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Think Away Your Pain Blog
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Think Away Your Pain Blog

Automated blog by David Schechter, MD

Think Away Your Pain Blog was last seen:
Jul 20, 2015
  • My Story

    This account is for posts by David Schechter, MD, from the blog on his website, www.mindbodymedicine.com, as well as the blog for his new book, Think Away Your Pain: Your Brain Is The Solution To Your Pain. Posts Dr. Schechter makes to the blog on his web site are re- posted to this account.

    Dr. David Schechter was raised in New York. He obtained his Bachelor's degree from Princeton University and his M.D. from New York University. He first learned about Tension Myositis Syndrome from Dr. John Sarno, who treated him for a knee problem. Dr. Schechter recovered rapidly from his knee problem utilizing TMS/PPD principles, which emphasized the role of tension in many chronic pain ailments.

    The following summer, he telephoned, under the auspices of Dr. John Sarno, 177 of Dr. Sarno's former TMS/PPD patients, and demonstrated a success rate above 75% in back pain patients, supporting his personal experience with this diagnosis and treatment and obtained approach. Afterwards, he completed a residency in Family Practice, learning how to treat the whole patient, certification in Sports Medicine, solidifying his treatment of injuries. He incorporated the principles obtained from caring for competitive athletes into his overall approach to patients of all kinds. Only Dr. Sarno has been treating patients with TMS/PPD longer.

    David Schechter is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He is also a Credentialed Pain Practitioner of the American Academy of Pain Management. He has given presentations entitled "OutCome Evaluation of TMS for Back Pain" and "Addressing Barriers to the Acceptance of TMS: The Public and the Medical Profession" at the first TMS Conference in Ann Arbor Michigan. He has written a workbook, created an audioprogram, a DVD and other materials and spoken on radio and television about this subject, and others. He gave a presentation at the 2nd Annual Mind body Conference in LA entitled "Clinical Evaluation of Patients with Mind Body Disorders." Dr. Schechter is also a board member of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association(PPDA). (Source 1, Source 2)

    David Schechter has contributed to the Question and Answer with an Expert portion of the Wiki. The following are links to questions that he has answered.
    Must my therapist believe in TMS?
    "Runner's knee" or TMS?
    Getting unstuck.
    Can I use the TMS approach with acute (short term) symptoms?
    Click here to view Dr. Schechter's personal account on this forum
    1. There are no messages on Think Away Your Pain Blog's profile yet.
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  • My Story

    This account is for posts by David Schechter, MD, from the blog on his website, www.mindbodymedicine.com, as well as the blog for his new book, Think Away Your Pain: Your Brain Is The Solution To Your Pain. Posts Dr. Schechter makes to the blog on his web site are re- posted to this account.

    Dr. David Schechter was raised in New York. He obtained his Bachelor's degree from Princeton University and his M.D. from New York University. He first learned about Tension Myositis Syndrome from Dr. John Sarno, who treated him for a knee problem. Dr. Schechter recovered rapidly from his knee problem utilizing TMS/PPD principles, which emphasized the role of tension in many chronic pain ailments.

    The following summer, he telephoned, under the auspices of Dr. John Sarno, 177 of Dr. Sarno's former TMS/PPD patients, and demonstrated a success rate above 75% in back pain patients, supporting his personal experience with this diagnosis and treatment and obtained approach. Afterwards, he completed a residency in Family Practice, learning how to treat the whole patient, certification in Sports Medicine, solidifying his treatment of injuries. He incorporated the principles obtained from caring for competitive athletes into his overall approach to patients of all kinds. Only Dr. Sarno has been treating patients with TMS/PPD longer.

    David Schechter is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He is also a Credentialed Pain Practitioner of the American Academy of Pain Management. He has given presentations entitled "OutCome Evaluation of TMS for Back Pain" and "Addressing Barriers to the Acceptance of TMS: The Public and the Medical Profession" at the first TMS Conference in Ann Arbor Michigan. He has written a workbook, created an audioprogram, a DVD and other materials and spoken on radio and television about this subject, and others. He gave a presentation at the 2nd Annual Mind body Conference in LA entitled "Clinical Evaluation of Patients with Mind Body Disorders." Dr. Schechter is also a board member of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association(PPDA). (Source 1, Source 2)

    David Schechter has contributed to the Question and Answer with an Expert portion of the Wiki. The following are links to questions that he has answered.
    Must my therapist believe in TMS?
    "Runner's knee" or TMS?
    Getting unstuck.
    Can I use the TMS approach with acute (short term) symptoms?
    Click here to view Dr. Schechter's personal account on this forum


    You can find Dr. Schechter's new book, Think Away Your Pain, at Amazon.com and other booksellers. Dr. Schechter has also created a TMS Workbook, Patient Panel DVD, and TMS Audio Program that he uses with patients seen in his office and in his published research.
    This blog post was written by David Schechter, MD and was originally posted at either www.mindbodymedicine.com or www.thinkawaypain.us.