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In a pinch, any advise?

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by JoshG, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. JoshG

    JoshG New Member

    Hello, I'm close to two weeks into the TMS program and 150 pages into Dr. Sarnos book The Divided Mind. I had a 30-40% decrease in pain within two days of getting into this. Its a huge relief to understand that I don't have any structoral abnormality, I've been going on hikes, swimming and getting back into normal life. I had one day that was pain free, I threw out the lumbar support in my car and pain meds. I know I'ts TMS because I've felt the pain move from my back to my pelvis and tail bone and in different parts of my leg, ankle, and foot.
    The down side is that I'm smack in the middle of changing jobs and I just have a bunch of other Sh#t going on right now, this seems to happen at an extremely inconvienent time. Driving long distances and sitting in certain positions is still pretty agonizing. I went to a meditation class this morning and had to leave because of the pain. Are there any cases where it gets worse before it gets better? It feels like I'm back to square one. I'm running out of money and I have to get back to work soon, what do you do?

    P.S. Thanks to the people who put this deal together.
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Joshuagandy)- Hello, I'm close to two weeks into the TMS program and 150 pages into Dr. Sarnos book The Divided Mind. I had a 30-40% decrease in pain within two days of getting into this. Its a huge relief to understand that I don't have any structoral abnormality, I've been going on hikes, swimming and getting back into normal life. I had one day that was pain free, I threw out the lumbar support in my car and pain meds. I know I'ts TMS because I've felt the pain move from my back to my pelvis and tail bone and in different parts of my leg, ankle, and foot.

    Eric) it good to know you've found the cure ,
    although two weeks is the beginning you've already got the pain on the move
    This usually takes longer, anyhow your still very new to this process so keep going.

    You will see bigger improvements in the months to come
    Right now take it easy on yourself, you don't have to not be at work for this to work-
    its the knowledge that heals

    As you learn more and more you will start to recondition even if your changing jobs.
    We heal cause we learn and practice- then learn and practice.
    Let me know what your protocol is,
    I will be able to help you there-
    lighten up, laugh more and watch some comedies.

    Joshuagandy)- The down side is that I'm smack in the middle of changing jobs and I just have a bunch of other Sh#t going on right now, this seems to happen at an extremely inconvienent time. Driving long distances and sitting in certain positions is still pretty agonizing. I went to a meditation class this morning and had to leave because of the pain. Are there any cases where it gets worse before it gets better? It feels like I'm back to square one. I'm running out of money and I have to get back to work soon, what do you do?

    Eric)- There is a lot of tension and sensitization that you will have to sooth to bring yourself back in balance with life
    but you don't have to worry about it, ok. just take your time- use self control and patience Till you get very good at
    them. Id also recommend Alan Gordon's Program- http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/TMS_Recovery_Program

    If you have any questions im here and there are others that can help
    this is about an issue that you are unaware of
    we use the offense and defense side of the coin
    see you been moving on with life right- the offense
    but have you been soothing with focusing, facing, floating and mindfulness
    The best soothing I ever learned was at home with some good books
    You will learn and you will heal

    Have any thoughts let me know
    God Bless
  3. JoshG

    JoshG New Member

    Thank you for the reply. Its really helpful to talk to people about this. it makes a huge difference.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you Joshuagandy
    It meant a lot to me when I was in recovery to have good friends that knew the ropes to help guide me in the right direction.
    Im so happy that I had a chance to meet them and share stories with them.You just hold your head up now , your well on your way to the cure.
    Stay the course and never give in, if you do get some reason to fall back- then start right back again.

    Our expectancy to heal with our belief we can heal is a magic elixir of truth and friendship found in the books of wisdom you learn of here
    and in the minds and hearts of the friends you will accumulate here, life is relationship- that right there will take you a long way- to the cure.
    WE learn so much here at Tmswiki. One thing I learned that I was missing was a my relationship with like minded people.

    Were all out for one common cause, to help others and to heal- also to bring hope back to a lost heart and to bring a smile to a soul of desperation.
    When you get it, its good to know, so im spreading as much as possible ( the healing knowledge) so I can see more freedom and more happiness in the hearts of all my Tmswiki friends.

    Bless You
  5. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Joshuagandy,
    My TMS definitely got worse before it got better, and I think you will find that is the case with most of us on this forum. TMS healing doesn't occur in a straight line. It is a process with good days and not so good days. But if you hang in there and work one of the structured programs (like the SEP that is free on this site) you will continue to see progress. I have been at for 6 months now and am at 80-90% TMS free pretty consistently. There are still flare ups from time to time, but I can usually figure out the underlying emotional issue pretty quickly now and get some relief. It can be hard to do the TMS work while still taking care of all of life's necessities, but the pay off will come.

    Best wishes on your healing journey
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.

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