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Cymbalta stopped working

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Manny2020, May 23, 2020.

  1. Manny2020

    Manny2020 Newcomer

    It worked perfectly for years now treating my tension headaches until recently I suspect it has to do with spending too much time with myself ever since Corona entered our lives and the pain came back with a vengeance , I have an appointment tomorrow with a psychiatrist, which drugs would you recommend I ask him for? Thanks.
  2. Kittyruns

    Kittyruns Peer Supporter

    I take Elavil as an anti-depressant. It is known for headache relief as well. I am hoping to eventually stop taking it because I truly believe the healing (from horrible migraines that used to land me in the ER or on the sofa for three days) really comes from immersing myself in the TMS work and my faith in God!
  3. Manny2020

    Manny2020 Newcomer

    Thanks, how many mg. daily?
  4. Kittyruns

    Kittyruns Peer Supporter

    I take 25mg a day.

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