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Living Normally (at first while still in pain)

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by tmstraveler, Sep 12, 2021.

  1. tmstraveler

    tmstraveler Peer Supporter

    Clearly the ability to return to your life and the things you love without regard to your pain levels is essential to recovery. But I struggle with this. Can someone describe what that looks like in practice? Do you take breaks? Do you sometimes give in and get frustrated? It’s obviously easier said than done and yet I know it’s the path forward.

    I’d love to hear how people have successfully managed it, especially with pain that, at least initially, is around a lot of the time.
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Push and pull. Don't be afraid of trying things you like, but don't feel bad about taking a break if it doesn't work yet. As long as you keep trying, one day it becomes easy. Remember, your brain is plastic and trainable.. I found that doing things I like slows down the pain.
    tmstraveler and plum like this.
  3. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    The challenge for me was fear; fear that something was wrong and that I could make it worse. My problem was TMJ and trigeminal neuralgia so every time I ate (touched my face, smiled, lay down in certain positions…) I experienced anxiety through to flat out fear. This would ebb and flow over the years (I suffered for a long time), but I noticed the fear and obsessional web of thoughts and behaviour escalated when I began to worry about my dental health. The only way I could ever overcome this was to see my dentist and following an all clear from her, I was able to push through the fear and pain because I knew it was simply tension. So I suggest considering if there are any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Sometimes these can be quite subtle and it pays to develop the ability to observe yourself compassionately.

    Once the shell of fear and belief is cracked it’s much easier to push through.

    I second this. Healing is a process so keep your eye on the prize without fretting too much about the details. Don’t let trying to heal become the new obsession, simply let go and push on gently. Be patient, relax your self-criticism and always celebrate your victories.
    tmstraveler and TG957 like this.
  4. tmstraveler

    tmstraveler Peer Supporter

    Thank you. This is all very helpful. I see it so clearly now. Teaching my mind that my body is safe is such a huge part of this, along with a newfound emotional awareness. It’s scary to face the world when you don’t feel “at your best” but it has to be my new normal. I’m ready.
    LaughingKat likes this.
  5. tmstraveler

    tmstraveler Peer Supporter

    By the way, people are always like “I didn’t know when I was out of pain.” Which I understand, intellectually. But I’m sure you noticed good stretches. Or less pain. Etc. Even if it was non-linear. I imagine it fades to the point where you can stop mentally engaging with it, though you are occasionally aware of it. And then you stop being aware of it.

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