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Pelvic pain, scared of the pain!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by NicoleB34, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. CarboNeVo

    CarboNeVo Well known member

    Cannot agree more. TMS/PN/Chronic pain are a form of an obsession, reframe its meaning; basically your brain wants you to keep your focus and THOUGHTS attached to the pain realm.
    Cut that behavior(stop thinking about it, analyzing, waiting for it to come or by any mean monitoring it) and you will stop the pain as it wont serve its original purpose anymore. It will fade away. Thats how i beat PN.
    But be careful, it can manifest elsewhere and the obsession will continue lol. This happened to me actually
  2. Chizzy

    Chizzy Peer Supporter

    I actually did crunches for the 1st time in 2 years. Pain came on shortly after. That was this morning a few hours ago. It's just mild pain right now and kind of stings a little bit. I'm at the beach right now, and when I jump in the ocean the pain is instantly gone. Catching wave after wave getting slammed by five to six Footers and there's absolutely no pain in my body. I get back to my chair and start reading these posts and the pain comes back. Lol so odd....
    Ftaghn! and FredAmir like this.
  3. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    I actually suspect it's not my pelvic nerve that is freaking out, but rather it's my pelvic floor locking up in defence and squashing the hyper sensitive nerve. I have the tendency to create huge trigger point knots in my pelvic floor and I guess it doesn't necessarily matter because I also believe pelvic floor tightness and creation of knots is caused by my brain. I actually do have a little bit of burning during exercise but it's nothing compared to the delayed flare. I have pelvic floor dysfunction but I don't view that as a structural disease, I view it as just another TMS disorder that causes a domino effect of pelvic pain conditions.
  4. ezer

    ezer Well known member

    You don't need to break the relationship. If you do it you will soon find something else to worry or be upset about. You have to deal with your emotions instead, and process them in a healthy way.
  5. MicheleRenee

    MicheleRenee Peer Supporter

    any good tips on thoughts? mine get away from me alot. and often frighten me (as this really is the catalyst for the pain along w emotions). PN is not fun! i feel yah nicole!
  6. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    Oddly, if i have a high anxiety day, where my stomach and chest are locked up, i have way less pelvic pain. You'd think anxiety would increase pain, but i think my brain is shifting the pelvic tension to my chest/stomach.
    Example, last year my dog was very sick at the emergency vet. I sat in the waiting room for hours, stewing, high anxiety in my gut. Suddenly i noticed i had no pelvic pain. I was sitting for hrs, forgot to take my pain meds too, and still, no pain. Before TMS knwlege i always wondered why this would happen
  7. ezer

    ezer Well known member

    For me conscious breathwork does the trick. It goes by many names (reichian breathing, connected breathing, circular breathing etc.). In short you breathe in and out consciously without a pause.
  8. CarboNeVo

    CarboNeVo Well known member

    Hey ezer, how are you doing these days? :)
    thanks to you and other few good souls I completely beat cpps/pn, the first step was to get out of that toxic world of their forums.
    Lately it started manifesting in my buttocks and legs, nowhere as bad and as depressing as the PN pain, but sometimes can get really annoying. Did you notice the pain trying to manifest elsewhere during your recovery? The sneaky bastard even tried to invade my foot and hands(RSI) lol, but it was easy to not buy into the fear with those so the pain lasted few hours and disappeared, the sciatica-like pain is a bit harder to get rid off.
  9. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    epeated exciting positive thoughts
    Thoughts repeated become actions. Actions repeated become habits. Habits repeated become our character. Once they are our character that's who we are.

    So positive thoughts repeated become positive actions and so on until our character is a positive one. We naturally and effortlessly will be positive, optimistic, happy, stress-hardy, worry-free, and walk around with a smile most of the time!:)

    There will be little need to try to be positive. That's just how we will be.

    The best way to eliminate years or decades of negative thought patterns is to have a plan for 3-4 weeks of consistent positive thoughts and actions leading to becoming a positive person. In my practice, I help my clients to first develop positive mental patterns by applying positive empowering strategies for the first 2-3 weeks. As a result of applying these strategies, the mind becomes so filled with positive thoughts that there is very little room for negative thoughts. For many people, this is enough to notice a major reduction in negative thoughts, anxiety, and pain as well as improvement in their mood, sleep, and level of energy. After that, if there are still issues with negative thought patterns, I show them steps on how to deal with negative thoughts effectively.

    What is important here is that you need to take consistent action for 21-30 days to build a good foundation of positive thoughts and actions for lasting results.
    Ftaghn! likes this.
  10. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    And remember thoughts lead to feelings and feelings lead to physiological changes in your body.

    Keep thinking about your favorite dessert, you feel good, and you have increase in saliva flow in your mouth.

    Keep thinking about your problems, you feel bad or angry or frustrated, and you have reduction of blood flow to your muscles, nerves, and tendons.
  11. MicheleRenee

    MicheleRenee Peer Supporter

    yesss i definitely know that thoughts are my problem. which at this time are quite overwhelming. i get anxiety over everything now. which increases my pain. i get anxiety pangs when i just think of simple things. at this point i think i need some pharmacuticals to help calm me down.
  12. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member


    This is where it gets confusing for me...when this all started 2 years ago. I would answer yes to majority and then like an idiot I had back surgery and it didn't get better. So that is where I am at. Saw a TMS specialist and was diagnosed, but can't surgery cause injury too ?
  13. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Too bad Steve O. couldn't jump into this discussion because are you riding that bike "like PT" as you are seeing a physical therapist, or are you riding because it is part of your normal physical routine ? Ask yourself why you cycle too...might be part of your issues. Just food for thought as I am just a new member.
  14. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Medications can help but they only masks the symptoms. Here's a thread with helpful information on anxiety.


    I have had good results with relieving anxiety as well.

    "Fast Track to Rapid Recovery [coaching program] is amazing. As a fitness instructor back, hip, and leg pain limited my activities. The pain and burning sensation were so bad that at one point I rushed to the emergency room for treatment. I also suffered for twenty years from anxiety disorder. You can imagine how hard it was to live with all that anxiety and pain. Fred helped me to get rid of my symptoms quickly. In fact, I noticed significant improvements the next day. Now I am pain-free, sleep better, have tons more energy and once again am teaching all my classes, including kickboxing. Thanks, Fred.” Rachel Bowen, Buford, Georgia

    Hopefully you can conquer it with your own inner strength.
    MicheleRenee likes this.
  15. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    It depends on how the surgery was done. In most cases, body heals and there should be no residual pain. Sometimes you will have conditioned pain that can be overcome as a conditioned response.

    What did the TMS doctor say?
  16. MicheleRenee

    MicheleRenee Peer Supporter

    oh i know that but at this point i think i may need them to help me get over this hump as i am having a hard tim dealing with pain anxiety stress about rrally only beng able to heal myself. i see progress ie. i had no pain over tbe weekend while away and its just an anxiety response to the pain i know this. one day i may take another program but i think i need some help so that i dont do something stupid at this point.
  17. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    I have TMS.
  18. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    There are definitely times when medications are needed. Take care of yourself.
  19. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    So he did not think your current pain is to some extent due to your surgery and it's all TMS?
  20. MicheleRenee

    MicheleRenee Peer Supporter

    thaank you yes i will get thru this jusy a lot of insecurities coming up w pain that ive never dealt w. i obviously see the connection but still need some time clearly

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