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Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by Tennis Tom, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hot off the presses :

    https://knowridge.com/2016/12/painkiller-tapped-to-become-future-cancer-killer/ (Painkiller tapped to become future cancer-killer | Knowridge Science Report)

    Painkiller tapped to become future cancer-killer
    December 23, 2016

    Diclofenac, a common painkiller, has significant anti-cancer properties, according to researchers from the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology project.

    The Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project, an international collaboration between the Anticancer Fund, Belgium, and US based GlobalCures, finds that existing and widely-used non-cancer drugs may represent a relatively untapped source of novel therapies for cancer.

    Their investigation into diclofenac has been published in the open-access journal ecancermedicalscience.

    Like other drugs examined by the ReDO project, diclofenac is cheap and readily accessible — and as it’s already present in many medicine cabinets, it has been carefully tested.

    Diclofenac is a well-known and widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat pain in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as migraine, fever, acute gout and post-operative pain.

    It is available as a generic medication and is cost-effective.

    NSAIDs have shown promise in cancer prevention, but there is now emerging evidence that such drugs may be useful in actually treating cancer.

    For example, diclofenac taken in combination with other treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, may improve their effectiveness.

    The ReDO researchers examined the literature and believe that there is enough evidence to start clinical trials on the use of diclofenac in cancer treatment.

    “It’s still somewhat surprising that there is still so much we don’t understand about how many of the standard drugs we use every day, like diclofenac, work,” says study author Pan Pantziarka, PhD, member of the ReDO project and the Anticancer Fund.

    “But the more we learn, the more we can see that these drugs are multi-targeted agents with interesting and useful effects on multiple pathways of interest in oncology.”

    Given the multiple mechanisms of action of diclofenac, particularly with relation to angiogenesis and the immune system, it may well be that this is a drug with huge potential to treat cancer, especially when given in the perioperative period.

    Cutting down on the risk of post-surgical distant metastases through the use of drugs like diclofenac may represent a huge win in the fight against cancer, the authors say.

    “After all, it’s metastatic disease that most often kills patients, not the original primary disease,” Pantziarka explains.

    “It may also be that diclofenac may have actions which synergise with the latest generation of checkpoint inhibitors — the combination of the latest drugs in the anticancer armoury with some of the oldest is especially exciting.”

    Follow Knowridge Science Report on Facebook, Twitter and Flipboard.

    Citation: Pantziarka P, et al. (2016). Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO)—diclofenac as an anti-cancer agent. ecancermedicalscience, 10. DOI: 10.3332/ecancer.2016.610.
    Figure legend: This Knowridge.com image is for illustrative purposes only.

    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Tom. Thanks for sharing this information. I'm surprised that Big Pharm hasn't shot at it because it reportedly works and is not expensive. Cancer patients ought to ask their doctor about it before trying it.

    Belief in TMS is not the only cure for cancer. It's exciting to see so much new about foods and supplements that reportedly have cured cancer, such as marijuana.

    I hope you and your loved ones have a very Happy Holiday.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks Walt, I've been taking diclofenac (generaic; Voltaran, brand name for a few months now for my hip "arthritis", and found it beneficial to improving my functioning. I posted a report about it when I got the google alert about the meta-study, finding this older NSAID to be the best out of the rest of them, Tylenol, Alleve, Advil, Motrin, etc. I got an rx for it the same day from my physician's assistant and been using it two a day. It costs me about $9 a month. I just called a friend who is dying of cancer and told him about it yesterday and asked him to tell his doctor about it.

    I have been surprised and shocked to see that diclofeanac has gotten no traction since the meta-study out of Berne, Switzerland (all the best studies are out of Europe aren't they) was published in the Lancet, a reputable medical journal. The problem probably is that it's old, gone generic and there's no new money it it for the drug companies. The info is probably sitting in that three foot high stack of journals that every doctor has on his desk. I don't think the drug companies will expend any of the valuable marketing time of the good looking sales ladies handing out note pads and pens to doctor's offices on this inexpensive drug that's OTC in some countries. Like TMS, until the fake media puts it above the fold, it won't get any traction, just too much stuff for PR people to tout that has money to back it. It would be a good one for John Stossel, the libertarian pundit, who did a great piece about TMS that's archived here--but unfortunately, he's just retired from his regular program on the FOX Network--but did leave the window open for special assignments. Walt, you know better then I do how news is manufactured, do you have any ideas on how the word can get out on things like this, that show promise, as well as TMS, for which searches on Dr. Sarno on the internet have been in decline?
  4. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Tom. Thanks for the new post about Diclofenac because it turns out that I use its generic equivalent, Voltaren. The lady who cleans my house has a lot of back ache and her doctor recommended Voltaren gel. She gave me a tube and I can happily report that when I have any back ache, I rub only a small amount of the gel on where the hurt is, and it goes away really fast.

    Maybe it's TMS stress of the holiday and it being the morning of Christmas Eve, but I had some stabbing lower back pain this morning, below my belt line. I just now rubbed a little Voltaren gel on it and the back ache is gone. That area now feels warm and relaxed. Really!

