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Issues with an elbow splints pressure on the cubital tunnel

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Guitar Binge, May 16, 2024.

  1. Guitar Binge

    Guitar Binge New Member

    While dealing with 'cubital tunnel syndrome' i wear an elbow splint to sleep. I have tried a few different ones and have ran into a common issue. First, to keep them in place you have to tighten the top and bottom straps pretty well which may put a little pressure on the nerve up higher and lower. Also, most of the styles that will stay in place have three straps and the middle one is always right over that 'cubital tunne'l, causing pressure and soreness.Are there any suggestions?Perhaps I should just tighten the top and bottom straps and leave the one in the middle loose, or is that pressure on it worth it or okay?
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    You will not get answers to these questions on this forum. We don't believe that cubital tunnel syndrome can be helped with the splints of any kind. The idea behind this forum is to help people realize that neurological conditions like yours are triggered by repressed emotions and emotional distress. This method, pioneered by Dr. Sarno, may sound like insane idea, yet thousands of people with various official diagnoses tried it out and fully recovered. My diagnosis was carpal tunnel syndrome, confirmed by EMG test and half a dozen doctors. I ignored their recommendations, used Dr. Sarno's method and fully recovered. Basically, my suggestion to you would be to buy Dr. Sarno's Mindbody Prescription or Divided Mind and start from there. If you agree to give it a try, the next suggestion would be to get rid of elbow splint altogether, as crazy as it may sound to you right now.
    Cactusflower likes this.
  3. Guitar Binge

    Guitar Binge New Member

    okay, thank you for informing me. Ironically without knowing that, I purchased a couple weeks back a book called 'the mind body prescription' by Dr. Sarno . I've not started it yet, but will be starting it ASAP. Thanks again
  4. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Excellent! My journey started with the same book. Feel free to ask questions after you read it, there are many good people on this forum who will guide you through! Good luck!
  5. Guitar Binge

    Guitar Binge New Member

    Will do. Thanks again
    TG957 likes this.

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