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Day 3 A hard day

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Twentiesgirl, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Twentiesgirl

    Twentiesgirl Newcomer

    The first day I read the book and started this program I felt great. I played with my dog, did laundry, and went for a walk for the first time in three weeks. Yesterday, day 2, I woke up in quite a bit of pain again. I think waking up and feeling pain immediately out of bed caused more tension and I then caused myself more pain as the day went on. I also had a terrible headache and heart burn which are both fairly uncommon for me. The whole day I was kicking myself for doing so much activity on that first day. I thought for sure one of those activities caused me so much pain. I know I still need to work at this and beat the thoughts in my head. It's just so hard when you wake up and feel such intense pain from the start.

    I appreciate the discussion about evidence sheets today. I have to remember that just a few days ago, I could sit in the car, go to the store and do so many activities with no limitations or pain. There shouldn't have been anything done in that time to cause structural damage so I know it's psychological. Maybe I'm getting an 'extinction burst' like Alan Gordon discussed. Or I need to care less and stop monitoring and tracking how I feel day to day and activity to activity.

    I'm flying across the country tomorrow and I think I'm holding a lot of tension about such a long flight. I'm doing my best to work through it.
  2. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Interesting the way the subC fights back, once we become aware of what's going on. Especially at the beginning, you'll probably have good days and bad days. The bad ones may lead you to question whether the pain is really due to TMS, but hang in there! As you proceed with the SEP you'll encounter new resources and techniques, read success stories, and continue to process the emotional issues.
    It's worth it.
    Blessings on your journey.
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, twentiesgirl. I think you're progressing very well toward healing.

    While on that long flight, remember deep breathing. And spend some quiet time in meditation. I really like the Relaxation Response technique of meditation...

    Meditation is a time-honored way of relaxing the mind and relieving anxiety, mental stress, headaches, and even physical pain. There are many ways to practice meditation, but many consider the most successful to be a technique called the Relaxation Response (RR).

    It is a wonderful way to practice TMS Mindbody Healing because it changes harmful thinking in the subconscious mind which Dr. John Sarno says causes pain that is not caused by anything structural.

    The RR, practiced once or twice a day for 10, 15, or 20 minutes has a profound positive effect on the subconscious mind, relieving or curing everything from anxiety, hypertension, headaches, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, high blood pressure, insomnia, stomach problems, all forms of pain including backaches, abdominal pain, muscle pain, neck, arm, and leg pain, and relieves side affects from cancer and AIDS.

    RR is like Transcendental Meditation which is taught by TM specialists who charge hundreds or thousands of dollars. But the RR is free and you can do it yourself.

    It is practiced, before a meal, and works best if not practiced within two hours after a meal. I do it in bed before arising in the morning and again in bed before falling sleep. Often, I only do it 5 or 10 minutes and it works to calm me and put me to sleep.

    Just sit in a chair (or lie in bed in the morning or at bedtime), close your eyes, don’t listen to any music, and try to avoid outside noises. Let your mind think of a word such as

    "One " which has no real meaning or association. Or say a calming word such as “Calm” or “Peace,” or add the faith or spiritual element by saying a favorite religious word or prayer. Breathe naturally or incorporate Deep Breathing by breathing in through the mouth to inflate the stomach, suck in the stomach while holding the breath for a few seconds, then say the word when you exhale through the mouth.

    Say the word silently over and over. At the end of the 10 to 20 minutes, picture and feel yourself as you were when you felt your best, and in a place where you felt that way.

    When distracting thoughts arise during the RR, as they will, just tell yourself, “Oh, well,” and go back to repeating your chosen word.

    My "word" is a prayer: "God loves me and is protecting me." I say it a few times and go right to sleep. If my mind wanders onto other things, I tell myself"Oh, well," and repeat my mantra silently while deep breathing.

    There are several free videos on Youtube about the Relaxation Response. I especially recommend these two by Dr. Benson:

    and this one which can put you to sleep:


  4. Twentiesgirl

    Twentiesgirl Newcomer

    Thank you, this is so helpful! You must have read my mind because I downloaded some guided metatation exercises to practice on the plane. I'm thinking good thoughts! I've never had a problem flying with my back. I've even gone as far as Italy with no issues. This time will be no different. I woke up in a little pain but it's now gone and I'm moving around very well.

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