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Day 4: Disheartening body workers

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by lexylucy, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. lexylucy

    lexylucy Well known member

    What was the most disheartening thing a body worker/medical professional ever said?

    I pretty much heard again and again in different ways that there was a very structural and understandable cause for pain. I understand this and I think it is true that there are areas of my body that are vulnerable. But when I body worker or medical professional told me there was nothing I could do and I would be in pain for the rest of my life ....I would......STOP SEEING THEM!!!

    Yes! And that is eventually what led me to you guys and to Sarno - thank god :)

    I actually discovered Sarno's book 4 years before and the body worker I was using told me to throw it in the garbage. She basically implied that I have REAL structural problems and I took it to mean that I shouldn't get my hopes up. :(

    Anyway I am still knew but if this Mindbody thing really works - and it just might -I can't wait to write a letter to every body worker/medical professional I ever had explaining so :) YAY
    Stella likes this.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    lexylucy, Keep believing totally in TMS and you will be pain-free.
    I too would walk away from any doctor who said I would be in pain all my life.
    I think doctors should spend more time learning about alternatives to medication and surgery.
    I never knew a doctor who suggested other ways of healing, either physically or emotionally.

    Just drinking hot milk (maybe with a little honey) and deep breathing for its profound calming effects
    are the best remedies I have found for anxiety and headaches as well as pain relief.

    The worst thing a doctor ever told me was I had a cancerous growth in my neck and he wanted to operate.
    I insisted on a culture being taken first and over his constant objections, he finally agreed.
    A culture was taken and it was found that the pimple on my neck was a water pimple
    and it went away by itself. The doctor who wanted to cut open my neck was the head cancer surgeon
    of one of the best hospitals in the country. So long, Doc. Won't see you again.
  3. lexylucy

    lexylucy Well known member

    [QUOTE="Walt Oleksy, post: 41286, member: 520
    Just drinking hot milk (maybe with a little honey) and deep breathing for its profound calming effects
    are the best remedies I have found for anxiety and headaches as well as pain relief.

    Thanks Walt. :) That sounds good
  4. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Of course a glass or two of red wine each day also works wonders and doctors even recommend it.

    Just don't over-do it. When I was a boy growing up in Chicago during the 1930s Great Depression.
    we lived near a tavern (dozens, hundreds of them, actually) but one was just a few doors away from
    our apartment. I often saw a middle-aged street woman go into the tavern wearing a jacket or coat
    and saw her leave with a bottle of cheap wine. She sat in the alley with her back propped up against
    a building and drank the wine. She was soon asleep, even in winter when she needed the jacket or coat
    but sold it for the wine.

    Just another fond memory of my childhood, which Steve Ozanich told me was "a perfect storm" for TMS.
    It was, but through journaling I was able to put all those anxieties, fears to rest and healed from bad back pain.

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