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Day 3 Day 3

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by LindaRK, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. LindaRK

    LindaRK Well known member

    Day 3! Already! If I understand what I'm supposed to do for Day 3's "Question to Ponder", here goes ....

    Day 3 is asking of me ..... "When was the last time you exercised or did another physical activity? What was this activity? How did it make you feel physically and emotionally? If it is has been a while since you last exercised, why?

    Well, exercise, for the most part, is a foreign language to me. Pre-2006, I was a gym rat (just for exercise and nothing really serious), worked in the yard, rode horses and did general maintenance work around the house and our acreage. Post-2006, much of that came to a complete halt. I became so fearful of doing anything because of the possible pain that might come of it. Pain is powerful! I really got into the twice daily stretching routines, got an ergonomically correct office chair for my office completed the local hospital's highly acclaimed back school and learned how to vacuum correctly, among other delights. Oh joy ...... never thought I'd go to school to learn how to push a vacuum! I am now qualified to vacuum the halls at any Hilton Hotel and do it the RIGHT way!

    I would be up and down in regards to my care - stopping the stretching and noticing that at many points, there really wasn't a whole lot of difference if I did it or not. So, why do it, I asked? Unfortunately, I tried over the years to ride a bike (nope, my back hurt and I gave up), do yardwork (nope, I always ended up in pain). Walking felt great and I had no pain from that - but didn't do it regularly. And, of course, I beat myself up over that regularly. When I see where I am now and look back then, it makes me angry that I didn't just get up and do something despite the pain, and not because it would help my back pain, but because it would help my health in the long run! GRRR!!

    Anyway, I live in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern California ....we usually have snow or rain this time of year, but several weeks we had a very unseasonably warm spell, lasting several weeks. It was marvelous! I took this opportunity to do some massive gardening and yardwork, more than I have in a very long time. The first time out, I managed to start sneezing like crazy - I attributed it to "allergies". I waited several days and tried again, this time, wearing a mask when I used the leaf blower and doing the work. I was a little careful, although I did alot of raking and hauling large loads of debris, etc. and dumping them, among other things. I just felt like I had such a renewed energy ..... any aches and pains that came from it were pretty temporary. The allergies though - that was not good. Never had it so bad. In fact, we use our woodstove alot for heat during the winter and we stopped because I thought the wood had mold or something on it, causing my allergies. And now, this allergy thing has morphed into a respiratory infection and/or flu. But, I'm wondering about that, too. I only feel bad in the morning and pretty good the rest of the day.

    So, through all of this, a part of me kept wondering if and when the pain was going to show up. Well, of course, it did, but really had nothing to do with my outdoor work. Like tonight - I'm sitting in the recliner watching the Olympics and my legs start hurting, as well as my lower back. My hubby was sitting in the other chair, so it's not like I could yell out "STOP, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING". I basically talked to myself and much of the pain went away. But, it's there in the background - lurking, just waiting to jump out at me again. In fact, I find myself walking around more just to do something so my legs don't bug me - to take my mind off of it. It's like if I keep my mind occupied, I'm okay. When I have downtime, watch out!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, as long as your doing some type of work that keeps your mind off the tms you are having success. This is a good example of how to get your life back LindaRK. Don't just set there, get up and do something. I love it -- thanks
    LindaRK likes this.
  3. LindaRK

    LindaRK Well known member

    Thanks, Herbie. I KNOW this. I KNOW I need to keep moving and occupy myself. I KNOW this works. Problem I'm having right now is not feeling so hot (flu?) and not moving as much as I want to, so I'm beating myself up over this .... ugh.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    No , your doing great. Just take it easy ok. Watch comedies and laugh a lot if you can. You have all the time in the world to heal. Just stay in peace, your doing great.
    LindaRK likes this.
  5. LindaRK

    LindaRK Well known member

    Thanks, Herbie.

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