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Day 1

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Alice Liddell, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. Alice Liddell

    Alice Liddell Newcomer

    This is day 1 for me. I have suffered with chronic vulvar pain for 15 years. I have been to countless doctors (Have even flown out of state to see someone) and have been given drugs, cremes, physical therapy, and nerve blocks. I accept the diagnoses I have given myself of TMS. As I read the characteristics of people with this, I see myself. The goodie. The person who lives to please others, who is always worried about how other feels and If I have done enough to make them happy. I have created this pain and others that have come after such as rectal itching and dry eye along with now new-back pain. I am on this path and I know I'm going to heal. I started reading "The Mind Body Prescription" and I'm looking into a therapist I can see locally. I have also read on this forum of others who have suffered with vulvar pain and have healed. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm kind of stumped as to where to start exactly. I know I am in the right place and I will heal.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
  2. Dakota

    Dakota New Member

    Hello Alice, welcome!
    i don't have your pain, but I have so many more pains, also related to the reproductive organs that before knowing the existence of TMS and Dr Sarno programs and books, I thought I was sick and/or mad. The first time I made the program I quit around the 2 week because I felt my pain dissipating. Or , better, I Knew - reading the book you're reading right now - that during the program the pain moves around. And actually I felt that. So I said " ok, I got you, now I know how it works, Iìm healed" Mistake! It was right in that moment that I needed to go deeper. Then 20 days ago my therapist told me to start again the program and to immerse myself in the world of TMS, also sharing my stuff here in the foruu and by reading Dr Sarno again and again as well as the positive feedback of people that now is super ok thanks to Dr Sarno and his program. So I started the program once again and I', doing what my therapist told me to do. You're doing right, the frst time I totally ignored the forum, and I think that it's one of the grat tools available for our healing.
    Hope you will see positive outcomes asap!
    Alice Liddell likes this.
  3. Honey1972

    Honey1972 Newcomer

    Hello Alice! I am also newbie having only completed one week of the program. It has been a journey of ups and downs already with some HUGE revelations. My pain has been cut in half and is much less persistent. I know we can get there!
    Alice Liddell likes this.
  4. Alice Liddell

    Alice Liddell Newcomer

  5. Alice Liddell

    Alice Liddell Newcomer

    Hi there! Thank you for replying. May I ask what program are you following? I see two on the TMS Wiki. One I guess by Dr. Sarno and another one by Alan Gordon. I started reading The Mind Body Prescription. There's a lot of information. What did you focus on first? Also, is your therapist familiar with TMS and Chronic Pain? Just wondering if I can go to any therapist or should I pick one familiar with TMS.
  6. Alice Liddell

    Alice Liddell Newcomer

    Hi! It's so great to hear how others are getting better. May I ask what program you're following? There's so much information. I started the book, The Mind-Body Prescription but not sure what else to do at this point. Are you seeing a therapist or doing this on your own?
  7. Honey1972

    Honey1972 Newcomer

    Right now I am just working through the structured education program but I have been looking into the Curable app's groups. Money is an issue because I did suffer a frozen shoulder last year and it is not quite back to full mobility although the pain is gone.
  8. Dakota

    Dakota New Member

    the structured education program, the first one my therapist told me to do. Another thing she suggests is to read the mind body prescription over and over again (I've to say that now it's my round 2 and yes, it starts to have so much more deep sense). Yes my therapist is familiar with TMS but this is something that came out after a while we started to work together. Hope it could help.

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