    As for spreading the word, you can use my experience as an example. Magazines, newspapers, radio and tv are all reluctant to hype medical products for fear of being sued. I'd say the best way to let people know about Diclofenac/Voltaren is from posting on Facebook and Twitter. Look at how far Donald Trump went by getting his campaign out via Twitter !

    Hope you have a real Happy Holiday. God bless you and Voltaren.

    Tennis Tom likes this.
  5. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks Walt, I guess my NY resolution should be to learn how to twit and FB. I have't done either but know they're a big deal. I liked the movie about Zuckerberg and FB, but didn't take it any farther--and my short on FB stock hasn't worked out that well--but some of my other pics have done well since the Trump rally. I'm just afraid I may become one of those walking zombies, mesmerized by their cellphones, bumping into people, walking out into traffic and falling down subway tracks--I'd rather be hitting tennis balls. I take the diclofenac sodium 75 mg. tablets, twice a day, for my chronic hip arthritis. I will get some of the Votaren gel to try out to rub on my butt and other sore spots, thanks for the tip.

    Happy Holidaze to you and the puppy!
  6. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Voltaran gel is only available on the Internet from Australia and Europe, but by prescription from a doctor.

    I'm a klutz, always dropping things.

    So you buy stocks. It's interesting to see that Wall Street thinks Trump is going to be good for the economy.
    I just wish he would shut up, stop Twittering, and just play golf, which most former presidents were best at.

    No need to reply to this.
    karinabrown and Tennis Tom like this.
  7. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    I've used the gel on a painful knee. Didn't do nuthin.
  8. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Maybe it's all in the mind after all. My cleaning woman says the gel works for her, I believe her, and it works for me. But now I need another dose of the gel!
  9. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    Hi walt,
    Here in Holland the voltarengel is easy too buy in every local pharmacy , i used it for my back (si joint) at the time and
    for one year every night on my foot.
    Now only every once in a while ..
    When i did that every day i discovered the strange habbit : it was not really helping me but when i did not do it : i got restless and a bit scared my pain would be worse the next day . Talking about 'al in the mind '

    But : on the positive side : a Guy in Canada who i think higly of : has a website called painsience.com is optimistic on the stuff .. so not sure if there is only the placebo effect it maybe real one

  10. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Karina. Good to know about your good experience with voltaren gel. It really works for me, too.

    I'll look up that Canadian web site. Thanks.

    I visited Amsterdam years ago and loved it. Happy Christmas!
  11. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Paul Ingraham is a great resource, his article debunking structuralism is a classic. His review of Sarno is somewhat mixed.
    https://www.painscience.com/articles/mind-over-back-pain.php (John Sarno, Book Reviews)
  12. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    Hi pspa,

    Thanks : i did not even read the article you mentioned. But i read a lot he researched' also about voltaren gel.
    Well : his opinion about sarno does not surprise me : but there are intresting things he points out.
    But the end of this article he advices to read sarno, but stay critical.
    To me not a bad idea.
    To be honest : this topic about medicin is probably also not 100 % in line ' with sarno's method i guess.
    To me not so important. The big strugle for me is to believe in anything ' 100% !
    That's a thing i have wondered about a lot since reading here (which i like alot ! )read many things in the line of 'you must believe it 100% '! I always doubted that, how many people here , including myself, have tried somemuch, saw so many doctors etc : to ask for 100% believe is maybe to much to ask.
    But why is this that important ? We are human so we think and doubt. Which is not the same as not believing . Lack of good experrience does that i guess. Ofcourse totall believe would be more helpfull but should we make it a task to reach that ? Oef : went a bit 'off' topic here because Reading the Paul Ingraham article .
    Too serieus for this christmas day !
    Have a Nice x mas !

    Tennis Tom likes this.
  13. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    Hi walt,

    Happy to hear to your back is better today ! Is Annie still with you ?

    Have a happy christmas
  14. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Merry Christmas & Happy Chanuka, I haven't tried the topical gel Voltaren/diclofenac, because I'm an "arthritic"/hip-py, and I figured topical applications would not penetrate through all the tissue from the skin to the hip joint--but, I'm not a pharma-chemist so who knows? I've had good results using the pills, a subjective improvement in functionality of "30%"--which to me is A LOT! I use the tablet version of diclofenac (Volteran) sodium 75mg., twice daily. I will get an rx for the topical gel from my doc's PA next week and keep it in the med cab to experiment with--whatever works--Dr. Sarno did prescribe meds when he felt they were beneficial--you don't have to go cold-turkey to heal. He also prescribed a glass of wine occasionally, and to stretch out on the couch--reading a good TMS book. But don't do your drugs and wine together, or I will get yelled at.
  15. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    Hi tennis Tom ,

    Hee i am from Holland : we don't easily freak about drugs or wine.
    Just kiddin that's a bit of crazy thought foreigners have about the netherlands .

    To be serious : i take a diclofenac every now and then and also the gel.
    And also like a glas of wine to relax : don't see much wrong in that .
    Never see the pils or gel as something healing : just to be able to cope a bit better somethimes life demanding things and not being able to do things can also add a lot of extra stress
    while working on more permanent solutions (i hope) to me a whole range of different things together can help:
    Relaxation, breathing , massage and Yes pills too : while meanwhile trying to get better!

    Tennis Tom likes this.
  16. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well said!

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