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Early morning anxiety/depression

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by AC45, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, @TrustIt! I'll be honest: I stopped taking supplements several years ago after I realized that they essentially have the same functionality as pharmaceutical medications in the sense that they still downregulate receptors and didn't truly help me change my thinking. This is not to say that pharmaceutical medications and/or natural supplements won't work for someone else, and I certainly understand and respect that some people want something to help calm them down so they can even begin the work (which is fine!), but it's not what works for me due to several reasons and I unfortunately can't speak to that approach. I only took the supplements for a very limited amount of time. For what it's worth, I had severe anxiety and depression, and was even diagnosed with OCD and major depressive disorder. So for me, it's not necessarily a matter of mild emotions not benefitting from pharmaceutical or supplemental interventions.

    At this point in time, I'm unable to recall how I was taking the supplements, but I always recommend working with an informed healthcare professional because while they're not pharmaceuticals, they're still to be taken seriously. That’s why I’m going into this detail - you don’t want to be alone or rely on internet advice when you may want to taper, change doses, add another supplement, etc. to your routine. Natural supplements are okay but require educated guidance.

    I should also add that my posts from early to mid 2018 are reflective of an approach I didn't execute for very long given that it doesn't benefit me. I do get questions on those posts a few times a year, but I ultimately went in a different direction.
  2. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    Thank you. Dorado! I understand what you're saying., your statement "work with a healthcare professional" is one that makes me cringe because I have been to a number of them and tried so many things and none of it worked. I won't take Pharmaceuticals but I will try supplements and herbs. However I understand what you're saying about them being a fix just like a pharmaceutical is...to the Mind anyway. I have had severe anxiety and I'm definitely OCD. It's just so interesting to me how this can totally disappear after dinner, then start all over again when I get up in the morning. It also tends to be considerably better when I'm sitting down, then Springs into action the minute I get up, like my insides are dropping. Anyway,
    I don't need to whine on here, just desperate for relief for this belly/back ache that is really depressing. Thank you so much for your reply. Sometimes it helps so much just to know someone's listening.
  3. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    My aim is not to demean natural supplements. I just believe there isn’t enough education on how they are to be taken seriously - similar to pharmaceutical medications - and natural doesn’t mean no downregulation, withdrawal, side effects, etc. A trained professional who is familiar with natural supplements is typically necessary for this reason, but I absolutely recognize that some of them are not educated on many of the options and/or are incentivized to push pharmaceuticals, so it can be a matter of searching for the right individual. Side note: I have friends who don’t realize kratom and phenibut are incredibly addictive when taken regularly because “they’re natural, dude!” Or that 5-htp is as dangerous as Zoloft when combined with certain things. They’re smart people, but the term “natural” has positive connotations that don’t accurately reflect the full picture. I felt really lost when professionals didn’t know how to help me get off Cymbalta, and a natural supplement recommended by my doctor that contains phenibut (Kavinace) was the last straw when I realized she didn’t have expertise on weaning people off.

    My best advice for TMS/the mind-body connection is to find ways to manage emotions in a balanced way. I am unable to diagnose anyone and do not have medical training, but what you’re describing can certainly be caused by TMS and isn’t uncommon at all!

    Correction: phenibut is synthetic, but was frequently combined with natural ingredients to create “healthy” supplements before the FDA shut it down after too many complaints. This was trendy in my city where vitamin shops are scattered about. However, kratom, 5-htp, etc. are natural. All the more reason to be mindful.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2021
    TrustIt likes this.
  4. PsychePsyche

    PsychePsyche New Member

    Very well said, dude. I couldn't agree with you more.

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