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Day 1 Acid Reflux and the Burps

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by MadRex, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. MadRex

    MadRex Newcomer

    Acid Reflux and the Burps are not a rock n' roll band, but unfortunately an ailment many of us live and suffer with. I'm one of those dealing with it right now and I don't like it in the least. It is a good name for a punk band, but that might be about all it's worth.

    I decided to sign on to this program to make a commitment to use Sarno’s method to knock out my acid reflux issues.

    I believe my acid reflux/GERD is TMS related. It came about a year and half, or two years ago because of stresses at work. At least stress is what I attribute its rise to. I’ve since changed job duties, but stress is ever present. I’ve seen a doctor about my stomach and there are no concerns over something serious going on internally. I have a referral to get a GI but haven’t made the appointment yet because I feel this is all emotional. I should have dived into Sarno’s work earlier but I have just been lazy. Sarno worked for my sciatica so I need no further proof his method works after that long, costly and crazy experience.

    I’ve actually got the reflux bit under some control already, but I still suffer from burping and some nausea. Neither is continual and there is no pattern, except both tend to get worse in the evening when I am feeling vulnerable and scared. If I mediate or really focus on something else, the symptoms usually disappear.

    I have very little doubt that this is emotionally/stress driven but there is still some concern it won’t work. I keep wondering if I need a therapist but not sure how to find one that is familiar with Sarno. From what I have read in Sarno’s books, Acid Reflux/GERD is a typical (and popular) TMS candidate so I’m pretty sure if I stick to this program it will work.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2021
    westb likes this.
  2. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. MadRex

    MadRex Newcomer

    Thank you hecate105! I have started the structured educational program. Happy New Year to all.
    hecate105 likes this.

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