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Day 25 Checking in

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by gydiwon, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. gydiwon

    gydiwon New Member

    Hello everyone. I thought I would check in and report how I am doing. Although I am on day 25 of the structured program, I have actually been working the program for much longer. I just haven’t been very good about coming back every day and writing a journal entry. It feels like a chore sometimes.

    I had suffered with tennis elbow for almost a year. When I first read Dr. Sarno’s book, I began resuming my activities, but only noticed a 5-10% reduction in my previous pain levels. I did not experience any further reduction in pain for several weeks and began to worry. But I stuck with the program and after about four weeks, my pain suddenly decreased by 90%. That was about a month ago. I am now able to do everything I used to do before the pain started. However, the pain is still not completely gone.

    It looks like I still have some work to do before the pain is completely gone. But I am encouraged by the results I’ve had so far and will keep trying.
    Forest and veronica73 like this.
  2. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    Hi Gydiwon,

    I feel the same about journaling, and meditation. I really drag my feet sometimes, then when I do them, they are so helpful. I finally decided I didn't need to be perfect at it, and four or five times a week would do.

    Cheers, Terry
  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Heya, gydiwon,

    Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, journaling can be a bit like eating your veggies. Not always something to get excited about, but good for you, nonetheless...


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