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Feet pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Frankie1089, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. Frankie1089

    Frankie1089 Peer Supporter

    Any foot pain recovery stories?
    Thank you and Happy Holidays
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Well known member

    Hey Frankie, I had plantar fasciitis about 6 years ago and was able to recover using the structured educational program here on the wiki. I also read The Mindbody Prescription and Steve Ozanich's first book. Foot pain, like some others can be crippling, but it is wonderful to be free again!!
    Andy Bayliss is a great member to read about foot tms.
  3. Frankie1089

    Frankie1089 Peer Supporter

    Hi Lizzy! Thanks for the response. I have read Andy's story. It is amazing. Did you have pain on both feet ?
  4. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had pain all the way down to the tip of my toes during my main TMS symptoms. I also used to have my feet go ice cold and I couldn't get the feeling back in them no matter how hard I jumped up and down, pounded them, etc. I even considered buying electric socks. It all went away when I treated my symptoms as TMS.

    Last year during a small relapse, I felt like I was stepping on a nail into my heel on every step. That was also TMS. I got rid of it by remembering what was going on the day I noticed it and challenging (Running sprints in a muddy field) it whilst chewing my brain out...it went away in one day after lingering for about a week.

    By restricting blood flow in the small of your back (ischemia) the nerves there can create all sorts of weird symptoms up and down the legs. It's actually amazing how one little seemingly unrelated thing can cause so much havoc. I have thought I had Hip Problems, foot problems, knee problems, shin splints....and it was all meat and potatoes TMS.
  5. Lizzy

    Lizzy Well known member

    Hey Frankie, I haven't had pain in both feet at the same time. About 20 years ago it was the right, five years again the right, but my most recent flare was the left. My three flare ups have been caused by very emotional stuff, processing through took a few months slowly improving. In between I have minutes or maybe hours that I can just check in with my emotions and say to myself, its just mindbody. Thankfully it hardly ever happens.

    Check out baseball's posts, they are so encouraging!
  6. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    I'm seeing an ortho on the 14th and can't wait to hear what the PA says the Dr. Says! I was diagnosed with a small five neuropathy several years ago. I really need to dive into the TMS protocol fully... I'm amazed at how completely tms f's with your head... it is brutal! So, Yes I'll go to this appointment after having something over 10 years! But my gut feeling is it's TMS!
    Lizzy likes this.
  7. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Same here LOOKING FOR SPACE been dealing with terrible foot leg and full body pain ... went to all the dr total waste of time ... small fiber neuropathy.. is the even a real thing ?

    Are you on any meds ... nothing help me other than klonpin but decide to stop with help from a dr .. been stumbling threw the TMS mind field for over 10 yrs .
    Looking for space likes this.
  8. Frankie1089

    Frankie1089 Peer Supporter

    I was asking for recovery stories or hope
    Not for some of the comments I'm recieving.
    Looking for space likes this.
  9. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    The only time my neuropathy left, was when I was put on an antidepressant called wellbutrim,
    Took it completely away for two weeks! So that tells me there is certainly a mind/ body connection. For myself I told my story without answering your question directly ( frankie1089),I'm diving into tms deeply... while living and doing what I want.
    Hopefully I have a success story one day!
  10. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    Hi Boston Redsox...A Dr. Took skin samples and diagnosed small fiber neuropathy. The Dr. Was a rheumatologist, and Ive never taken any medication for it...stress makes it worse...i have been on klonopin for awhile but have tapered down to 5 MG a day.soon to start 4.5.... but nothing has helped. My appointment was going to be tomorrow but, I canceled until March 9th.
    It's hell for sure. I've been under a lot of stress this week and decided waiting until march wont hurt as I've had it since 2012...
  11. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I’m sorry to hear that and believe me I know what you are going three wow 5 mg is a lot of benzo did it help you with your pain ?

    I was taking 1 mg and it help I couldn’t image 5mg I be on the floor.

    My neurologist told me SFN was a BS diagnosis just like fibro I don’t believe any of them
    Looking for space likes this.
  12. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    No the Benzo had never helped the pain. I've been on oxycodone, but weaned of in July of 2020. So, there was an antidepressant that ONCE, stopped the pain. [Wellbutrin].I don't know what your symptoms are but mine are like feelings of sand between my toes, like wires are wrapped around my feet inside, burning, tendinitis like feelings above the ankle. It's interesting that your neurologist told you it was a BS diagnosis.
    I think that cause me to think it's TMS . But it isn't any fun.
  13. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Sounds we have same issues but I will get it all over my body mainly legs and forearms.. why did you stop taking the antidepressant if it was helping ? And god 5 mg is insane amount along with oxi.

    I gave up on Dr regarding this pain they are no help at all
    Looking for space likes this.
  14. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    The antidepressant was stopped because it stopped working. The medicines were a lot but I was used to them so, it was alright. I functioned
    Fairly well. But I no longer take pain medications, and klonopin is down to 4.5 daily.
    Yes Symptoms seem similar. But my Dr's nurse Mentioned to me that the antidepressant had been interrupting pain signals! So it can only be TMS. It sucks royally!
  15. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Sorry to hear that ...but all these meds are crutches and believe me if it wasn’t for those crutches I could not survive..
    I was lucky that non of the meds they gave me besides klonipin worked if anything they made me totally un functional especially the antidepressants .
    Tried tramadol that killed me made me so constipated plus didn’t touch pain ...Again just the benzo calmed me down and shut down pain so I could work and excercise .
    But once I moved to Ca no dr will give them to me which his a blessing even though I am
    Suffer with pain.

    We need to accept our circumstances and move on stop fixing and fight accept we can not get rid of TMS in this manner
    Looking for space likes this.
  16. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    Yes. I don't like antidepressants for various reasons but mostly, I never have any lasting success with them. I hand never taken any medications other than the way prescribed. With 2020 being rather stressful and this year looking to be no different for now, I'm proud that I'm still pulling off all these meds! No they are temporary! So, I'll be diving into the TMS work.
    But I don't stop living my life .... I'm definitely not crazy about winters in New England, glad to hear you're in CA.
  17. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I agree regarding weather it’s on thing to be dealing with TMS but had the cold and it just bumps it up ..Being in the sunshine is a bit easier but to clarify weather has no bearing in healing . And don’t get me wrong if I could take something to help my pain I would not hesitate to take it .
    One day at a time for sure
  18. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    I agree with everything you have said above! One day at a time .

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