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Need recommendation for therapist

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Freeange, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Freeange

    Freeange Peer Supporter


    I'm hoping someone can recommend a good/excellent TMS therapist who does work via Skype (I live in Canada). I think I've taken this journey as far as I can without some help...

  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Alan Gordon's clinic works over Skype. I personally had a really good luck with Amber Murphy from his clinic. She overcame the same condition as the one I have. She is awesome: compassionate, smart and accommodating. I wish I had a better Internet provider, mine kept dropping connection so I had a stop sessions sooner than I may have needed.
  3. Freeange

    Freeange Peer Supporter

    Could I be so bold as to ask what condition you had?
  4. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I also used amber she was great ..
  5. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It is a deluxe version of pain: comes with numbness, swelling, hypersensitivity to touch and temperature and dystonia, when muscles/tendons tense up and would not release. I got over everything except dystonia.
  6. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I have the same diagnosis ....I have burning all over along with burning sore feet constantly ...
  7. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    There is nothing worse than burning and tingling neuropathic pain..... hang in there, Marco!
  8. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Thx believe I am
  9. Freeange

    Freeange Peer Supporter

    Thanks, I took your recommendation. Amber is awesome. I love working with her and have seen some real progress!
    anasutana and TG957 like this.

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