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amazing and confusing

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by leslie0766, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. leslie0766

    leslie0766 Peer Supporter

    Found this sight accidentally, searching for relief to odd symptom I have had since May-burning mouth. The doctors say it is GERD although I don't believe it as no medication has helped. I think it is stress related. Reading Sarno's book I started to feel better but then these other things started up like pain in my leg, neck and shoulders. Pretty funny. Have had anxiety in the past which must have started this whole mess off. Anxiety has returned with a vengeance. Any suggestions on how to tackle all this at once? Have started to journal. Feel both excited about this but also sceptical and overwhelmed.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Leslie, and welcome to our community.

    You're already laughing at your TMS, which is a very good start :^)

    If you haven't already, I recommend that you start working our free online Structured Educational Program

    And for your anxiety, the book that has helped many of us is Hope And Help For Your Nerves, by the wonderful Claire Weekes. She wrote it in 1969, thirteen years before Dr. Sarno published his first book. She was already well-acquainted with the link between anxiety and physical symptoms.

    Check in with the forum regularly, keep us posted, and all the best on your new journey!

  3. Stock Trader

    Stock Trader Peer Supporter

    Leslie, here are Claire Weekes' principles I go over everyday. I also practice mindfulness which is helping me through my TMS recovery. I hope this helps.

    1. Face
    When you have the strange physical symptoms that result from sustained stress or fear, don’t run from
    them. Go with them, relax, even analyze them. Understand that these symptoms are just strange
    physical feelings from over-sensitized, adrenalin-releasing nerves and that the feeling has no medical
    significance and causes no real harm. Look at the sensations with interest rather than fear.
    2. Accept
    Accept these unpleasant feelings as something that will be with you for a little while until you recover.
    Your nerves are sensitized and will take time to heal, just as a broken leg takes time. You will gradually
    forget to notice the feelings. By this acceptance, you break the fear-adrenalin-fear cycle that keeps your
    nerves in a sensitized state.
    3. Float
    Give up the struggle. Stop holding tensely onto yourself trying to control your fear or do something about
    it, while subjecting yourself to constant self-analysis. Stop trying to navigate your way out of this illness
    by meeting each obstacle as if it were a challenge that must be met before recovery is possible. Bypass
    the struggle, go around the mountain, not over it. Loosen your attitude and relax your mind. Don’t strive
    to relax, wait to relax. In your tense effort to control yourself, you release more adrenalin and so further
    excite your organs to produce the unpleasant sensations.
    4. Let time pass
    Be patient. Give yourself time to recover, and never be discouraged by failure. Rest, rest, rest.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson and James59 like this.
  4. leslie0766

    leslie0766 Peer Supporter

    Thank you both. I read Claire Weekes' book about a year ago when my anxiety was really working on me. It did help, but life has been sort of unrelenting the past couple years and I have struggled rather than accepted. A work in progress. I have a degree in Counseling, so you would think I would be exempt from this, but my helpful nature got the best of me. I am realing I am such a people pleaser and have a real problem with guilt and not letting people down. A new reality for me, so I have some work to do. Posted day 1 and am excited to learn from this great gift of a website.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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