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Are there ever any TMS conferences?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Pilot in pain, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Pilot in pain

    Pilot in pain Peer Supporter

    I know they have conferences for everything these days but is there ever a time where TMS folks get together and discuss the issues and so on at a conference of any kind?

    Just curious.
  2. Becca

    Becca Well known member

  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Peter, the Tuesday night TMSWiki call-ins are kind of like min-conferences.
    If you can't join on the actual night you can read Becca's audio-video posts the next day or two after.

    I won't nag, but have you called Andrew Miller yet?
  4. Pilot in pain

    Pilot in pain Peer Supporter

    Hey Walt, I have not but I am going to. I was still talking with Ira's team so I kind of started the process with them a little bit so I dont know who I should be talking to. I have friends in NY I can stay with if I go there and meet with him or the chap in Somerset so I am still trying to weigh out my options.
  5. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just believe 100 percent that your pain(s) are TMS. That alone can hell you.
    Learning techniques can be confusing... so many people have so many techniques they say work for them.
    Seeing a TMS doctor in New York could be the best for you. Visiting friends there is a plus.

    Don't let me bug you about calling Andrew Miller in California. You could do that after you see someone in New York.

    Just try to meditate and breathe deeply and repeat a calming mantra. It all helps.
  6. Becca

    Becca Well known member

    Pilot, going back to your original question about conferences - a lot of them are for practitioners. But I do know there is going to be a workshop for TMSers to learn additional techniques at the end of November, held in NYC (I mention this because it seems from your and Walt's conversations that you're in/near the NY area...?) It's being run by Dr. David Hanscom who also posts here on the forum. If you're interested, Forest wrote a thread announcing it at www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/ny-workshop-for-overcoming-tms-nov-30.3035/ .

    Also - I just have to say, your daughter is beautiful! I love babies...used to work in child care, and loved it. How old is she now?
  7. Pilot in pain

    Pilot in pain Peer Supporter

    Hey Becca, she turned 2 yesterday ironically enough. She came out 2 weeks early and Iwas on my last flight going from LAX to MEM when I got a call from the dispatcher saying my wife had gone into labor unexpectedly. it was kind of funny. THey had someone there to cover for me in MEM, held a flight for me to make the connection back to Salt Lake and although I did not make it for the delivery I was there an hour or so later. Was quite a story!
  8. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Peter. Glad Becca had a suggestion on a TMS conference. It fits in with a trip to New York.
    Are you smelling any roses lately?
  9. Pilot in pain

    Pilot in pain Peer Supporter

    Hehe Hey Walt, I have not smelled a lot of roses, physical or metaphorical in a long time! I have been keeping moving today so my back is hanging in there. Just can not sit down too long or it all goes to the dogs.

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