember that you are young and vibrant and have a full life ahead.
  5. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    Thank you I will try. I'm sure I can do it
  6. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi there!

    I know a few people have already answered but I wanted to add- one thing you definitely don't need to worry about as a real concern would be nerve injury. You won't injure any nerves in your hands (or muscles or tendons for that matter) by using them normally. Those structures would need a major force like an accident to occur for true injury. Hope that helps ease your fears! Stretch if you need to but don't think of doing those exercises as a cure to your symptoms...just temporary relief. Sounds like you're on the right track overall :)
    Lunarlass66 and MWsunin12 like this.
  7. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Peer Supporter

    I have had bilateral nerve pain in both arms for 8 months. The nerves were just crazy at my elbows (but also in my arms, wrists and hands) and I was told they would take months to heal if they ever would, very likely permanent nerve damage etc... BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I have moments, now hours where those stupid elbows have no pain! After 8 months of no relief EVER! There is no pinched nerve, because if so how can I experience relief on and off since I learned about TMS? My brain has developed some pain patterns, especially around when my arms touch fabric, etc. I am challenging these patterns every day now and last night slept soundly with my bare arms touching the bed! Nerve sensations would start and would tell my brain, I have no pinched nerves, no nerve damage and I am healthy structurally so I won't fall for this crap anymore, and I'd demand some oxygen in my arms (I'd touch and visualize where I'd want it to go) and miraculously the nerve pain would back off. I am a little over 2 weeks in Sarno recovery and moments like this feel like pure witchcraft! Nerve damage and nerve pain were so scary for me, and I realized when it stopped for only a bit like my story about last night that I was being duped. I hope you can find some evidence for yourself so that you can begin to challenge the idea of nerve damage. It seems every little thing of progress helps me believe more and more. In a day I still have nerve sensation come and go but I am grateful I don't buy what my brain is selling anymore. Keep us posted how you are, I am grateful you are sharing:)
    fridaynotes, cdub and MindBodyPT like this.
  8. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Glad you're starting to feel better! As for me, i'm doing really well! It's been about 2-3 months since I started the TMS work. My back pain, sciatica, headaches and neck/shoulder soreness are all basically gone...occasionally I feel a little stiff or get pain here and there but I have trained myself to think psychologically and take these to mean that something is going on in my unconscious. I try to mostly ignore the sensation and it subsides. If it doesn't, I try to journal about it or figure out what's going on and "feel my feelings" as best as possible. Sometimes that mean I might cry or something and meditate on what is bothering me. I've realized how anxious I can be at times and that is something i'm working on. It can be tough to examine all of these emotions but I think it makes me much more aware! I also have an active meditation practice that helps, as well as yoga. I've gotten back to doing most exercise (I like to do lots of different things) but haven't yet gone back to weight lifting...planning to do that soon!

    To get here, I read all 3 Sarno books, did most of the SEP, and have been reading other TMS practitioner books including Georgie Oldfield's, Howard Schubiner's and David Schecter's. I like getting the perspective from various professionals (also as I plan to start incorporating these strategies into my PT practice). I thinking keeping up the learning and journaling strategies is important...it takes time but has been so transformative in my life. Thanks for asking!
  9. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Peer Supporter

    It is so great to hear your progress MindbodyPT, I can so relate to the "feel your feelings" stuff. I am taking a few tips out of your post that bring me clarity about my own process. Emotions that need to be explored or sensations that need to be ignored...it can all get a bit confusing. I like how you approach that gently. Thanks for sharing your way - it really, really helps me to hear your progress.
    MindBodyPT likes this.
  10. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    Thank you so much for all your support! I really appreciate it! I guess when you feel numbmess when just bending arms just say to your brain brain that it wont damage you? I guess just feeling the numbness realy freaks me out but I need to work through it.
    MindBodyPT likes this.
  11. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Peer Supporter

    It is such a process to get yourself to accept it's not a physical thing when the evidence is right in your body. In Mindbody Prescription the story and program about James Campobello p.150, really helped me because he began not fully believing his symptoms were not physical. Also Alan Gordon's TMS Recovery Program - Part one Accepting the diagnosis -has really helped me. I'm using tools from both of those every day and reading success stories on this site also really shifts things for me.
  12. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just. Stop. Worrying. About. Weird. Sensations. Period. They are produced by your brain. Once I stopped worrying about numbness in my hands, it started going away.
    fridaynotes, cdub and MWsunin12 like this.
  13. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    Ah ok lol. That's amazing what the mind can do.
    cdub and TG957 like this.
  14. PainNoMore

    PainNoMore Peer Supporter

    Suisei - it's all pretty overwhelming at first, isn't it? there's a lot to take in, learn, re-learn and digest. keep reading the book, keep journaling, keep reading success stories and watching success stories on youtube. it will sink in. every little victory will be like a building block of your wall of confidence. and when you get that tense feeling and start feeling pain, say to yourself "hey, take it easy..don't be so hard on yourself". remind yourself that your hands and arms are perfectly fine and the sensations you are feeling is emotional tension.
    Hummingbird likes this.
  15. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    It is overwhelming but I am greatful fof learning about this. I have been saying that the pain is psychological but sometimes it doesn't move but thats ok. Repetition takes time. I am also wanting to read other tms books as well :)
  16. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    So bit of an update. I have been journaling and my wrist pain has decreased but my thumbs have started to hurt and tingle. Sadly I can't go to a tms doctor since my mom can't take me to the closet one in my state. I also have had fingers trigging on and off (not all the time but a few months ago) . The orthopedic doctor didn't say much about that but I know when I went for my thumbs last year he sad it was over use. Just frustrated my thumbs started hurting again . I dont think EDS causes these problems just because of 'over use' but idk anymore.
  17. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is called extinction burst - very typical. Don't be afraid. Stay the course.
  18. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    Oooh I see. Thank you TG I will keep doing what I love then :)
    TG957 likes this.
  19. Suisei

    Suisei Peer Supporter

    Gah man maybe I played played games for too long but my hands had a burning nerve pain that was so unbearable. I wonder if this could also be tms. It feels so unbareable.. Maybe I did too much too fast and I hope I''m not bothering anyone. Just the stinging and burning is so awful .
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
  20. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Peer Supporter

    Hi Suisei,

    In a different conversation thread, I had seen you write that you have EDS? My son has had extensive annual testing (beginning at 14 yrs and he is now 20 years old) for Marfan's Syndrome and still gets regular testing for that as well as he has some risks that make the specialists believe he may be developing Marfan's as a young man. He was tested for EDS as well. This made me really learn about connective tissue disorders like EDS and Marfan's Syndrome. I know RSI's are common for EDS and can really see how the TMS could perhaps become part of the fear, anxiety and being really concerned with hurting yourself. I know my son missed many days of school for tummy problems during all his testing which we realized was emotional for sure. He was very scared to play the sports he loved, as there were for him heart risks involved. (connective tissue around his heart). In fact, the doctor's told him to quit many sports and activities he loved. This all really added so much stress and anxiety to his daily life. We found some extra support from his school & counselor really helpful for him.

    I think the mom in me (who has a son who was really scared) wonders how old you are - if you are a young teen, young adult or an adult? I only wonder because I am hoping you have some really good emotional support. I just know my son sure needed extra support through the rigorous testing and living with the fears of a connective tissue disorder.

    How are your arms today? I think the EDS can add more fear to the RSI and so sure, emotions can increase your pain for sure.

    Also, do you belong to an EDS support group? I was just wondering if you've found one of those as well?

    Perhaps I am just imagining you feeling somewhat like my son has, and that makes me pour all my mama mania on you.


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