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Online Webinar from Alan Gordon: Techniques and tools to overcome [TMS]

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Forest, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi everyone,

    I thought you might like to know about an online webinar hosted by Alan Gordon, LCSW and John Stracks, MD. Both Alan Gordon and Dr. Stracks recovered from their own TMS and have tremendous passion for spreading the word. They're both very smart and I have great respect for both of them.

    If you are interested in this, you may also want to check out Alan's TMS Recovery Program or submit your question to the Ask A TMS Therapist program, as Alan runs both of those.

    For internet events like this, it's always important to pay attention to time zones. In this case, the time is Thursday, June 25th 6 to 8 p.m. Central Time, 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific Time.

    Here is an image of the brochure: (but mind the time zone unless you happen to live in Central)

    If you have trouble reading the image, here is the text of the brochure:

    Mindbody Medicine Program Presents
    Breaking The Pain Cycle
    Techniques and tools to overcome chronic
    pain and other physical symptoms

    Join Dr. John Stracks, Director of Mindbody Medicine at Northwestern Medicine
    and Alan Gordon, LCSW, for a two hour webinar on using psychological techniques
    to heal chronic pain and other physical symptoms. This presentation will provide
    concrete techniques to help sufferers overcome their symptoms. Some of the
    specific areas covered will be: overcoming conditioned responses, breaking the
    pain’s reinforcement, and the development of outcome independence. These
    tools can be used by anyone with psychogenic pain and can significantly reduce
    or eliminate symptoms in a matter of days or weeks. A 30 minute question and
    answer session will follow the presentation.

    Alan Gordon is the Director of the Pain Psychology Center in
    Los Angeles, CA. Alan is an Assistant Adjunct Professor at the
    University of Southern California, has authored publications on
    the treatment of chronic pain, and has presented on the topic
    of pain treatment at conferences and trainings throughout
    the country. He served as the chair for the 2013 Mind-Body
    Conference at USC, and co-created the Treatment Outline and
    Training Protocol for the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association.

    Date and Time: Thursday, June 25th 6 to 8 p.m. Central Time, 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific Time
    Where: Prentice Women’s Hospital, 250 E. Superior
    or online viewing is available per request from Dr. Stracks
    Cost: $20
    Registration: To register or for more information, please call Health Resources
    at 312-926-8400 or visit us online at classes.nmh.org/listing/all. For more
    information, call 312-926-DOCS or email Dr. Stracks at info@drstracks.com.

    Para asistencia en español, por favor llamar al Departamento de Representantes para Pacientes al 312-926-3112.
    Northwestern Memorial is committed to representing the communities we serve, fostering a culture of inclusion, delivering culturally competent care and access to treatment and programs in a non-discriminatory manner, and eliminating healthcare disparities. For questions, please call the Patient Representative department at 312-926-3112, TDD/TTY number 312-944-2358.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi folks, I've attached an updated version of the Flyer with the time in multiple time zones.

    It's Thursday, June 25th 6 to 8 p.m. Central Time, 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific Time

    Attached Files:

  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just five days away!
  4. Derek Sapico MFT

    Derek Sapico MFT TMS Therapist

    Do we know if this is going to be recorded?
  5. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    To be honest, I don't know. My bet is that it isn't, but I really don't know.
  6. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    He is going to be recorded. If you want to hear it at a later time, you need to register above and then you will receive an email with an access code that can be used to listen to it later.
    Forest likes this.
  7. IndiMarshall

    IndiMarshall Well known member

    I missed it .
    Can I register now & receive the recording ???
  8. Dr. Stracks

    Dr. Stracks Newcomer

    Hi All. We did indeed record it and it is available to view. If you want to see it go ahead and call my staff during the week at 312-926-8400 and tell them you want to see the recording of the webinar. There is the same small fee, but they'll process it for you and let me know and I'll send you the link to the recording.

    I'm working now on getting permission to record the panel discussions that I hold. The next one of those is on Thursday, July 30 and I'll have Forest post a flyer soon along with information on whether that one will be recorded. Because we need to protect patient confidentiality it's a little bit more complex, but I'm thinking I can do it.
    Forest likes this.

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