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Stress Illness

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Harzee, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Yes we have spoke a few times ...at the moment I am enjoying going to gym and working out ..I don’t have much of a social life I have a girl friend but see her only once or twice a week she has to small kids ...since both of my older children moved out I am alone and it’s terrible . Regarding my anxiety and emotions there on a roller coaster high and lows good days and bad pain days . Only med I take is a benzo but my physiatrist wants me on a anti depressants for awhile
    Balsa11 likes this.
  2. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    You can pm me
  3. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    I like to chat on the forums so other members can learn from these discussions, especially when it comes to nerve pain! I remember going through it and not feeling like anyone else had been there. Plenty of us have!

    Have you tried cognitive behavioral therapy and neuroplasticity techniques? Relaxing exercising to calm the sympathetic nerves down? I'm sorry you're feeling alone - that absolutely causes symptoms. The good news is that there's always an answer and something that can be done to make you feel good and safe again. :)

    Also, do you still believe that your symptoms are mind-body/TMS, or are you dealing with doubt? That also holds us back, as you know.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  4. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I believe my pain is 100 percent tms I have exhausted the medical model ...yes being alone does cause a lot of sadness and increase in pain. I feel resistance is a major cause of my pain I am truly not living the life I want which causes a lot of anger .
    Drew likes this.
  5. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    It sounds like you still need to work on managing powerful emotions, living the life you want to live (while accepting that nobody’s life is 100% perfect or 100% ideal, and we all have our struggles and lonely times), and letting go of anger and hurt. Your sympathetic nervous system is still being activated. You have to work on calming yourself - but only because it’ll give you a happier quality of life overall, not because you want to decrease your symptoms within a certain period.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  6. balto

    balto Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have most of these symptoms and yes it is very scary and uncomfortable then. but they are all mind body. When my mind is on the positive side they're all gone away. Try not to find out what is wrong with you Harzee, try not to focus on the symptoms, try not to google your symptoms, and most of all DO NOT FEAR YOUR SYMPTOMS. Your main focus is learning how to not fear your symptoms. If you're able to do that they will all go away.
    Balsa11, Lizzy and Gusto like this.
  7. balto

    balto Beloved Grand Eagle

    Only if you think it is BR. I love to be alone. I wish I can have more time alone. I am surrounded with people all the time.
    You will be much happier if you don't need anyone. Don't let yourself depend on anyone for your happiness then being alone will never cause sadness anymore.
    Lizzy, Tennis Tom and Boston Redsox like this.
  8. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Thx you Balto and you are right ...I need not to hang my hat on other people for my happiness ... I was so use to having so much family around and my dog know they have all moved on and I am the only one left...it’s just takes time getting use to
    Balsa11 and Lizzy like this.
  9. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Totally feel ya on this one hope u are doing bwttwr

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