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TMS onset

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jula, May 13, 2020.

  1. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    No pattern, really.
  2. flyer95

    flyer95 Newcomer

    Hi there. I am going to chime in here and say I have almost the same symptoms. I get the sunburnt feeling along with allodynia over almost my entire body. Dressing is starting to become the most painful part of my day. Have you improved at all?
  3. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Hi, didn’t see your comment. My burning is gone, I no longer have it - definitely it was caused by anxiety. I still have some weird feeling near my elbow and have very sensitive skin in one hand, especially the movement of air and light touch make me feel tingly. Hope this is all anxiety.
  4. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Oh wow that’s amazing Julia.
    What did U do? like no care and stop researching?
    I’m still on TMS forums and talking to people not sure if that’s hurting me a lot.

    Also did u have tingling, pins and needles, ants and bugs crawling sensations on skin too?
    Those are the worst and get them a lot on my skin. The tingling or electric sensations especially in legs I can’t get rid of. Maybe I need to stop reading and being on forum and go live my life.

    I also have especially my one knee that will get super sensitive to clothing or things rubbingbthen sometimes it’ll be less.

    let me know if u had those things to and what u think has helped.
  5. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Oh I literally just asked you this. I have all of these too and I hate em. Is your tingling pins and needles shooting pains and faciculations gone too? I hate the BFS thing cause my calves will start moving like bug crawling under them and I can see it it’s horrifying same without twitching.

    let me know what u think helped
  6. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Well, I don’t know, with this one I somehow convinced myself it was TMS because it would shift a lot. Like one day it was behind my knees and in my hands and arms, the next day it was only in my arms, it persisted for the longest period on the skin on my wrists. This elbow thing and hand sensitivity scares me more because it’s one side only and feels different but I guess it could still be TMS. I had a nerve hurt in my wrist last year (during a blood draw the needle hurt it) and one place on my wrist and 3 of my fingers were a little more sensitive but that didn’t bother me much, it got better over time and I didn’t really care. Now not only those 3 fingers got worse but also my pinky and ring finger. They are more sensitive, just as at the time when I got the nerve damage thing. It feels as if I had a spider’s web on my fingers (the top part, the palm part is not affected at all) at times and it’s annoying. Sometimes pins and needles but only for short moments. I think TMS might be piggybacking on that real nerve issue I had because having a nervous system damage somehow in that same exact place seems odd. The elbow is just weird. But thinking rationally it’s hard to imagine real neuropathy affecting the elbow at first, I don’t know.
  7. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    You did have full body burning though right? Which is fine?
  8. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Not full body, Top of my hands, arms, behind the knees and occasionally feet. I felt sunburnt.
  9. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Yeah mine is all over legs.

    hopefully anxiety. Did u just stop worrying and caring and you felt it went down?
  10. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I still worry. But just the anxiety level became lower but anxiety is still there, as it has been with me for a couple of years. I still obsess every day, just try not to lose it and think about worst case scenarios.
  11. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Jula, the moving pattern of sensations points at TMS. Your past nerve damage coming alive a year later is another indication that your brain produces all the pain signals in response to your anxiety. I had severe symptoms in my hands and recovered. I still have residual numbness and puffiness in my hands which I give very little or no attention to, and it is fading away, very slowly. But the progress of it is much slower than what I experienced when symptoms were at the peak. It took a year for the sensation in the palm of my hand to disappear. Based on my prior experiences. I am certain that if I go back to daily meditation of 1 hour, I can get rid of it in couple months.
  12. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I know, just have trouble accepting these new symptoms as TMS too, my mind is all like „Yeah, you have TMS but this time the new symptom might be a real thing”. One moment I am sure it’s TMS and the next I lose the certainty and obsess. Hard to stop that. At least I decided to start moving and went for an amazing bike trop today.
    Drew and TG957 like this.
  13. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Are you much better now?
  14. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Not really, it has changed a little and my muscles are way better but I have tingling, pins and needles and random pains, especially in arms and legs, but since the nerve conduction study is clear my neurologist advised to get tested for tetany and for vitamine deficiencies and if they come out negative - we will just assume it’s just Hyperstimulation from the fear inducing chronic stress. She said that apparently my nervous system isn’t damaged but is overactive and erratic because of stress and possible lack of vitamines.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  15. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Yeah good thing your neurologist atleast mentioned that mine had no clue at all.
    Neuropathy is the one thing that scares me the most. Worst is my conditioned response which I can’t stop fearing
  16. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I know exactly how it feels. But I guess that nerve studies are reliable, also I have no motor symptoms or altered pain perception, I just have additional aches and pains, true neuropathy would definitely change pain perception and cause motor problems and she said it would not progress as rapidly. My symptoms spread when I get stressed, when I am calmed they are less awful but I feel the most of the time during the day. If I hadn’t panicked in the first place I probably wouldn’t have all those horrible symptoms now. I am going back to my CBT therapist, she helped me when I had anxiety before so maybe she will help me now.
  17. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Oh yes totallly.. like mine spreads all over body especially upper body when I panic about it other wise that goes down. Also I notice burning goes up too when I panic or the symptoms I’m thinking about or reading about that day is the one I start experiencing most then.

    well my worry is small fiber neuropathy with that u don’t lose motor function and all it does is give u weird sensations so that scares me but even if it’s nervous stem overdrive I’m so tired of it
    Looking for space likes this.
  18. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Dorado wrote about it, you can check it with the wrinkle test. My fingers wrinkle and I feel horrible symptoms in my hands so I guess it can’t be that.
  19. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Also I don’t think that anything would appear that rapidly, almost overnight. I think that real neuropathies are slow in their progress. This is what my doctor said and what I read. You can’t suddenly have neuropathy in all your limbs overnight with clear tests. This is what I am trying to remind myself. Maybe @Dorado will have something to add, he had symptoms similar to mine.
  20. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Haha yes I have written and tagged @Dorado in some of my posts and am yet to hear back.

    mine has not been overnight mine has been over 3 years up and down constantly.
    Looking for space likes this.

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