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Dream Programming

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by kindlethelight, May 16, 2014.

  1. Colly

    Colly Beloved Grand Eagle

    Magicbird, I just thought I'd throw this in. Hope it helps you. It certainly helped me unravel some of my dreams. I posted this on a previous thread so Walt if you're reading this you might get deja vu.

    John Kehoe talks about dream interpretation in his book: 'Mind Power in the 21st Century'. He writes:
    "Dreams are always about you and your circumstances - where you are stuck, what you're avoiding, what you're missing, what you're ignoring, where you need to go. Ninety-five percent of the time all the characters, creatures, monsters and strangers in your dreams represent aspects of yourself. When you are interpreting a dream assume that all the people in the dream are you (except when you recognise the characters - children, spouse, parents, co-workers and so forth - and even then they are sometimes you)"

    This was a real eye-opener for me, and helped me through a difficult period recently.

    The rest of his book his great too. I recommend it.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Bruce. Your allergies kicking in at your aunt's house sure sounds like they were from repressing emotions
    going back to your boyhood and your parents' fighting while you lived there. Watching your dad smash the
    vacuum cleaner must have really given you some trauma.

    As you know from Herbie's and my book, I had similar trauma from my folks' quarreling, mostly over lack of money.
    I had to put myself in their shoes and figure they had lots of reasons for Dad's back aches and Mom's migraines.
    Then I was able to forgive them.
  3. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh, yeah, Walt, my late father's childish tantrums and violent alcohol-driven behavior patterns must have put me under continuous psychological pressure during my formative years. No wonder I developed allergies, asthma and later, after my parents' deaths, TMS. You can defer and defer, but then whatever you've successfully repressed finally comes out of the closet. I think the underlying message was "Be perfect or I'll kill you and your mother too!" I can remember that the implicit message he was projecting was that if you two (me and my mother) didn't live up to his demands for absolute perfect behavior ( under his control of course) he'd kill us both and then commit suicide himself. Nasty threat to live under year after year as a kid. Funny, though, how many families there are like that that are governed by a reign of immature, self-destructive behavior based on low self-esteem passed on from generation to generation. The old-style macho man father figure wasn't exactly mature. Amazing how many women back then put up with that kind of stuff simply because they wanted to hold the family together at any psychological price. Speaking in larger psycho-historical terms, you can certainly see how the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression led to the apocalyptic violence of WWII. The "Greatest Generation" certainly wasn't exactly a happy one.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    North Star likes this.
  4. Magicbird

    Magicbird New Member

  5. Magicbird

    Magicbird New Member

    Thank you so much, Steve, for answering my email personally.
  6. Magicbird

    Magicbird New Member

    COLLY, THANKS for sending me John Keho's quote. I'll see if that helps me make sense about my dreams. The pink rat I was walking on a pink halter through the Indian village might have had to do with the fact that I foster dogs as a volunteer for our local animal shelter so halters and leashes have been part of my life this last year. But I can't make sense out of the teepees or my long black Indian braids. And the 'cardboard-like' cutout of the Indian mother in my tee pee--my mother was warm and loving, she was anything but cold and stiff. My mother has, best as I can remember, always been true to character (warm and loving) in all my other dreams.

    ....which raises a question in my mind--I'll need to think about this more, but:

    TO EVERYONE: Never mind the bizarre things that people do in dreams, like walk pink rats or fly in the sky--but it seems to me that loved ones and friends STAY TRUE TO CHARACTER in one's dreams. Has that been your experience too? My best friend might be playing her piano on my roof in my dream, but I can trust that she won't throw the piano keys at me. Same with my mother--my mother never once said anything in a dream that was not true to her loving character when she was alive.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
  7. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Bruce. I sure would say that visiting your aunt's house brought back traumatic memories that your subconscious gave you allergies and colds. It sure works in mysterious ways.

    It's wonderful that you learned about TMS when you did. I too wish I had learned about it years earlier. We had to wait for Dr. Sarno and the internet.

    Your father must have had a bad case of TMS.

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