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I am 53-years-old. I have been teaching high school economics since 1986 at the same school. I first had low back pains when I was 14-years-old. I had my first knock me off me feet spasm at age 20. I assumed I inherited a bad back from my father (turns out I inherited a belief in a bad back from him). I exercised 4-5 times a week but the moment I felt a twinge or worse, I quit and found a place to lie down. Fear was a major part of my problem and I would never have admitted that. I started having neck pains at age 47 and elbow and shoulder pains around the same time. I believed I had a torn rotar cuff and golfers elbow. After beginning with a TMS program and gaining knowledge about non-structural reasons for my pains and tightness, the elbow pain disappeared soon after, followed by the shoulder, and neck pain. The low back pain has been the toughest one to get through, but I am not going to give up. I play golf several times per week, and do yoga 3 times per week with no pain after. The only time I really feel any tightness anymore is at the end of the school day. So I come to this site with the goal of finishing off my TMS pain in my back at last.