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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by xhurricanx, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. xhurricanx

    xhurricanx Newcomer

    hi I'm Allen and recently my wrist started hurting from using my computer (right wrist) then I stopped and started using my left wrist it started hurting too..it happened August 18 and still hasn't gotten better...as of October 8. It feels sharp stinging feels off and weird and also you know the feeling of putting alcohol on a cut it stings..like that or funny bone being hit and feels off..idk:-( I haven't used computer ever since..shouldn't it get better?? Hurts where pisiform bone is..idk X-ray is fine..help
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, xhurricanx. Welcome to the TMS healing community. You will find pain relief here.
    Since the X-ray showed no structural problems with your wrists, it has to mean the pain has come on from some emotion you are repressing, which is the theory behind TMS. It may be that something happened in your life back in the summer or August, and that triggered a repressed emotion that could go as far back as your childhood.

    Don't be afraid of the thought that the pain is psychological. The pain is real, but your subconscious mind sends it to you so you discover what emotion(s) you are repressing. Does this make sense? Discovering the psychological cause of your pain can be one of the best things that ever happened to you.

    It's not a good idea to stop using the computer because that creates a conditioned reflex that you will expect pain when you are on the computer.
    Try to spend a few minutes on the computer, and if pain comes on, take a break, but try to go back to it again. Practice deep breathing to relax...
    inhale through nose to the count of 4, hold the breath with your mouth open for the count of 7, then exhale through your mouth to the count of 8. There are some very good videos on Youtube showing how to do this. Deep breathing is profoundly calming and helps heal any symptom.

    I suggest you read Dr. John Sarno's book, HEALING BACK PAIN, which is about any pain.
    Meanwhile, he suggests 12 daily reminders that help us to deal with our pain. Another member of this community, Herbie, wrote a longer version which I like very much. Here it is:

    Herbie’s Extended Version of Dr. Sarno’s 12 DAILY REMINDERS

    1. The pain is due to TMS. This is real pain or anxiety but its caused by subconscious tensions and triggers, stressors and traits to your reactions and fears and also when at boiling point your conscious tension can and does cause real pain too.
    2. The main reason for the pain is mild oxygen deprivation. This means that when you get in pain or in anxiety then the the blood is restricted from going to your lower back for instance. The blood being restricted causes oxygen deprivation which causes the pain - remember, where theirs no oxygen then there is pain in the body. Also, The pain stays because of fear and focus to physical organic symptoms and repressions.
    3. TMS is a harmless condition caused by my REPRESSED EMOTIONS so even though you think you can harm yourself from the years of pain you have felt and how you feel in general -- so far no reports have been heard from tms healing knowledge causing damage to anyone, it only helps.
    4. The principle emotion is your repressed ANGER -- this means under your consciousness lies something that happens automatically to everyone. Tmsers have repressions that are stored because of our personality traits,traumas, stressors, fears, strain, etc... When these stored repressions build and build then eventually they cause the brain to send pain into your body to keep you from having an emotional crises. The mind-body thinks its helping you.
    5. TMS exists to DISTRACT your attentions from the emotions, stressors, tensions and strains of your personality traits because if you can get distraction then you wont have to be in emotional turmoil. When you don't face and feel your emotions and they get repressed cause you didn't want to deal with something -- they are just adding up in this beaker, ready to pour over and create real pain and anxiety in your body.
    6. Since my body is perfectly normal, there is nothing to fear. So in reality when I fear the pain or anxiety I just cause myself undo strain and tension adding to the beaker of pain. If I fear then I feed the pain, If I fear Its impossible to recondition. Fear keeps the pain and anxiety alive in the body through focus.
    7. Therefore, physical activity is harmless.If I want to work against the pain I could but its better to lose some of the pain so when I start my life over I=t have to be in pain trying to heal cause facing the repressions and all the other activities that cause the pain and reversing my fear and focus to them then I can heal.
    8. I am resuming all normal physical activity. I don't fear moving anymore. I believe in my bodies ability to heal now. I can move how I want. I will not fear moving with a bent back anymore. I will also practice going out and acting normal again, not in fear of what pain might do to me.
    9. The pain is unimportant and powerless. Its only power is how its hidden -- its illusion, Its fear.
    10. I will keep my attention on the emotional issues. I will think about my emotions and feel my emotions throughout the day. I will not judge, criticize or fear my emotions. I will not run from my emotional issues but face everyone of them. I will feel my emotions fully and cry if I need to. Then I will release the emotion and get my mind and thoughts back to my life and living in the present, in flow.
    11. I am in control of all of this. This is how I recover.
    12. I will be thinking PSYCHOLOGICALLY AT ALL TIMES. This means I will keep my thoughts on psychological issues like happiness, fear and anger -- traits and triggers, conditioning and journaling. The science behind mind-body/tms healing, etc.... This way I will not feed my thoughts to the body -- that is a trick of tms. Tms will always try to get me to focus on the body caused by the pain until I break its show and flair. When I get my attention off psychical symptoms and on emotional issues and psychological issues then I will not feed the fear of the physical issues anymore thus making the tms of no effect. This will in return, give us the cure.
    ch. Here it is:
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Allen and welcome to the TMS Wiki and forum. You are going to want to read the profile story of our founding member, Forest, here: http://tmswiki.org/forum/members/forest.6/ Forest recovered from debilitating wrist pain, thanks to Dr. John Sarno, MD. Be sure to read the comments after his story - lots of thank-yous!

    I would also suggest that you go back through the wiki (tmswiki.org) starting with the basic information there, and as Walt suggested, get one of the great books by Dr. Sarno. My favorite is actually his most recent one, The Divided Mind, but they are all good. My library has his books, and of course they are on Amazon (read the reviews!) and you can get used copies as well.

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