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weird pelvic symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by kimaya, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    how are things going on for you whenever you have cystoscopy please update i'll might have it aswell
  2. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I have a bladder ultrasound today and my cystoscopy is in mid July. Things are decent I'm trying my best to ignore the pain I have a good feeling mine is tms as it shifts from my lower back to my hip ,testicle ,grion etc. Also I haven't been googling my symptoms as I realized it just makes it worse the best thing you can do is find something that uses your full attention and see if your pain is gone or alot less.

    I've also had my gp who has told me nothing is wrong with me along with a few other doctors especially if this urologist can't find anything wrong.
  3. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Dear, this is difficult for me to evaluate and also, I am not a doctor! But I don’t think that alcohol has anything to with you pain. It seems that you had a UTI which not cleared up with the first round of antibiotics. That happens. But you had two additional rounds of antibiotics, that should do the trick. You don’t have a UTI or a STD right now? You are tested negativ for those? If this is the case then, I would say, you have developed a pain overreaction, most possible related to something psychological. Think about what was going on in your life at the time when the pain started. Often the pain hooks upon something minor physical that was going on. In your case the UTI.
    So, don’t blame yourself!
  4. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Yep this all started when I took a fall on my tailbone on a hardwood floor and I had the lower back pain (still do)and slight testicle pain shortly after . And for an month I was incredabily stressed out (mutliple doctors thought it was a uti ) one said i had bacterial prostitits which in turn I devolped prostitits symptoms. But knowing that it's most likely my anxiety that's tensing my muscles helps the hardest part is accepting that there is no structural damage in my back and pelvis area from a fall i took 6 months ago. Also I was obessivly googling forums on it and I recommend not to as it just fueled my fear even more.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  5. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Recently for the past few days I've had urgency and frequency which I haven't had since I was younger (anxiety related) probably nervous for the bladder ultrasound and I haven't gotten the results yet. But what's funny is since having this symptom i haven't had an back pain hip pain pain after urination etc.
  6. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    Yes tested for uti multiple times also iam virgin but i made out with my boyfriend on trip we both are virgins but i still freaked out when some symptoms stayed about sti i googled and read about them for hours until i went to doctor and she said it isn’t possible
    I wish i just let it go it would have let me go but i googled for hours and became obsessed with ic and reading horror stories
  7. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    Lol we are very similar my symptoms moves every day from burning after urination to pain while starting urine to urethra spams i never have all the symptoms everyday it moves everyday
    I think the reason i got this in first place is because of my health anxiety and ocd i googled for hours to the point i started having dreams about ic also being young doesn’t help you just think your life is over
  8. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Yep that's what it boils down to the hard part is breaking the cycle I noticed when I stopped googling my symptoms for about a week and was care free my symptoms vanished however as soon as I thought about it again they came back. You gotta think this isn't forever and only a phase. It's not a coincidence that we are both young in a stressful point in our lives that this all started happening. Anxiety and the mind is a powerful thing. Just gotta stay positive and try your best not to fear it and live your life. I've been trying to to that and it takes time but like my mom always says worrying about isn't gonna make it better.
  9. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    Our mon knows us so much better my mom declined cytoscopy as it’s a little invasive procedure as she is well aware of my health anxiety also one thing i recall when i had uti i worried about it going to kidneys or getting sepsis when uti cleared i worried about sti and when doctor cleared that aswell now my mind is hatcher onto ic as there is no definitive test to prove it’s existence i wish i could get a blood test and get done with it
    Also having summer vacations is not helping it in anyway i stay at home and google but today i have decided that I won’t google anything other than tms wiki hope it goes well it’s difficult to control 5 months ocd
    I just wish i could be care free every little symptoms freaks me out to all the things i read on google
    For how long you have been suffering?
  10. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Well I had plantar fasciitis (foot pain for 3 to 4 months ) last year and in February of this year i was really stressed out an I've had symptoms since febuary (6 months) and honestly I would try and limit even tms wiki to maybe just the Alan Gordon program or even the structured education program. And I am getting a cystoscopy in a few weeks to rule out a possible structure or stones though I doubt they will find anything
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  11. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    Get a inoffice one as my doctor offered one with hydrodistention which is performed under anaesthetic which is a bit scary and could be risky
    Inoffice one rules out everything and doesn’t come with any asosociated risks
  12. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Im getting one done at an outpatient center using local anesthesia on the area I will be able to drive there and back so I think that's the one I'm getting done
  13. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    Yes that’s inoffice one all the best
  14. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Thanks I'll update you once it's done and I get the results
  15. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    I have discovered one thing I sometimes have tiny bit of pain before peeing but if i have strong urge to go it isn’t present but if i just go without urge ex before sleeping i feel tiny bit pain how is that related
  16. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Hey I got the cystoscopy done and it's been a few days after the procudure was uncomfortable and did hurt me alittle but it was only like 2 to 5 minutes and for guys its longer due to the length of our uretheras. It hurt to pee on the same day but by the next day I was fine.

    The urologist didn't find anything wrong (bladder ,prostate,and urethra alittle narrow but said it's fine). I'm seeing him for a follow up in a few weeks
  17. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    Hey that’s a good news nothing was found you can now do tms work 100%
    All the best , keep updating
  18. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I'm seeing the urologist tomorrow and my pshyio therapist said that he has seen improvement (said I'm a lot better then 6 months ago ) also today I woke up pain free but I had alittle a bit of pain throughout the day (just back pain) I haven't really been having pelvic pain symptoms recently it seems or I just don't notice them
  19. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Update: I saw the urologist and he said i just have some narrowing in my urethra and my prostate is fine. As far as my back pain he said it's not related. I need help believing in tms 100% as some people in my life that that also have chronic pain are convinced they are going to have it for life and can only manage it from stretches etc. And considering mine started from a fall o my tailbone it should be healed by now (in February)
  20. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    So your urinary symptoms are almost gone after getting clear from urologist?
    If it did it turns out to be a great evidence that your problems are tms related

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