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Josina Stresemann
Last Activity:
Feb 5, 2013
Oct 25, 2012
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The Netherlands
Looking for a new job

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Josina Stresemann

New Member, Female, from The Netherlands

Sometimes I have a new and great feeling, that is that my mind and body completely overlap. Nov 6, 2012

Josina Stresemann was last seen:
Feb 5, 2013
  • My Story

    Wow my story... it's long so i will try to be short.

    Main reasons for TMS:

    - my parents divorced when I was 6 because of my fathers mental illness (bipolar disorder /manic depressed)
    - shortly after my fathers psych who often visited us decides it was a good plan to do stuff with a 7 year old girl a psych shouldn't do with a 7 year old girl. For twenty years, I kept all that for myself, to protect my parents and because of the shame.
    - my father was mentally very very ill, which was very scary and upsetting, and also decided to do the same (only once) as his psych when I was about 11.
    - my childhood was quite not calm, because of this crazy dad, and also because of the new boyfriends of my mother and i moved for a few years almost every half year.
    - I do have the typical TMS personality and am always afraid to not be good enough
    - my dad is better now but my sister is not quite easy for me to be around because she reminds me of my father and she is acting increasingly difficult
    - my current situation is no job, almost no money left and a mixed up cv, because of tms. The job situation here in holland is difficult as well.

    Manifestations of TMS:

    - extreme headaches, insomnia and fatigue, especially at important events and stressfull times. That makes life quite complicated and far less enjoyable!
    - panic attacks and social phobia (completely ruined my life from 16 to 21 years old) but are now almost completely gone, yeah! A few times a year it comes up and then I can reason it away.
    - when that got better I started to suffer from chronic shoulder pain, related to physical work as a waitress, computering and handwriting
    - extreme RSI that disabled me to start a carreer that would suit the very intelligent, well educated and ambitious person that I am
    - so i tried other carreer paths but everything I tried would result in other pain symptoms. I am now without a job
    - i almost can not have sexual intercourse with my boyfriend (with whom i have been in a great relationship for now 3,5 years) because it hurts but he hasn't complained about it once so he is the best ever. We have to be creative and we manage very well but it's not always easy for the both of us and surely does not represent the total confidence i have in him and in our relationship.
    - compulsive stuff like a clean house and a perfect look
    - i suffered from chronic low back pain for a year and that disabled me to do my favorite sport (field hockey -now very logic because i was always afraid not to be good enough) and after learning about TMS now 2 months ago I have picked that up again and it's going great, yeay!
    - there is a long list of other symptoms i hope to be TMS because i would love to not have it anymore (for exemple hayfever, travel sickness and cold feet)

    Thats mostly it!

    I am so happy to have discovered TMS because it is already going better, also thanks to the educational program on this site! Lasts weeks have been rocky with emotional stuff i have to think and write about but i am getting more and more confident i will recover! isn't that great?
    1. Josina Stresemann
      Josina Stresemann
      Sometimes I have a new and great feeling, that is that my mind and body completely overlap.
    2. Josina Stresemann
      Josina Stresemann
      On my way to recovery!
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  • My Story

    The Netherlands
    Looking for a new job
    Wow my story... it's long so i will try to be short.

    Main reasons for TMS:

    - my parents divorced when I was 6 because of my fathers mental illness (bipolar disorder /manic depressed)
    - shortly after my fathers psych who often visited us decides it was a good plan to do stuff with a 7 year old girl a psych shouldn't do with a 7 year old girl. For twenty years, I kept all that for myself, to protect my parents and because of the shame.
    - my father was mentally very very ill, which was very scary and upsetting, and also decided to do the same (only once) as his psych when I was about 11.
    - my childhood was quite not calm, because of this crazy dad, and also because of the new boyfriends of my mother and i moved for a few years almost every half year.
    - I do have the typical TMS personality and am always afraid to not be good enough
    - my dad is better now but my sister is not quite easy for me to be around because she reminds me of my father and she is acting increasingly difficult
    - my current situation is no job, almost no money left and a mixed up cv, because of tms. The job situation here in holland is difficult as well.

    Manifestations of TMS:

    - extreme headaches, insomnia and fatigue, especially at important events and stressfull times. That makes life quite complicated and far less enjoyable!
    - panic attacks and social phobia (completely ruined my life from 16 to 21 years old) but are now almost completely gone, yeah! A few times a year it comes up and then I can reason it away.
    - when that got better I started to suffer from chronic shoulder pain, related to physical work as a waitress, computering and handwriting
    - extreme RSI that disabled me to start a carreer that would suit the very intelligent, well educated and ambitious person that I am
    - so i tried other carreer paths but everything I tried would result in other pain symptoms. I am now without a job
    - i almost can not have sexual intercourse with my boyfriend (with whom i have been in a great relationship for now 3,5 years) because it hurts but he hasn't complained about it once so he is the best ever. We have to be creative and we manage very well but it's not always easy for the both of us and surely does not represent the total confidence i have in him and in our relationship.
    - compulsive stuff like a clean house and a perfect look
    - i suffered from chronic low back pain for a year and that disabled me to do my favorite sport (field hockey -now very logic because i was always afraid not to be good enough) and after learning about TMS now 2 months ago I have picked that up again and it's going great, yeay!
    - there is a long list of other symptoms i hope to be TMS because i would love to not have it anymore (for exemple hayfever, travel sickness and cold feet)

    Thats mostly it!

    I am so happy to have discovered TMS because it is already going better, also thanks to the educational program on this site! Lasts weeks have been rocky with emotional stuff i have to think and write about but i am getting more and more confident i will recover! isn't that great?


