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Symtom Imperative/Extinction Burst???

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Ashley A, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Ashley A

    Ashley A Peer Supporter

    Hi Fred!

    I’m so sorry that you too are still struggling. It can be quite a long road. I did really experience quite a lot of relief in 2019. Unfortunately 2020 brought a lot of trauma back into my life. Obviously the pandemic, which greatly effected my husband’s job but also in many areas of our lives with several medical emergencies and losing our home, just to name a few. I mention that not for pity but because I 100% believe that’s what pushed my progress back, otherwise I don’t believe that I’d be experiencing this flare-up right now. So I want you to still have hope - I made great strides in my healing journey and I believe that I still will, there’s just been a lot of set backs and stressful situations. That means that there is plenty of hope for you as well! It’s a tough journey but one that’s worth it.

    I did end up tapering off of the Duloxetine and was off from it for 10 months. In that time I experienced some of my first pain free days ever! So that was a HUGE win for me. Due to the stressful events of 2020 I ended up going back on it in October of last year, however I am currently tapering off of it again (another contributing factor to this flare-up I believe.) It’s not a fun medication but one that I feel has been necessary as part of my journey.

    I too believe that anxiety and fear and focus are what’s really behind all of this. I struggle with that a lot. It’s hands down the most difficult aspect of TMS for me.

    Something I feel worth mentioning - I completely accept TMS as my diagnosis and I know that I have absolutely NO tissue damage. Have you been able to get there yet? If you can and can lose the fear and focus I think that’s the ticket! I’m half way there because I believe, but I struggle a TON with fear and focus and I think that’s what’s keeping me stuck.

    I’d be happy to PM with you more whenever you’d like. Happy we’ve been able to reconnect, but wish it was under better circumstances for both of us. :)

    Best wishes to you!

  2. Ashley A

    Ashley A Peer Supporter

    It can definitely be exhausting, that’s for sure! Like you said, just the daily ups and downs. Even if pains at a minimum it’s a lot. Mentally exhausting too.

    I like your thought on mindset. I definitely need to look closer at mine. Yes and no that pain free days for me meant lack of pain days. It used to be that way - I set the bar so high and put so much pressure on myself. I’ve gotten a lot better recently, however I still really use the amount of pain as a gauge for a “good” day or “bad” day. I’m trying to cultivate more indifference and acceptance.

    It’s like what came first, the chicken or the egg? Am I having a good day because I have little pain or do I have little pain because I am having a good day? It’s quite the conundrum. I think it’s a little bit of both.

    Thank you for your insights, I will be taking these thoughts into my journaling. Are you familiar with Dan Buglio? He’s a TMS coach and has been dubbed the mindset guy. He’s pretty awesome. If you haven’t checked him out you should - he has a YouTube channel with lots of really great videos.



  3. fredb

    fredb Peer Supporter

    I hope so to Ashley. It is comforting to hear some of your successes, but not great to hear you still have troubles. Yes it is a long journey!
    There is more I can say on this and I have a few questions for you if you don't mind.
    I will PM you shortly if that is still ok.
    Warm regards
    Ashley A likes this.
  4. Bitzalel Brown

    Bitzalel Brown Peer Supporter

    Dugit is right that the journey can be done on your own. Many of the people in this forum can attest to that but all humans can be blindsided by their own tunnel visioned view and have a mentor or guide can help you when thr going gets tough. Keep plowing foward our brain will ultimately "comply"
    Ashley A and BloodMoon like this.
  5. Ashley A

    Ashley A Peer Supporter

    Thank you! I like how you write, “your brain will comply.” I’m going to turn that into an affirmation - my brain will comply. It’s just a matter of time with patience, determination, repetition, compassion, that my brain will get the message.

    I’m thinking about getting a coach, as I struggle so much with confidence and compassion for myself.

    Have you had any experience with a mentor or coach?

    Thank you :)

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