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Feb 25, 2016
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New Member, Female

Avatar photo: the Nā Pali coast of the island of Kauai, taken on a doorless helicopter ride that was a real victory over my fear of heights. Feb 26, 2016

sjcy was last seen:
Apr 21, 2016
  • My Story

    I'm 61, married, a nurse and social worker, and I just discovered Dr. Sarno's books through this post on one of my favorite blogs:http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/12/healing-back-pain.html

    I have struggled with anxiety and Depression all my life (literally, since age 5), including struggles with hypochondria that led to a lot of TMS symptoms. I had psychotherapy in my mid-30s that helped me learn self-compassion, and in the process I also learned how to avoid or abort the Panic Attacks that had plagued me since age 21.

    At the present my main problems are GI symptoms, Foot pain, Allergies, and a kind of depression that is not major but that seems to paralyze me at times. I've dealt with these pretty well, I have a kind and helpful husband who is also a medical person and who has a lot of good insights about how to handle these struggles. But the light really came on when I read The Mindbody Prescription. I am looking forward to working through the programs and I feel better already. I put a huge amount of pressure on myself to be "good" and to live up to everyone's expectations. I had already dealt with some childhood issues in therapy, but I hadn't thought about the burdens I've presently been loading on myself. I get so anxious when I start working on some things that need doing at our farm that I can hardly keep myself upright, and I think my foot pain is related to this.

    I will update this as I progress through the therapeutic stages.
    1. sjcy
      Avatar photo: the Nā Pali coast of the island of Kauai, taken on a doorless helicopter ride that was a real victory over my fear of heights.
      1. Forest likes this.
      2. Forest
        So inspiring!
        Feb 26, 2016
        sjcy likes this.
      3. giantsfan
        Heck yeah!! Congrats! Next up bungee jump, maybe??
        Feb 27, 2016
        Forest and sjcy like this.
      4. sjcy
        Hahaha, nothing would induce me to bungee jump. And I don't want any more doorless helicopter rides either! Once was enough ;)
        Feb 28, 2016
        Forest and giantsfan like this.
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  • My Story

    I'm 61, married, a nurse and social worker, and I just discovered Dr. Sarno's books through this post on one of my favorite blogs:http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/12/healing-back-pain.html

    I have struggled with anxiety and Depression all my life (literally, since age 5), including struggles with hypochondria that led to a lot of TMS symptoms. I had psychotherapy in my mid-30s that helped me learn self-compassion, and in the process I also learned how to avoid or abort the Panic Attacks that had plagued me since age 21.

    At the present my main problems are GI symptoms, Foot pain, Allergies, and a kind of depression that is not major but that seems to paralyze me at times. I've dealt with these pretty well, I have a kind and helpful husband who is also a medical person and who has a lot of good insights about how to handle these struggles. But the light really came on when I read The Mindbody Prescription. I am looking forward to working through the programs and I feel better already. I put a huge amount of pressure on myself to be "good" and to live up to everyone's expectations. I had already dealt with some childhood issues in therapy, but I hadn't thought about the burdens I've presently been loading on myself. I get so anxious when I start working on some things that need doing at our farm that I can hardly keep myself upright, and I think my foot pain is related to this.

    I will update this as I progress through the therapeutic stages.