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Pacing yourself

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by North Star, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    My TMS symptoms, like most folks who've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, are both lengthy in duration and multi-facteted. I'm very happy that some of my more distracting pain symptoms have diminished over all but then I can get discouraged because then I realize I have more stuff to deal with.

    Specifically, I've had psoriasis since I was a young teen and insomnia since having my first baby. I also seem to have developed allergies to nightshades and chocolate....it's very bizarre- my skin will look and feel burned. And then there's the insomnia that I have taken mild medications for (Mainly benadryl) for nearly 20 years. I had a sleep study which showed mild sleep apnea but nothing significant- other than the fact that my sleep was 59% effective. (Sounds like TMS to me!) Okay...not to elaborate too much on the TMS symptoms.

    My question is this. How do you pace yourself with dealing with these symptoms? I feel like I'm just moving from one battle to the next and I just plain get tired. Will I ever be free of pain, burning skin and insomnia...at the same time?

    I'm following the SEP and listen to Dr. Sarno's book almost every day. I've tried to ditch the cream and shampoo that keeps my skin bearable and clear but then I just can't stand it anymore. And ditto for the insomnia....I've cut down my dose and then have gone off of it....but then my sleep is in the toilet again.

    Any advice?
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    MontanaMom- My TMS symptoms, like most folks who've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, are both lengthy in duration and multi-facteted. I'm very happy that some of my more distracting pain symptoms have diminished over all

    Eric) Now is when you kick in your studies ok. Your really making progress and you need to stay with it. You can let doubt be in the equation.
    Your more distracting pain symptoms have diminished so really focus on your protocol and keep doing it day to day. The tms wants you to be in balnce and happy with yourself and life, have you been taking walks in the nature? How long have you been on the journey now? Remember we don't want time limits but if you tell me your daily protocol, we can add some stuff to help you sleep better and so forth. Im proud of you, your the winner, again what tms healing is leading you to being back to winning and being in balance with life again. The rage sooth ratio has to be balanced daily so how are you doing your calming or soothing? Tms symptoms all heal the same way. When you get back happy with life in general and don't fear doing anything that you've always wanted to do then you will start to totally recondition your thinking after the law of habit has set in. Your doing great.

    MontanaMom)- but then I can get discouraged because then I realize I have more stuff to deal with.

    Eric) Don't get discouraged be proud - humbly proud that you have come so far and now you are in the second phase of healing. I went through three phases
    1) Getting down the program 2)- loosing the focus 3)- learning to live out my life's purpose. When I learned that last part, well it was all down hill and easy like second nature. You got it, thanks for the post, its awesome.
    Remember you will get rid of the pain when you get back to living a full life, being happy with everything you are- faults and all.
  3. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you so very much for kind and thoughtful reply, Herbie. To answer your questions....I'm at day 27 in the SEP and about 5 weeks since "The Great Awakening". ;) My daily protocol consists of: SEP and than exercise (walk, cycle or swim) first thing in the morning. In the afternoon I take a 25 "mindfulness break" by listening to a guided imagery by Jon Kabbat Zin or Martin Rossman. And yes, nature is part of my life - it helps that we have mountains literally right outside our door. I've also ditched watching or listening to any news.

    We also have quite a few stressors in life right now which I'm learning watch closely for TMS triggers....and set boundaries accordingly where I can. But it just gets old! I've got crazy (and I DO mean crazy) family members that drop in randomly, the financial pressures of business start up, teenagers (who overall are great kids), and blah, blah, blah... :eek: I think I'm also walking out midlife sort of issues....taking stock of my life and realizing this is not quite what I planned as I enter into my 5th decade of life.

    So there you have it. Thank you again for your encouragement...it is of enormous value.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow, thank you MontanaMom
    Your doing very good, Only 1 thing
    When you say mid- life issues it got my curiosity.

    Remember when we start to heal for our final phase we will
    have a good amount of anxiety that we will feel in
    our mindbody emotionally for a week or two.

    So if your getting anxious and having results in healing
    and you don't know what could be happening.
    Im sure now you will know and it will not be a burden to you.

    Your on a very good path
    Sounds just like the way I healed in your program workings
    Stat course

    Bless you
  5. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Again, THANK YOU, Herbie. It is so encouraging to hear from someone a little farther into this journey than I am at the present time. And it is my hope that I can in turn help others as they start their journey.

    Yes, there is a lot of "unknown" that I'm dealing with. We're on the verge of being empty nesters too and hence a new stage in life. A stage that I anticipate with joy because it will be pain free and full of new possibilities.

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