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An elbow splint's amount of restriction?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Guitar Binge, May 16, 2024.

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  1. Guitar Binge

    Guitar Binge New Member

    With 'cubital tunnel syndrome';, when wearing an elbow splint to sleep; is the goal not to bend your elbow past a certain point or to keep it locked in a single place permanently? I ask because in order to keep the splints I have tried in place, I have to tighten them quite a bit which puts pressure on the nerve causing irritation. However, if I were to loosen the straps a little, the brace would be loose and not put pressure on the nerve. I then would have some movement in the elbow, but I still would be mostly constricted and definitely could not bend it past 90°. So would anyone suggest tighter with pressure so it's locked in place or looser where I have a little movement but not too much movement? Please help. Thanks
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    We don’t get into anything physical here. So this is not the type of question we answer. If you choose to continue to wear your splint and think physical, your option would be to ask your healthcare providers.

    We’re happy to help you with your TMS, not your ‘cubital tunnel syndrome' - if you’d like to understand more, reading any book by Dr. Sarno will explain.
  3. Guitar Binge

    Guitar Binge New Member

    Will do. Thanks
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

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