1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Need advice

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Camarogirl, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    Hi everyone , I am new here and trying to figure this all out. I have had chronic lower back pain for over 3 years and have had lots of different diagnosis . Over the course of 3 years I have become completely out of shape and have no lower body strength. It actually scares me that I am so weak . I know this is because of the fear of not wanting to do anything to hurt my back , I treated myself like fragile glass. I am still seeing my physiotherapist and she agrees with this TMS could be my underlying issue. She also feels my muscles are confused and haven’t been working properly . So my question is this , do I continue doing the exercises and stretches she is suggesting? Or will this cause me more grief?
  2. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    Hi Camarogirl,

    I’ve had the same experience. Fear of pain keeps you from exercise, you get weaker and it gets harder to exercise. Any normal “pain from gain” sensations can give your brain the idea that you’ve done something dangerous. Also, the brain interprets even the desire for change as danger.

    Take it slowly. Try doing a few reps of an exercise with the attitude “I do not fear any pain or sensations my body feels from this safe activity”. Don’t push yourself too hard.

    At one point I even dreaded having to go downstairs to do my laundry because I feared the uphill climb so much. I had quite the pile of dirty clothing! I knew I’d turned the corner when one night I went up the staircase without dreading it or feeling like I had to plan and prepare myself for it.

    I am glad you have a physio who understands about TMS! It will make your journey easier. And, you have all of us here fir support too.

    Good luck!
    Ellen and Camarogirl like this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Have you read Healing Back Pain by Dr. John Sarno (or another tms book) or looked into the free program on this website?
    They are helpful to gain insight into your inner fear mechanism.
    Camarogirl likes this.
  4. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

  5. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    That’s it exactly , fear of pain!! I see myself wanting to do these things and thought Of vacuuming even scares me . So I understand that laundry you mentioned , I too have piles of dirty clothes I need to address. I will try what you suggested about starting slowly and changing my thinking . Thank you for your support
  6. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

  7. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    I have ordered it and it’s arriving Monday . I do have Alan Gordon’s book and I’m currently reading that . I have started the structured 6 week program that is offered on here . Today is my day 1
    Celayne likes this.
  8. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    There is also the Pain Recovery Program, which is a 21 day (I think) program. It was created by Alan Gordon. It’s fun and covers pretty much everything.
    Camarogirl likes this.
  9. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    You will find that those little things become easier, sometimes without you even noticing. I’m pulling for you.
    Camarogirl likes this.
  10. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

  11. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    Is the 21 day program posted on this forum? Sorry I’m still trying to navigate this site
  12. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    Yes. There is a link at the top of the main page, not the forum page. Pain Recovery Program.
    Camarogirl likes this.
  13. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    To answer your question about continuing the recommended stretches and exercises: some people, starting with Dr Sarno, recommend stopping all physical treatments for psychogenic, or TMS, pain.

    I’m my opinion, you are needing to strengthen your body now and if you do the exercises in the spirit of being stronger and healthier rather than “curing” anything, it’s good to do that.
    Camarogirl likes this.
  14. Camarogirl

    Camarogirl New Member

    That’s how I was thinking about it . Need to strengthen everything that is out of shape .
    Celayne likes this.
  15. Balsa11

    Balsa11 Well known member

    Back spasms are painful but temporary.
  16. MedicineWithin

    MedicineWithin Peer Supporter

    It comes down to fear. If you can tap into the feeling of fear, little by little without being overwhelmed, your body will eventually quit giving you the distraction of pain to combat the experience of fear. Fear is at the root. Maybe you have had some experiences in your life that have put you over the threshold in terms of fear, and now it is hard to trust...your body, life, yourself, others...so the fear has taken over, except when this happens we just see it as the fear of exercise because of pain. But what usually happens is peoples world gets smaller and smaller as fear begins to rule their lives more.

    Much love and trust

    Celayne likes this.

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