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Day 1 Works for me...

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by emilyn, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. emilyn

    emilyn New Member

    Day 1
    I have been studying TMS for about a month now after my sister turned me onto it, and I wholeheartedly believe this is the answer to my random pains, anxiety and overactive bladder, IBS, and possibly allergies. I have even tried talking to my brain and telling it to stop the pain and let me experience the feelings it's trying to repress, and that's been successful. I am in the process of buying a house and have noticed pains coming from the stress of that, so I have tried to be cognizant of TMS symptoms during this process. I also found out I am newly pregnant, so that adds more stress to the moving situation. I have noticed the past few days how my brain has tried to turn my stress about moving into pregnancy symptoms, like cramps. I revisited the TMS wiki again this morning to calm my cramps and now they are gone. I think it's absolutely amazing that this process works and it makes me so happy to know it's out there. I just wish more people believed. My husband is a complete skeptic - he's stuck on the notion that TMS means your pain is all in your head. I tell him he's misunderstanding it… Dr. Sarno is not saying the pain is in your head. It's very real pain. It's just the source that is different from what you thought it was. I shared the Mindbody Prescription with a co-worker who has severe back and hip pain. He borrowed it for a few days, but didn't seem that interested. I don't really have any doubts, except that my allergies will be healed. I get bronchitis every December and am worried about getting that with a pregnancy, bc I don't think I can take the normal antibiotics I normally take, and I will suffer for weeks with this miserable cold. I hope once I get more into the program I will learn how to control the allergies.
  2. nowtimecoach

    nowtimecoach Well known member

    Welcome to the program Emilyn! And Congratulations on your pregnancy AND buying a house. Two big things for sure. I hope you get out of this program what I have been able to in just 13 days. I'm not painfree yet but my attitude is COMPLETELY different about it - Doing lots of work around de-conditioning myself to all the limitations. I've become much more adept at addressing pressure, critical or anxious thoughts which immediately helps me in all respects. Looking forward to seeing your posts!
    Stella and Eric "Herbie" Watson like this.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    emilyn)- I don't really have any doubts, except that my allergies will be healed. I get bronchitis every December and am worried about getting that with a pregnancy, bc I don't think I can take the normal antibiotics I normally take, and I will suffer for weeks with this miserable cold. I hope once I get more into the program I will learn how to control the allergies.

    Eric)- Nice to see you here- Your really doing great with your belief, that's the most important part is your belief system. Most folks wont believe you , its really not their fault - they just were taught the structural way and now we know its from repression and stressors, tension and strain.

    I wanted to say that what nowtimecoach mentioned above about the de-conditioning will serve you well real soon. and congratulations on the little baby- that's so cool.

    I had the allergy cold every year too in November and when I knew it was from my tension and repressions- when I just got it ya know- well I've never had those colds/allergies since.
    I had one every year for like 15 years and now for two years I haven't had a recurrence their or do I expect too. Stay the course, your doing great
    Bless you.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    nowtimecoach this is so cool, I am so excited for you, your doing super
    Thanks for all you do
    bless you
  5. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Buying a house and being pregnant at the same time is, as SteveO would say, the Perfect Storm of TMS. It is important to take things day by day, and understand that even though these are two great things they can also cause an immense amount of stress and unconscious rage. Recognizing that this is what is going on will help you overcome your symptoms.

    Never underestimate the power of conditioning. Allergies can be a TMS symptom, and many people have reported having the same symptom at certain times each year. December can be a very stressful month with the holidays, and it is pretty common for people to have flare-ups during that time. Monte Hueftle wrote a very interesting blog post about Holiday's and TMS a couple years ago that I really enjoy. It is called Holiday Emotional Energy. It is worth checking out for anyone who has a chronic symptom around that time of the year.

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