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Helpful Video Dr. Schubiner

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Tms_joe, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    https://alumni.msu.edu/learn/online/livestream-and-video-content/video-content-details.cfm?id=236 (MSURx2017)

    I just wanted to share this video of Dr. Schubiner. He states things I've read a million times, but for me it was just so much more convincing. I feel like it took me from 95% convinced of TMS as my RSI issues to 100%. For the first time my pain subsided while actually using a computer. That experience removes the fear of the pain for me because I'm now confident I can make that happen again.

    This recovery process isn't linear in any fashion for me. It's not instant. There have been relapses, but overall I am recovering. I guess I just pictured it differently from the books and success stories I've read.

    Hope others find it helpful.
    BruceMC, mm718, Jules and 1 other person like this.
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Excellent video. I love Dr. Schubiner.
  3. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    the reign of pain lies mainly in the brain

    we should make a poster of that... :)

    @joe I believe that doctors who write books experience that the majority of their patients get better quite soon. The experience I have on this forum is that this isn't the case for people who didn't get a diagnosis and/or treatment by a TMS doctor.
    I see two possible explanations: 1) people who get better quickly by just reading one or two books usually don't apply on this forum , 2) we shouldn't underestimate the impact a TMS-diagnosis by a doctor can have on your brain.
  4. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    I think it's the fact that he's dedicated his career to this and is educating others about it with such confidence. That was very convincing for me.
  5. Jules

    Jules Well known member

    I totally agree, and that is why I am enlisting the help of a TMS doctor, so I can completely heal. I was hoping I would be one of the book healers, and that I could do it on my own. Alas, that is not the case, so I have major hope that my brain will finally accept this diagnosis and heal. ;)
  6. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    I'm now just soaking up the material I can find online about the leaders in TMS treatment each day. It is probably the most effective thing I have found yet. It's seeming silly to me to consider anything physical anymore. I've certain had some very strange pain and other sensations in places unrelated to my RSI symptoms. I feel like that must be more TMS or the symptom imperative, and I have no trouble ignoring them. They go away. The RSI symptoms are still there in some capacity, but I'm not feeling afraid now. I just reinforce that each day with youtube videos and/or the TMS Wiki which may as well just be a biography about me.
  7. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    The idea that chronic pain is fear-driven seems to be at the center of Howard's presentation. I would concur.
    Marls likes this.
  8. colls100

    colls100 Well known member

    @Jules I totally healed my RSI pain on my own after reading one page of this forum!

    But my headaches, dizziness, tiredness etc. came on even stronger after I realised they might also be TMS.

    I struggled to come up with a plan I could stick to. I would start the SEP and then read a post where someone said journalling didn't help them. So I'd try something else and then read another post that said journalling is the key etc. I got myself in a muddle. So now I'm seeing Georgie Oldfield over Skype. It's been 2 weeks. Right now I am seeing little bits of progress here and there. But nothing spectacular. I think I'm falling into the trap of watching the calendar and comparing myself to people who recover in one week.

    But it's been helpful because I have a clear program to follow. And I'm confident it's going to work for me in the long run.

    I'm an extremely analytical person, and I've realised also a very very negative thinker. So I know it's going to take a while to convince my brain and for me to re-program my thinking almost.

    But I'm going to get there! And so are you x
    Jules likes this.

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