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A Quick Question about Healing (RSI form of TMS)

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by ShaneM, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. ShaneM

    ShaneM Peer Supporter

    I believe I have TMS, and have been living with it for about two years. I am currently implementing the resolutions of TMS and following a healing route based on the TMS concept, and have been doing so for two months. One thing that I feel is holding me back is this: My hands constantly hurt & burn. Constantly, not just when I use the computer, even if they are completely rested I still experience burning and pain. The reason this is holding me back is because the majority of RSI success stories involving TMS state that the person who recovered only experienced pain whilst using the computer. The burning has been there for a long time, and is not a new symptom to develop after discovering TMS; so it's not something that developed to worry me. Are there people who experienced constant pain and burning due to TMS even when they were not doing any activity? It would help me a lot to know. Thanks in advance!~
  2. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Why do you think it was RSI if it happened when not typing? Also can you think of anything psychological that might be at the root of it? ie; do you feel angry at what you have to do (work etc) Is there something you feel you have lost 'grip' of? Is there something you feel you should 'grasp'. Sometimes the body is very literal with symptoms (check out Louise Hay's book ' You Can Heal Your Life') The hands are all to do with 'holding on' to things - or conversely - letting go of things. Maybe there is an experience you have had which has triggered this? I hope you find the answer, good luck.
  3. ShaneM

    ShaneM Peer Supporter

    Thank you for the reply Hecate, but I think you misread, haha. The pain started whilst typing, and would stop when I stopped typing - eventually it progressed to now where the pain in constant and burning is constant, and I'm wondering if TMS can cause that constant pain. I have a very good idea of the emotions causing it, and I'm working on them. It's progressed IDENTICALLY to RSI symptoms, however symptoms of RSI developed in my left hand only 3 days after my right, even though I used my left hand significantly less than my right prior; so it is impossible for it be RSI, as far as I'm aware.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  4. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well I don't know about hands in particular, but I had continuous pain in my neck, back and shoulders for more than 20 years - so I reckon it could be TMS...
  5. Cherylie

    Cherylie New Member

    I never imagined there could be such a direct correlation between hand pain and "letting go" or "holding firm". Mind b-l-o-w-n!
  6. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is amazing innit! I have seen this borne out in many situations over the years. Back - support in life and money problems. Bladder infections - 'pissed' off at someone or something. And my personal favourite - neck pain/immobility - not wanting to see the other side, inflexibility, - story of my life...!
  7. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I love hecate105s style with Louise Hay- she's awesome

    Yes tms can cause the pain your talking about Shane M
    Tms can cause almost any pain, heres a thread of Symptoms like RSI-

    The tms will trick you and make you think its structural
    this is the covert affair- the cover up of tms- Find it here also at
    Alan Gordon's Program- http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/TMS_Recovery_Program

    So when you hurt while you work, that's the cover up
    I always hurt while I worked, most tms folks do
    You are holding back though, your not living the happy full life you want
    something is happening to have that pain in those hands
    Maybe you get stressed more cause of the pain.
    You got to learn to face and float past this.

    How long have you studied tms therapy?
    let me know your protocol and I can lead you in a direction
    so you can heal and loose this focus on your hands.

    Tms will go where it will get your focus, its done its job great Shane M
    now its time to gain your control back
  8. ShaneM

    ShaneM Peer Supporter

    Thank you Eric. I can give you a run down of my case:

    I've suffered from consistent pain in my hands, wrists, and forearms for a year and 6 months now. My pain started back when I was in my sophomore year of high school. It was a highly stressful time in my life, as I was simply trying to stack too much work up for each day and was not allowing myself any sort of break. I also am very much a perfectionist, so doing any worse than straight As in school was simply unacceptable for me, especially since I had the goal of getting into a top grade college. I averaged around 16 hours of school work (7 at school and 9 at home) per day, and was very rarely provided a break aside from during holidays. Weekends and Holidays, and the rare free time I achieved during school weeks were spent playing online video games.

    Along with the basic stress of the school life, I have also been a sufferer of severe anxiety, paranoia, intrusive thoughts, and obsessive compulsive disorder. I had these problems for 4 to 5 years prior to the uprising of what I believe is TMS. One thing I have noticed is that my mental issues, and paranoia as well seem to have started developing around the time I moved houses. I've been told by my parents that as a child I did not accept even slight changes well at all. I feel this may have a connection but I do admit I'm having some trouble "accepting" the emotions revolving around moving houses, as I'm not sure how to "accept" them fully, or what emotions I'm even trying to accept for that matter.

    To discuss my pain, it developed as a specific sharp pain in my right hand around my pinky area that would go away when I stopped typing/clicking. I sort of just ignored it expecting it to go away like a normal ache; and as you can guess, that didn't work out too well. The pain continued - into the next day and so on. I took a break off the computer but still had to attend school (which meant about 13 hours of writing a day for my classes), so the break wasn't much of a break.

