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Day 3 Disheartening thing a doctor has told you question

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by tmsthrowaway05, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. tmsthrowaway05

    tmsthrowaway05 Peer Supporter

    I have seen various doctors over the past 18 months of my upper back pain. I've gotten shots, tests done, etc and am 26 y.o. I have had mostly positive encounters with doctors, but many dismissed me as being young and in perfect shape. If I had to choose, I saw a physical rehabilitation doctor who knew my case, and just told me to go for a walk every day for 8 weeks to get blood flowing in my back/shoulders. This just seemed like a cop out to me after everything I told him, but I understand that these doctors can be unsure of what is wrong with me. Walking can definitely be good and work as the real thing or a placebo, but again this felt like a cop out suggestion.
  2. DeweyHealing

    DeweyHealing Newcomer

    Exercise is huge dude! I hear ya.... seems like a cop out at first but I'm hiking so much more since I've moved to colorado. I'm not completely out of the woods yet (only on day 4) but I feel that ill be back to normal soon if I commit to this program and continue to journal, get involved in the forum, exercise and meditate daily. Were all going to be free from this soon!!!!
  3. tmsthrowaway05

    tmsthrowaway05 Peer Supporter

    I exercise daily for the last 7 months but I've also been home a lot in my own head.
  4. DeweyHealing

    DeweyHealing Newcomer

    But deep down you know that itll all better be soon right?
  5. tmsthrowaway05

    tmsthrowaway05 Peer Supporter

    Haha that's the tms method of thinking but no. How could I think that when I've been in pain every day my upper back is horrible I can barely breath some days.
  6. DeweyHealing

    DeweyHealing Newcomer

    Totally understand dude and trust me I know i know how feel....I've had chronic headaches for 3 years but I'm beginning to see small subtle shifts more and more and ive only been doing this for a couple of weeks. That seems to be how it works for a lot of people but you won't see any benefit if you don't believe the end is near soon.
  7. tmsthrowaway05

    tmsthrowaway05 Peer Supporter

    I am with you brotha.. it just is such a shit show lol. For example this morning I was in great spirits because my pain wasn't that bad (a lot of mornings the pain is bearable, maybe because when I wake my autonomic nervous system is alright and muscle spasms/oxygen deprivation is minimal? idk yet lol) But then this morning the hours went by, I was ok then did 60 minutes treadmill like I usually do, and afterward the pain is just the same as every other day. It's like the pain hits at the same times each day, which makes me believe more and more its tms, but how can i get out of my own head? The idea is don't get upset about the pain, that just makes it worse, right? But it's hard not to think about how bad the pain is. And even when I do recognize that it may be TMS, it doesn't go away. So by shit show I mean my mind is thinking 100 different things, especially now finding out about TMS my mind is blown lol, because it makes so much sense.
  8. DeweyHealing

    DeweyHealing Newcomer

    Are you meditating daily visualizing yourself fully healed? I think sometimes that could be the missing link which i am incorporating daily now --- elevating my emotional state to rewire my brain. It makes sense to me as i read you are the placebo by dr joe dispenza. Lets continue to chat on here and see if over a week period including 30 mins of elevating our emotions during meditation sees a nark inprovement?
  9. tmsthrowaway05

    tmsthrowaway05 Peer Supporter

    sounds good, and I actually just started to meditate a little and enjoy it. I'm going to do some right now for my day 6 part of this. Appreciate your input a lot.
    DeweyHealing likes this.

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