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Oxygen Deprivation theory basis, evidence

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by IrishSceptic, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    A few months ago researching pain relief methods I came across Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers(I considered building one myself and there are some great tutorials on-line).

    I have never tried one but some have claimed incredible benefits. Its a newspaper anecdotal example but its interesting >>


    Another example that includes link to a study

    I find this interesting in light of Sarnos theory of oxygen deprivation being the cause of pain.

    I think being in an oxygen chamber actually bypasses the oxygen deprivation mechanism because blood oxygen concentration increases.
    The brain is still restricting blood flow but because it is highly oxygenated the oxygen reaches the tissues concerned regardless.

    Any thoughts on this people?

    I am awaiting delivery of the 2 hour lecture video and convinced I am a TMS type. Completely fascinating and I think if I am right on this, it further reinforces Dr Sarnos hypothesis.
    sosparkly likes this.
  2. caninesense

    caninesense New Member

    Hi There,
    Just read your post. I suffer from constant intractable headaches. Years ago, I was prescribed home oxygen tanks to use daily. I felt no relief from the pain. That was before I learned about TMS. Perhaps a chamber, along with other TMS tools, might be beneficial. I simply wanted to share my own similar experience with you. Best of Luck.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  3. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well, if there is oxygen deprivation for a purpose as Sarno states, veins can be simply constricted further to have so little oxygen reach the tissue, that pain will persist. So if such a treatment would work in some cases, chances are high that it is a placebo.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm going to agree with Gigalos and say - Placebo!

    And what about all of the many TMS equivalents, which have nothing to do with oxygen deprivation? Look at Dr. Sarno's primary example of a common and completely harmless mind-body reaction, which is blushing - I believe that the physiology of blushing is that MORE blood and presumably oxygen is being pumped into the distractive area of the body.

    Personally, I'm not a big adherent of the oxygen-deprivation theory - although, from the point of view of giving your brain something to visualize, it may work with or without a hyperbaric chamber. This is because of the power of the placebo effect, which is something we need to harness rather than dismiss.

    This guy is researching it: http://harvardmagazine.com/2013/01/the-placebo-phenomenon

    The big problem, of course, being that there ain't no money in the placebo effect for big pharma or biotech.

    Cheryl and Ellen like this.
  5. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    About oxygen deprivation, I've been praciticing deep diaphramic breathing a lot lately and love it,
    for the profound relaxing effect. It's made me wonder if the pharmaceutical companies that
    love to push pills on us will try to lobby Congress to pass a law making it illegal to practice
    deep breathing. haha.
    Karen, JanAtheCPA and Boston Redsox like this.
  6. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    The breathing technique described by Michael Brown in the Presence Process seems to elevate the oxygen level in your blood stream at the same time it breaks your obsessive compulsive thought patterns that create sorrow about the past and fear about the future. Killing 2 birds with one stone?

    On a different tack, I notice that my TMS symptoms do seem to increase whenever I go up to altitude (say 10,000 ft asl) rapidly and gradually decrease as I become acclimatized. When I return to sea level, TMS symptoms likewise seem to decrease. Of course, all this could have to do with simply stressing my physiology and/or changes in physical and psychological environments. How much this has to do with placing new demands on your physiology to adapt rapidly to change and how much involves psychological adaptation as well? Sounds like a bit of both. The old body-mind dualism resurfacing again as per usual! However, taken one way, this kind of anecdotal, highly subjective, personal evidence does seem to corroborate Dr Sarno's slightly reduced oxygen to the nerves, tendons and muscles theory as the cause of TMS, doesn't it?
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  7. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    I would say this validates Sarno because I doubt the brain is able to notice oxygen concentration has increased in blood and increase TMS pain to make up for increased oxygen.
  8. Lavender

    Lavender Well known member

    Two years ago, someone put me in touch with a man whose RSD had been helped by HBOT. He has had to return to the treatments every so often now as a way of life, which means travel and booking a motel for 2 weeks. I am assuming that since his initial injury was from a work related accident, he is most likely being compensated by insurance for the costs. $2500. Anyone considering this should also read up on possible ill effects. Claustrophobia can be a problem. Some of the University hospitals have chambers the size of a small room complete with chairs, but the patient has to fit the limited criteria for their use.

    In the nineties, they were the latest gizmo being sold to chiropractors as the marketers were promoting them as a way to help autism but now they are still trying to get their investment to pay them back. If you search, you might find a nearby chiropractor who uses an inflatable one, or will rent it out for home use. ( At least $1900 with shipping)

    I have also read posts from other RSD sufferers who have done HBOT with no results but the desperation makes it worth a try of one can travel and afford it.
  9. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    This time last year I was seriously pricing what it would cost to build one as I was sure it would help me! Amazing the desperate lengths u go to stop pain when it was much easier all along !
  10. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Not thinking about it all the time is the best way to reduce or elimate TMS pain symptoms. Planning to build an HBOT sounds like a pretty desperate, obsessive activity!
  11. sosparkly

    sosparkly New Member

    Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber?! Wow, no need for anything like that.

    The answer to tension-based pain (tension-muscle contraction-restricted blood flow-lack of oxygen-pain) is within the individual. The problem is created by the mind, and can be resolved by the mind and the body. No fancy machinery required...
    Boston Redsox and BruceMC like this.

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