    I did some research and found the concept of repetitive stress injury (I had no prior knowledge of RSI). I fit the bill pretty well for that. I had been an avid online gamer since I was around 4, meaning about 12 years of using the computer on a common basis. My posture was rather horrid and ergonomics wasn't even in my dictionary at that point. After discovering RSI I begin to worry a lot, as this would not allow me to enjoy my life anymore. Everything I had fun with was on the computer - and school was also something that heavily required the use of my hands, not to mention my future career as a programmer was also entirely reliant on me having working hands; so being the anxious mess that I am, I stressed quite a bit over the fact that I may have repetitive stress injury.

    After reading about RSI I begin compensating with my left hand, 4 days after beginning compensation with my left hand I found an RSI article that stated RSI could eventually effect your left hand too if you overcompensate, my left hand instantly begin to experience pain similar to my right after reading that even though I had used my left hand significantly less than my right prior to the development of the problem. I took a fair break about a month after my condition developed (though I had used my hands a fair bit for that month), for about two weeks - and noticed little to no improvement.

    Eventually I discovered the concept of TMS (Pretty early on in my pain streak). I fit the bill for it all too perfectly. I suffer from anxiety, paranoia, OCD, and irritable bowel syndrome, all problems that are common in those who experience TMS. Along with that the pain in my hands had arisen in a period of time only a few months after I had cleared up my obsessive compulsive disorder, which follows the idea of it taking the place of another problem. I never really took a proper 'break' longer than a month for my hands as I wanted to implement the TMS recovery program over this past year; however my condition has only worsened in coordination with the RSI symptoms I had researched. My left and right hands, wrists, and forearms now burn consistently, and ache quite a bit when using the computer, and I am never without some form of pain. The difference now is I've taken the steps to get a much deeper understanding of TMS, and I'm really going to go all out with the TMS recovery process as it seems far too much like my problem to overlook. I recently took a month break from the computer, not a single click or button press - which helped me experience some relief; however I am back at it going with the TMS recovery program and not the RSI program, because I simply don't believe RSI can be the case with how quickly it spread to my left hand.

    I feel that I should also note a few things. My pain is very dormant, which is a bit off of the TMS concept, it does not move around and has stayed in my hands even after implementing TMS solutions. As well, my hands feel much better after working out or taking a hot shower, the pain is still there for sure, but it's lessened by a lot; more reason I so strongly believe it's TMS. Back about two years ago, my parents also had a falling out - my father was having issues with drugs and for a very short period was becoming violent and we had to leave for awhile. During this period of time I had to keep my school performance up. This could have very well effected me.

    Thanks in advance for any help you're able to provide. :)
  9. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    ShaneM)- I've suffered from consistent pain in my hands, wrists, and forearms for a year and 6 months now.

    Eric)- Ok that's good you know the exact time, that way when it leaves you will remember to praise high heaven , in the mean time you have to forget timelines ok. Let time be of no need to you while you heal, if you keep your thoughts on the timeline it will hold you back, just keep doing the program, your really doing great.

    ShaneM)- My pain started back when I was in my sophomore year of high school. It was a highly stressful time in my life, as I was simply trying to stack too much work up for each day and was not allowing myself any sort of break.

    Eric)- Great you can attach an event to the pain instead of thinking structural. You knew it was stress and tension, I had to learn in the past that multi tasking didn't have to be 8 things at once as long as I did 1 different thing at a time. I like your example of stacking , cause that's exactly what happens we stack to much up- then it will eventually have to fall down. This stacking is a give away that your heading for trouble.

    ShaneM)- I also am very much a perfectionist, so doing any worse than straight As in school was simply unacceptable for me, especially since I had the goal of getting into a top grade college. I averaged around 16 hours of school work (7 at school and 9 at home) per day, and was very rarely provided a break aside from during holidays. Weekends and Holidays, and the rare free time I achieved during school weeks were spent playing online video games.

    Eric)- Its good to know that being a perfectionist has positive quality's , its when we decide to add pressure to the equation that we start the heat for the boiler. You can do well to play video games to sooth- of course after you have soothed and calmed down all the mental tension and pressure thoughts, like I have to be great at this test or ill never forgive myself. Never give your thoughts that kind of talk just go and take life as it comes, in peace, mindful and one step at a time. Taking breaks for some me time is great and very beneficial to staying away from tension so make sure from here on when you start to feel pressure- take a break and soothe ok , then after your conditioned to this task it will be like medicine, which it is.
    ShaneM)- Along with the basic stress of the school life, I have also been a sufferer of severe anxiety, paranoia, intrusive thoughts, and obsessive compulsive disorder. I had these problems for 4 to 5 years prior to the uprising of what I believe is TMS. One thing I have noticed is that my mental issues, and paranoia as well seem to have started developing around the time I moved houses. I've been told by my parents that as a child I did not accept even slight changes well at all. I feel this may have a connection but I do admit I'm having some trouble "accepting" the emotions revolving around moving houses, as I'm not sure how to "accept" them fully, or what emotions I'm even trying to accept for that matter.

