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Confusing Back/Pelvic Pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Prosinecki, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. Prosinecki

    Prosinecki Newcomer

    Hello People, hopefully you have all a so far good sunday :)

    Im quite new and try making it all good readable.

    Its actually not that long ago (a week...?) Since I(30/M) had a stich in my.. well. Best friend... It was also sunday, and i tried to relief myself. After just some hours i felt a quite nerving constant pressure on my lower half. Thought nothing... Tried to sleep ... Bit it was a nightmare. I couldnt find rest.

    Soon I went to the doctor. At first a Urologist. Gave an sample but he said its ok.. maybe bath it in some camille. Thats what i did the next days. Nothing much changed. I also went to my new normal Doctor. she looked at me with a constant glare... Like i was a ghost and she really told me that. I gave a bloodsample and she wrote me ill. Later the week she called me in, told me its ok. But apparently i went a bit emotional... So she wrote on Paper "Despressional Phase"

    So far so ok. Nothing much changed. After some days i went to the Urologist again because there has to be something that troubles me. But before I went to the Ambulantic Speechtime of a new Orthophadist (? Sorry English isnt my first language). After 2 Hours he told me. Nope all ok. I said everything.. my whole back is on tension and all stuff above. From his point of view: Im Healthy even though im pretty much Skinny. Ofc I am. Its about my whole life as it.

    So crossed that out, i went to the Urologist again. Told him it aint got better.
    He used now about everything he can muster. Sonography, Looked at my testicals and felt if theres anything odd... Even my First Prostateexam. Hell he could have warned me.. haha.

    But after a conclusion that I have nothing... Hes checking my Urine now for "slow growing bacteria". If I hear nothing from him, then theres nothing he can do.

    I started thinking all over the place... Stressed out, forgot to eat, forgot to relax and more and more.... Suddenly i felt in my Pelvic area that something fells like untighten.. its very hard to describe because i never ever felt anything like this.

    Making things now to a small end: All I have now is Sometimes a nervous Pelvic area... More urge to pee as I am used to and sometimes leg pain like I ran a Marathon.

    Is this really about TMS? So far noone found any answer.
    My Parents told me that I am close, or even am, a Hypochondriac.

    I always tend to escalate and stress out on various things... Even when I had tensons in my back earlier i thought that I got spinal damage...

    Edit: i forgot to mention that Painkillers based on Ibuprofen doesnt work... So far everything i had on pain disappeared when i took pills
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @Prosinecki and welcome to the forum! Everything you are describing is a strong indicator that you are experiencing mental and physical symptoms from the brain mechanism we call TMS, so I think you are in the right place!

    The first thing you should look for is a copy of one of the books written by Dr. John Sarno in your language - I believe the older ones have been translated multiple times. The best book for you, given your symptoms, might be The MindBody Prescription. Also, do a web search on "John Sarno MD TMS" to see if there are online resources in your language or that you can translate - web sites, YouTube videos, or whatever you can find.

    You can also just go to our free Structured Educational Program which is on the main tmswiki.org and see if you can navigate it or have google translate it, since it's in English. There is no registration required, you just start doing one day at a time.

    Good luck, and let us know if you have any questions!


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