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1 month after discovering TMS and the Solution.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by JoshG, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. JoshG

    JoshG New Member

    I've had symptoms of tms, low back pain, insomnia for about 10 years. when it started the back pain would last a couple days then a few days then weeks. I just kept going almost like there was nothing wrong trying to live a normal life. I did not have chronic pain until recently when it hit it hit hard. I thought I was screwed. After being in bed for a few weeks I found something on line about Dr. Sarno., Wiki tms program and went to psychotherapy. I'm having some days better than others, the cycle of hope and disappointment.
    This has been a whole month of repressed emotional vomit coming out, quite interesting, I didn't know half this stuff was in there.
    I can say hands down I'm doing a S#%t load better than I was a month ago in all areas of my life.
    My leg still hurt like a mother.
    If anyone has any tricks of the trade that work for sitting long periods or driving long distances
    I'm all ears.

    Thanks to the people contributing to tms recovery.
    nowtimecoach likes this.
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is great to hear that you have been seeing some improvements, and that you are so open to TMS. When you repress your emotions for so long it is amazing to realize how much stuff we have been avoiding. Keep in mind though that recovering does not necessarily involve uncovering every little thing that you have repressed. More helpful is to recognize your present emotions. In terms of how to handle sitting long periods of time, I would suggest to practice mindfulness. It is a great way to stay focused on the present moment and reduce the amount of fear and worry that so often goes along with TMS.
    nowtimecoach and Ellen like this.
  3. JoshG

    JoshG New Member

    At this point the mindfulness sounds worth a shot. I'm just at this place where I forget that recovery is a process.
    I feel that if I just do the right journal technique or breathe just right something will click, the pain will go away and I will live happily ever after.
    I'm also looking into my default negative thinking and out come independence.
    nowtimecoach likes this.
  4. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle


    I, too, had a lot of pain associated with driving long distances before I discovered TMS and started practicing TMS healing techniques (e.g. journalling, mindfulness, outcome independence). Through journalling I realized I had a lot of repressed anger about having to do the driving I was doing, as well as lots of other stuff that is part of the day to day drudgery of life. I've been able to get rid of most of that anger and practice these daily chores (like driving) mindfully, and so have very little pain, except for the occasional flare-up. I'm starting to even find some enjoyment while doing these chores. But like you say, recovery is a process. I would add that it's also a new way of living, so it is a journey not a destination.
    nowtimecoach likes this.

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