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wonderful course by Dr. Schubiner and Alan Gordon

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by MindBodyPT, May 10, 2017.

  1. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Steve,
    I appreciate your point, that the more options we give someone, the more this activates the thinking and doubting mind. There is already an anxious, perfectionistic tendency in TMS sufferers --or anyone for that matter who has suffered symptoms for a spell, and "more information" about the "real" cause only gives the anxious mind more reasons to think, rather than feel. And more complexity can lead to less certainty.
    Andy B
    chris_mom and Tennis Tom like this.
  2. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Our minds can justify and rationalize practically anything.

    What's most important to me is realizing that TMS pain and symptoms are psychologically induced (regardless of mechanism) and they are harmless.

    This means reverse the psucholigical factors and you can reduce or eliminate symptoms and get on with your life.

    Thank you Dr. Sarno, Dr. Schubiner and Alan Gordon.
    chris_mom, MindBodyPT and Tennis Tom like this.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Could you please elaborate on the conference, like on some of the details, where was it held, how many attended, were they TMS practitioners or patients predominately? Did the presenters discuss their own TMS encounters, do they still get them, what do they do if they have a debilitating TMS attack? What they do after the meetings, Starbucks, hit the bar--that sort of stuff?
  4. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sure! So the course was called Beyond Pain Management, held at St. John Providence hospital in Southfield, Michigan (just outside Detroit). I believe another will be held in California next year.

    There were about 75 people there, mostly practitioners, though likely all of us had our own TMS experiences as patients too. Many were people like myself who either had learned of TMS through personal experience reading Sarno and others and wanting to incorporate it better into their practice. It was wonderful to meet so many other people enthusiastic about a mindbody approach. There were a couple other physical and occupational therapists, a lot of MDs and nurse practitioners and mental health professionals. I also met some other professionals like an acupuncturist, yoga teachers and others. Some people worked in the St. John hospital system and were learning of TMS for the first time, or had heard a bit about Dr. Schubiner and wanted to learn more.

    Dr. Schubiner and Alan Gordon did discuss their own personal TMS encounters, Alan Gordon said at one point he had like 20 different diagnoses (before he learned of TMS). TMS was discussed as being basically a universal experience that everyone still gets, though they didn't specifically talk about their own experiences getting it in recent years.

    The basic strategy discussed for managing a TMS attack is first to establish that it is indeed TMS with a doctors visit if needed to rule out pathology, then to do a mixture of things that you guys probably already know a lot about. These included distraction/relaxing/hitting the bar or other fun activities, journaling if needed to figure out what underlying emotions might have contributed to the TMS attack, mindfulness/insight meditation, re-framing the pain as simply a non-harmful sensation while it is still occurring. There was discussion of how to present things to clients in a supportive way, how to work with painful emotions, how to help people access their emotions and manage them.

    The theme of the conference seemed to be "stretching professionally", in other words, becoming more comfortable with the idea that medical professionals can work with client's emotions and that mental health professionals can help do a basic screen to help rule in/out TMS as the cause of pain.
  5. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for the details PT!!!
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for those insights, if you have anymore please share them. If they have a conference in kali, I'll try to attend, if we haven't seceded or been sold to China.

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