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San Jose, CA

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New Member, Female, from San Jose, CA

Alyssa5 was last seen:
Jan 9, 2016
  • My Story

    Hi Y'all,

    My pelvic pain started after delivering my daughter (Feb 5, 2014) via C-section. A few days later I started having pain with bowel movements and sitting pain. I have done several months of physical therapy, botox, been to several doctors but no one could find a reason for my pain. The last pelvic pain specialist basically said that I have neuropathy which is a disease in the nervous system (brain sending the wrong signals). I have sitting/ pressure pain in the sacral area, both butt cheeks, back and now front of my thighs. This month, my arms started "burning".

    A little on my background, in 2009 after delivering my son via C-section, I had a hemmeroidectomy which was very painful and traumatic. Fast forward to 2014, my pain began in the rectal area. I don't know if there is any connection or if it is just a coincidence.
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  • My Story

    San Jose, CA
    Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Neuropathy, Levator Ani, Centralized Pain
    Hi Y'all,

    My pelvic pain started after delivering my daughter (Feb 5, 2014) via C-section. A few days later I started having pain with bowel movements and sitting pain. I have done several months of physical therapy, botox, been to several doctors but no one could find a reason for my pain. The last pelvic pain specialist basically said that I have neuropathy which is a disease in the nervous system (brain sending the wrong signals). I have sitting/ pressure pain in the sacral area, both butt cheeks, back and now front of my thighs. This month, my arms started "burning".

    A little on my background, in 2009 after delivering my son via C-section, I had a hemmeroidectomy which was very painful and traumatic. Fast forward to 2014, my pain began in the rectal area. I don't know if there is any connection or if it is just a coincidence.