    Eric)- You will do good to practice Alan Gordon's Program here, Its called the TMS Recovery Program or the TRP. You can add it to your studies when you wish as it involves about thirty minutes to an hour each day but it will really give you power over this set of thought patterns ok
    ShaneM)- To discuss my pain, it developed as a specific sharp pain in my right hand around my pinky area that would go away when I stopped typing/clicking. I sort of just ignored it expecting it to go away like a normal ache; and as you can guess, that didn't work out too well. The pain continued - into the next day and so on. I took a break off the computer but still had to attend school (which meant about 13 hours of writing a day for my classes), so the break wasn't much of a break.

    Eric)- Remember its tms, so there's no harm done other than the anxiety its already caused which you will learn here to control the tension and anxiety so you can loose the pain.
    ShaneM)- I did some research and found the concept of repetitive stress injury (I had no prior knowledge of RSI). I fit the bill pretty well for that. I had been an avid online gamer since I was around 4, meaning about 12 years of using the computer on a common basis. My posture was rather horrid and ergonomics wasn't even in my dictionary at that point. After discovering RSI I begin to worry a lot, as this would not allow me to enjoy my life anymore. Everything I had fun with was on the computer - and school was also something that heavily required the use of my hands, not to mention my future career as a programmer was also entirely reliant on me having working hands; so being the anxious mess that I am, I stressed quite a bit over the fact that I may have repetitive stress injury.

    Eric)- Yea you lost your joy for life, get back that joy. Stop the worry, you have nothing in life so important to worry about that you'll let it cause you pain, right. So get back to living and enjoy life. As you know playing computer games and working on the computer did not cause you to have pain in your hands. the pain settled there cause it thought you wouldn't think in a million years that this is caused by emotions, its tms's way of saying hey stop worrying and start living life again. You said you were an anxious mess- now call yourself a calm soldier. Its the slowing down and letting go of all this grip on life that will set you free.

    ShaneM)- After reading about RSI I begin compensating with my left hand, 4 days after beginning compensation with my left hand I found an RSI article that stated RSI could eventually effect your left hand too if you overcompensate, my left hand instantly begin to experience pain similar to my right after reading that even though I had used my left hand significantly less than my right prior to the development of the problem. I took a fair break about a month after my condition developed (though I had used my hands a fair bit for that month), for about two weeks - and noticed little to no improvement.

    Eric)- You will never notice improvement till you hit on the emotional turmoil that you've built up over the years. loose the studies on structural rsi and get back into relationship with life again. These articles have caused a fear in you and also have you focused on your hands which is exactly the covert affair of tms, to make you think about the body. From now on only think psychologically and never think structural ok. Get rid of all those negative thoughts you read about - that causes fear and the pain causes fear, so learn to be happy again as stated above- Don't fear or focus on the symptoms. Learn to focus on the emotions that's causing this pain. Then soothe yourself with some meditations. In time you will be fine
    ShaneM)- Eventually I discovered the concept of TMS (Pretty early on in my pain streak). I fit the bill for it all too perfectly. I suffer from anxiety, paranoia, OCD, and irritable bowel syndrome, all problems that are common in those who experience TMS. Along with that the pain in my hands had arisen in a period of time only a few months after I had cleared up my obsessive compulsive disorder, which follows the idea of it taking the place of another problem. I never really took a proper 'break' longer than a month for my hands as I wanted to implement the TMS recovery program over this past year; however my condition has only worsened in coordination with the RSI symptoms I had researched. My left and right hands, wrists, and forearms now burn consistently, and ache quite a bit when using the computer, and I am never without some form of pain. The difference now is I've taken the steps to get a much deeper understanding of TMS, and I'm really going to go all out with the TMS recovery process as it seems far too much like my problem to overlook. I recently took a month break from the computer, not a single click or button press - which helped me experience some relief; however I am back at it going with the TMS recovery program and not the RSI program, because I simply don't believe RSI can be the case with how quickly it spread to my left hand.

    Eric)- The tms recovery program wont be like work, you will heal. Take breaks if the pain is to strong of course just don't let these symptoms run your life anymore. That's the trick again to keep your mind on your symptoms and off the emotions. Don't study the past, set your mind on a complete new future with no pain and lots of smiles. Getting back to wholeness is tms's ultimate goal. You've lost that happiness that life so richly offers. You'll see in time- its not the computer- its the emotions
    often repressed so this is why we journal and think psychological.

    ShaneM)- I feel that I should also note a few things. My pain is very dormant, which is a bit off of the TMS concept, it does not move around and has stayed in my hands even after implementing TMS solutions. As well, my hands feel much better after working out or taking a hot shower, the pain is still there for sure, but it's lessened by a lot; more reason I so strongly believe it's TMS. Back about two years ago, my parents also had a falling out - my father was having issues with drugs and for a very short period was becoming violent and we had to leave for awhile. During this period of time I had to keep my school performance up. This could have very well effected me.

    Eric)- You might have just hit a bit of repressions right there, now journal about these events of your parents. Also the pain doesn't have to move around at for it to be tms- You have tms with a capital T, The pain can stay in 1 area till you heal sometimes but often as we heal the pain might shift to a new area as you talked about after the OCD battle- you said the hands worsened. That's the pain moving cause you didn't get to the root cause which is tms. Just do the program you choose here to do. Id suggest the TRP first.

    Hope you have a great day
    God Bless

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