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A question about symptom management

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by ShinjoB, May 19, 2014.

  1. ShinjoB

    ShinjoB New Member

    Hello all. I've recently found this forum/wiki after having recently found Dr. Sarno. I'm sure my history isn't too dissimilar to many around here ... chronic lower back pain, diagnosed herniation of the L5-S1, tried lots of things with little to no results. In the week or so since finding Dr. Sarno's book I'm feeling generally more optimistic and have felt more periods of relief than ever before.

    But I'm not pain free yet and from everything I've read it can take a few days/weeks/months to fully conquer the pain symptoms. My question for you all is what to about the pain itself while I'm doing the hard work to rid myself of TMS?

    At the moment I've taken the approach of tossing out all of the things I'd been doing previously .. no more meds, no more exercises, no sleeping with my legs propped up. I've also canceled my remaining PT appointments and my appointment with the pain specialist to have a needle stuck in my back. My thinking has been that all of those things tell my mind that I don't really believe my mind is responsible for my pain. But is that true? Is it ok to do some things that mitigate the pain like back exercises and sleeping with my legs up?

    I'm happy not being on the meds and definitely don't want the injections, but am I ok treating the pain while also working on the underlying causes?
  2. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Welcome ShinjoB! Sounds like you've found the right place.
    Sarno would say to do exactly what you've done: toss all the meds, exercises etc. and focus on working with your subC. If you really believe that you have TMS, you work on the cause, not the symptoms.
    I would suggest reading a variety of TMS books, from Claire Weeks to Steve Ozanich. Although I didn't agree with every author, I did find something in each book that resonated with me. You can find a list of good resources here on the TMS Wiki.
    One process that I find helpful when the pain is in full force is 1. Recognize 2. Accept 3. Demand More 4. Refocus. Step three involves challenging the subC to "give it all you've got," showing that you're not afraid of the pain. And in Step 4, you make a conscious effort to focus on something else. Often the pain just goes away.
    Blessings on your journey!
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    ShinjoB, I agree totally with Gigi. You're doing the right things, so not just work on the cause of your symptoms.

    You need to keep working on TMS repressed emotions and/or your personality (probably it's perfectionist and

    The best way to treat the pain is to ignore it, or at least try to. This can be done by distracting your mind by doing
    things that make you feel good, happy, and think about those things. Don't think about pain all the time.

    All the commercials we see on television for medications that are supposed to relieve back pain, headaches,
    stress, anxiety... they either don't work or don't work for very long. For long-term relief, think and practice TMS.

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