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Jul 30, 2014
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Jul 23, 1989 (Age: 35)
Seoul, Korea
investment manager

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Peer Supporter, Female, 35, from Seoul, Korea

Seraphina was last seen:
Apr 16, 2015
  • My Story

    25-year-old female
    background of back, neck, knee pain (all presumably TMS symptoms)
    recent TMS on left ankle and right inner elbow (all 90-100% recovered thanks to TMS Wiki and the forum!)

    as the pain subsides in those areas, I get to have pain on low back, hip, groin, and sitting bone (the main pain area). Should be symptom imperative...argh!
    1. Forest
      Heya, how are things? I just saw you in the "recent visitors" list and realized I hadn't seen you post in a while.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Seraphina
        My pain syndrome recently is around my ankle and the pelvic floor and the butt. I've tried to care less about it, give up on being obsessed with it, and live my life as happily as I can. My ankle pain is very minor and manageable (still pops and clicks though), but the pelvic floor and butt pain is still bullying me a lot, making me using a soft cushion while commuting :(
        Oct 15, 2014
      3. Seraphina
        I think my anxiety and fear is still feeding the pain cycle on and off. BUT I'm sure I'll get better. It's just a matter of time, isn't it?
        Oct 15, 2014
      4. Forest
        Indeed! It sounds like you are on the right track. As you may know, most TMS docs suggest setting aside physical props, but only when you're ready. :) Sorry about your boss!
        Oct 15, 2014
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  • My Story

    Jul 23, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Seoul, Korea
    investment manager
    25-year-old female
    background of back, neck, knee pain (all presumably TMS symptoms)
    recent TMS on left ankle and right inner elbow (all 90-100% recovered thanks to TMS Wiki and the forum!)

    as the pain subsides in those areas, I get to have pain on low back, hip, groin, and sitting bone (the main pain area). Should be symptom imperative...argh!