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Day 1: ED and CPPS type symptoms

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by MindOvaMatter, Nov 9, 2024.

  1. MindOvaMatter

    MindOvaMatter Newcomer

    Whatsup Y'all,

    Been experiencing aforementioned symptoms for years off and on now. Main symptoms are muscle spasms, contracted pelvic floor, overly sensitive bladder that causes burning pain, urgent need to urinate (exacerbated by caffeine), "hard flaccid" type symptoms, appearing as if my penis is being "pulled down" on one side by the pelvic floor muscles, and some other symptoms related to sexual function.

    I had some definite physical trauma to that area and heard a definite "pop" sound but never dealt with any problems afterwards I guess until I stopped drinking about three years ago. There is redness that has occurred in the crease of my thigh towards the adductor and other inflammatory responses in the area. Two urologists brushed off my concerns and pretty sure my GP thinks I'm crazy. Debating going to another urologist in one of the largest cities in the US, but also hesitant because of the risks associated with a lot of treatments to that area if the doctor gives me some kind of diagnosis when many signs point to TMS.

    I've been diagnosed with OCD and Tourette's since I was young and fit the personality model for TMS. One reason I think it may be TMS is the sudden disappearance of symptoms. One time we were on a long road trip (10+ hours driving) and that night all the symptoms were gone. I was doing a stretching routine but it was a sudden increase in function. I'm hesitant to date because of this and have resigned myself to not really dating because of the fear of it.

    But yea, I'm semi-accepting of the TMS diagnosis depending on what mood I'm in, lol. My theory is that my pelvic floor is guarding itself because of the PTSD from the past traumatic experiences that happened. I'm not sure how that flows into a TMS diagnosis and if accepting a TMS diagnosis would allow it to unguard. Lots to ponder.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Welcome to Day 1 (of the SEP, I assume?) @MindOvaMatter.
    It's unclear what kind of trauma you're referring to, and maybe you're not ready to disclose that yet, but since you're just starting out, I recommend taking a look at the ten-question "quiz" for Adverse Childhood Experiences, also called ACEs. This thread introduces the topic, with a link to an easy-to-answer online version of the questions, or a printable PDF. You need to read the article associated with the online one, and I would recommend reading the other posts on this thread for some perspective on the results:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/aces-quiz-online-printable-versions.27061 (ACEs "quiz" - online & printable versions)

    As for whether accepting a TMS diagnosis will allow it to unguard, acceptance of the concept is certainly necessary to make progress, but the majority of people find that true recovery requires a level of emotional vulnerability which humans are generally not comfortable with. The path is not straightforward, it's different for everyone, and unfortunately, the more emotional trauma that is in our histories, the harder it is. It could get worse before it gets better.

    Ultimately, in addition to acceptance, doing this work requires faith that it can be done.

    Keep us posted - we're here to support your new journey!

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