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Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Nate, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Nate

    Nate Peer Supporter

    So i was at work last night and the pain was a lil worse than it has been since starting the program and i have up until now been really good with thinkin ok whats goin on around am i stressed or angry or am i comfortable in my current situation but some stupid reason last night i didnt take that road i freaked out and was like man this is never gonna go away and he we go again and even hit up google which was something i stopped months ago cause it made me pesimistic all the timewhich google is great for! lol My hardest thing to achieve with this program is that i cant stop thinking ok so when is the pain gonna start subsiding and if it doesnt i question the whole approach and then roller coaster ride starts all over again. As the night went on it got more sore to the point where i was just disheartened ad fed up! I woke up this morning and am in better spirits and the pain is a bit better. I had a very powerful unwritten letter today as part of my program that i wrote to my spouse that really made me think what the hell am i doing or what am i thinking. Its quite scary actually but good to get it out on paper. Today is a new day and i will keep on with my work and continue to think right! :)
  2. Lilibet

    Lilibet Peer Supporter

    Hi Nate, I think we're both on Day 10 and I'm feeling more pain too. Your post was a good reminder for me to stay the course, and not go off into Googleland. :) I did write down what my earlier stressors were today before the new pain started, which is something I haven't done before. I haven't written my unsent letter yet...doing lots of avoidance like answering you instead LOL. I'm glad you're doing better today. Hang in there!
  3. Nate

    Nate Peer Supporter

    Thanks for the reply and I know what ya mean the letter is pretty confronting but remember it is an UNSENT letter so only you will see it and it definitely helps with learning how to combat the problem now that ya not afraid to even GO THERE lol good luck and stick with it :)
  4. Nate

    Nate Peer Supporter

    Thanks for the reply and I know what ya mean the letter is pretty confronting but remember it is an UNSENT letter so only you will see it and it definitely helps with learning how to combat the problem now that ya not afraid to even GO THERE lol good luck and stick with it :)
  5. Emily

    Emily Peer Supporter

    Hi Nate and Lilibet,
    Please know that you are not alone... it is common to have an increase in symptoms at some point during the program. It may be helpful to read Alan Gordon's article on this topic: Breaking the Pain Cycle (http://www.tmswiki.or/ppd/Breaking_the_Pain_Cycle,_by_Alan_Gordon,_LCSW). Specifically, the article talks about “extinction burst," or the fact that "often when you take away the pain’s reinforcement (fear, attention, etc.) the pain gets worse before it goes away." This may be a sign you are on the right track :) It also may be your body's way of reminding you that there is more work to be done. Some people find it helpful to even thank their bodies for this reminder during episodes of increased pain. Also, continue to soothe your body and remind it that you are okay and will be safe.

    I also think it is great that Lilibet tried a new strategy for addressing her stress during increased pain:
    " I did write down what my earlier stressors were today before the new pain started, which is something I haven't done before."

    Hope this helps!
  6. Lilibet

    Lilibet Peer Supporter

    Thanks, Emily. I had run across this article before, but it helps to read things again as I get further into this.

    I think I had an "extinction burst" yesterday, but all I could think about for awhile was the horrible pain in my elbow as I yelped and whimpered. I forgot to look at what led up to it this time and now I don't remember. Maybe next time. :) I finally did some breathing and tried to relax and think comforting thoughts. Eventually it eased enough for me to function. That's progress.
    Emily likes this.

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