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Success story interviews!

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by AnitaV, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. AnitaV

    AnitaV Well known member

    Hi everyone! I'd like to do a series of interviews with people who have recovered from TMS, possibly in the form of a podcast. I think it would be wonderful to hear these stories in your own voices, and make these available to those seeking recovery.

    Would anyone here be interested in giving an interview over the phone or skype? Please reply or message me if you are!
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    What a wonderful idea! I'd be happy to tell my story if it helps.
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great idea, Anita! I'll be willing when I return to the US from Japan at the end of August. Sometime in September would be good. The time difference here in Japan makes calling difficult.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm willing, Anita! Unless you define "recovered" as 100%. Which I don't think any of us are, at least not permanently. But I'm mostly at 80-90% compared to where I was "Before Sarno".

  5. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    When I hear from real people who aren't making money off TMS, it is quite common to hear of 90% recovery. Some people write their success stories when they are at 100%, but then, later on during a period of stress, 10% symptoms return snd they don't always update the stories. A certain amount of TMS is simply part of the human condition, it seems. By being open and honest about it, I think we help people to not put too much pressure on themselves.
  6. mncjl123

    mncjl123 Peer Supporter

    I would love to hear the podcast. I hope it will be free!
  7. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    I'd be happy to update mine, but I don't know how to find it. Can you please direct me? (I struggle to find a lot of things here. That's not a reflection of how the wiki is organized, but a commentary on my skills.)
    I've had headaches all this last week as we drove to MN to visit relatives. Finally last night at my in-laws' I just allowed myself the time to feel sad, after everyone went to bed. No headache so far today.
  8. mncjl123

    mncjl123 Peer Supporter

    gigi. just click on your photo! Up pops a black screen. Where is says MY STORY in white. Click. There is your story!
    JanAtheCPA and Gigi like this.
  9. AnitaV

    AnitaV Well known member

    Yes of course it will be free!
  10. AnitaV

    AnitaV Well known member

    To me, recovery means understanding and accepting that your pain is caused by TMS.

    As long as you repress emotions, they will find some physical outlet, in the form of one TMS symptom or another. Experiencing your emotions fully and not repressing is a life-long work, and you are bound to sometimes repress emotions and therefore to have physical symptoms along the way. As long as you recognize them for what they are, and redirect your attention to your emotions, that it what matters.

    My original pain symptoms are gone 100%, but I have other physical symptoms sneak up on me when I am repressing my emotions.
    birdsetfree and Forest like this.
  11. AnitaV

    AnitaV Well known member

    Thank you so much to everyone who offered to give an interview, I will be messaging you all!
  12. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Seems like we need a common definition of what recovery means. Does it mean no TMS symptoms for a period of 6 weeks, 6 months, a year.......? Does 90% recovery mean that 90% of the time one has no TMS symptoms, or that 90% of the original symptoms are gone with some mild symptoms remaining? Is it recovery if the main disabling TMS symptoms are gone, but some TMS equivalents still remain?

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